seribulan Publish time 7-2-2009 10:11 AM

is sense of humour important...

that really important in our daily life? what do u get from having a sense of humour?
lackadaisical attitude? taking things easy?

;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P

chocolatewaffle Publish time 7-2-2009 10:46 AM


A world without sense of humour is like a world without any laughters, people just serious and takde mood. Tak ke bosan kalau macam tu? Just imagine, if you guys are at home, and everybody's so damn serious and tak ketawa langsung when you're trying to make jokes or bende yang berkaitan ngan lawak. It's not only embarassing (ye la, orang tak ketawa bile kite buat jokes, mesti ah memalukan kan? Bagi aku ah), but also stressing sebab kite ketawa untuk tenangkan hati and jiwa yang gelisah (chewah, tak bleh blah), lightens the atmosphere and pape je la yang menghappy kan ;P Laughters is the best medicine.

So sense of humour is important, tak banyak .. sikit pun jadi la. :$

chocolatewaffle Publish time 7-2-2009 10:48 AM

Balas #2 chocolatewaffle\ catat

Betul ke ape aku cakap tu? ;P ;P ;P

otakotak Publish time 8-2-2009 12:58 AM

pada o2 important....kalau x memang stress 88jam sesaat jawabnya.

bukanlah maksudnya take thing easily...cuma slow and steady chill...

bzzts Publish time 8-2-2009 02:33 AM

SENSE of humor ni penting supaya kita boleh bezakan antara lawak dan serius.

Mansairaku Publish time 8-2-2009 11:38 AM

Originally posted by seribulan at 7-2-2009 10:11 AM
that really important in our daily life? what do u get from having a sense of humour?
lackadaisical attitude? taking things easy?

;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P

unless if we want to be "rigid"?
and that is not that far from ..... "frigid"? :laugh3:

ajinomotonosuga Publish time 8-2-2009 01:14 PM

laughter is the best medicine

kajian dah buktikan 'happiness' menjana naik sistem immune dalam diri manusia

tapi raja lawak tak besh laa..menyampah aku..stresssssss siottt..aku tenguk cite p ramlee baru gelak;P

cokkodok Publish time 9-2-2009 03:39 PM

Originally posted by ajinomotonosuga at 8-2-2009 01:14 PM
laughter is the best medicine

kajian dah buktikan 'happiness' menjana naik sistem immune dalam diri manusia

tapi raja lawak tak besh laa..menyampah aku..stresssssss siottt..aku tenguk cite...

besh ape geng sepah tuh. Jihan tu pun minggu ni ok aper..:lol: :lol:

p/s.amboi aji aktipnye berporem ..

ajinomotonosuga Publish time 9-2-2009 04:35 PM

Originally posted by cokkodok at 9-2-2009 03:39 PM

besh ape geng sepah tuh. Jihan tu pun minggu ni ok aper..:lol: :lol:

p/s.amboi aji aktipnye berporem ..

ada musim aktip ada musim tak aktip

samalah raja lawak tu..ada kala lawak but mostly tak lawak..:lol:

MzDemeanor Publish time 9-2-2009 11:24 PM

sense of humor is key to happier, jovial, delightful life. kalu takde sense of humor, mungkin boleh cepat mati sbb tak tahan stress :lol:

mbhcsf Publish time 9-2-2009 11:44 PM

humour is one of the higher global function, you need a set of fully intact left brain to interpret the content and one part of the RIGHT brain to appreaciate the pragmatic: refer RIGHT HEMISPHERE LESION

MzDemeanor Publish time 9-2-2009 11:48 PM

Reply #11 mbhcsf's post

that doesnt sound so humorous to me :lol:

mbhcsf Publish time 10-2-2009 01:32 AM

Originally posted by MzDemeanor at 9-2-2009 11:48 PM
that doesnt sound so humorous to me :lol:
it was not mean to....hehheeh it is of course a fact....

tak caya ek? it is cari those with RIGHT brain injury, they cannot perceived joke....

cokkodok Publish time 10-2-2009 11:41 AM

bila ketawa aku rasa macam lapang je dada neh..rasa macam ringannya je otak aku .

nidzhar Publish time 10-2-2009 01:01 PM

Balas #1 seribulan\ catat

of course! :lol: masuk porum mesti masuk bod jokes dulu..lepas gelak baru ler semangat nak keja w/pun keja tak banyak mana pon :lol: :lol:

mbhcsf Publish time 10-2-2009 11:30 PM

yep true

Originally posted by cokkodok at 10-2-2009 11:41 AM
bila ketawa aku rasa macam lapang je dada neh..rasa macam ringannya je otak aku .
kalau idalam sitausi yg gentinng ker tension ker, bila kita ketawa at least , it gives a sense of being "in - control"and reducing the stress level. So in a way we try not to crack while under pressure.

mfharun Publish time 11-2-2009 10:06 AM

ya, sense of humour tu penting..Rasul pun kadang2 berjenaka..tapi janganla melampau batas,sakitkan ati orang,merendahkan maruah..

minae88 Publish time 29-10-2010 05:23 PM

ya..sangat penting..

natgar Publish time 24-12-2010 06:57 AM

penting, but its not everyhing.

cik.panda Publish time 24-12-2010 01:37 PM

penting la jugak :D hari2 siyes je pun mau stress :mad:
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