kimoree Publish time 7-12-2008 12:57 AM


Saya nak tanya sesiapa forumers disini yang pernah hantar anak ke Tadika Diyana di Taman Tun?
Kalau dari arah One Utama Tadika tu sebelah kiri.

Nampak besar tadika tu dan siap ada 2biji bus untuk kegunaan student.

mollythecat Publish time 9-12-2008 12:58 PM

plan nak hantar tapi tak jadi sebab fees mahal gedabak.....tak mampu la weh:L

LVgirl Publish time 1-1-2009 02:22 AM

Originally posted by kimoree at 7-12-2008 12:57 AM
Saya nak tanya sesiapa forumers disini yang pernah hantar anak ke Tadika Diyana di Taman Tun?
Kalau dari arah One Utama Tadika tu sebelah kiri.

Nampak besar tadika tu dan siap ada 2biji bus u ...

Kim....I will send my kids to Tadika Diyana for this year intake.

This Sunday waktu pagianak I ada orientation day.Tapi I pula yg rasa nervous:loveliness:

hijaulover1 Publish time 6-1-2009 02:23 PM

Reply #3 LVgirl's post

how much is the fee, if u don't mind me asking :)

err...why mummy nervous ?!

LVgirl Publish time 8-1-2009 09:40 PM

Originally posted by hijaulover1 at 6-1-2009 02:23 PM
how much is the fee, if u don't mind me asking :)

err...why mummy nervous ?!

RM2250 for one term.Uniform RM110 for 2gown and 1 set shirt and short pant.

Nervous sebab first time hantar anak pi sekolah:loveliness:

Calla lily Publish time 6-7-2012 03:49 PM

Ada sesiapa lagi boleh bagi review anak yg sekolah kat Tadika Diyana ni tak ?
Plan to send my son there next year

kimoree Publish time 11-7-2012 05:22 PM

Ada sesiapa lagi boleh bagi review anak yg sekolah kat Tadika Diyana ni tak ?
Plan to send my son t ...
Calla lily Post at 6-7-2012 15:49

Anak sulung I, I hantar di Tadika Diyana intake 2009 and 2010.

Sekarang anak I no 2 pun masih bersekolah di Tadika Diyana - intake 2011 and 2012.

Cuma I notice scholl performance tak mcm dulu masa my daughter time. Turn around teacher dekat situ quite high.Cikgu pun tak mcm bagi full commitment compare masa my daughter time.
Bukan I saja yg notice but other parents pun notice about that even ada few parents yg I kenal pull out their kids and sent to Smartreader etc but I still maintain my son there sampai akhir tahun ni.Malas nak fikir tukar2 lagi.

Tapi pada pendapat Tadika Diyana facilities memang tip top yer. Memang sekolah Tadika Diyana betul-betul provide the best environment for kids.

My advise you pergi melawat dulu.You datang saja office dia cakap you nak buat buat visit.

Oh ya lagi satu anak I bila masuk tadika Diyana ni memang langsung tak boleh cakap melayu dah....hehehehhe.
Memang ramai teacher di primary school cakap they notice kalau budak darjah satu dari or ex Tadika Diyana memang problem in Bahasa Melayu.Even ustazah di Tadika Diyana kena teach in english.

My daughter sampai I kena panggil tutor to teach her Bahasa melayu.

Lagi satu kat sana memang bersepah muka who's and who's hantar anak2 diaorang kat sana.

Calla lily Publish time 12-7-2012 05:34 PM

Reply 7# kimoree

Hmm....performancr not so good compare to before yer?
Actually i mmg sengaja nak masukkan my son so that he can speak english
Kat ruman ni even i speak english to him dia refuse to answer in english
Tapi bila jumpa org lain bangsa asing pandai pulak ckp english
Thats the reason my hubby want to send him there so that dia confident nak ckp english dgn org lain
Ok, nnt i call them to request for a visit
I tak sure bila open day derang, takut termiss open day so just go & pay them a visit jer
Mmg tertarik dgn facilities & environment dia yg yg byk bangsa
Good exposure for young children like him sblm masuk sekolah rendah nnt

kimoree Publish time 12-7-2012 05:54 PM


Hmm....performancr not so good compare to before yer?
Actually i mmg sengaja n ...
Calla lily Post at 12-7-2012 17:34
Nanti kalau ada open day I will let you know yer.Usually dia akan buat once a year masa end semester.
Kalau you aim untuk improve english anak you so this is the right place .
This school very good surrounding to build up confident anak kita because mix family background here.

Lagi satu I nak advise....siapkan duit untuk beli hadiah because once your kids enter there you will received endless birthday invitation from hotel till all kids sport around KL.

Calla lily Publish time 12-7-2012 06:47 PM

Reply 9# kimoree

Hehehehe...expected lah when you sent your kids to this kind of school kan
Actually my sister was a teacher there before she got married and move overseas
I remembered masa teachers daydulu mcm2x gift dia dapat and cantik2x pulak tu
Dia penah dapat perfume Estee Lauder & Crab tree nye bath set
So i kinda expect what kind of environment kat situ kan :):)

Nnt ada open day let me knownya
The semester starts july- nov kan if am not mistaken?
Niyg i baca dlm website dialah
Actually i nak carik yg Islamic mcm CIC or Genius Aulad or seangatan dgnnya in Bangsar or Tmn Tun but tak jumpa yg bg good review
Bila franchise ni biasalah, ada yg bagus ada yg cikgu dia ala2x je
Ssystem dah bagus tp cikgu tak berapa baguskan
Really wanna give good foundation to my son before he go into public school
Now your child masuk public or private Primary school?

kimoree Publish time 17-7-2012 10:14 AM


Hehehehe...expected lah when you sent your kids to this kind of school kan
Act ...
Calla lily Post at 12-7-2012 18:47

Dear Calla,

Actually di Tadika Diyana ada banya extra co-curiculum such as Fardhu Ain,Iqra,Dance Class,Martial Art and so on.
Tapi itu you kena pay extra la.Tapi tak mahal pun dalam RM50-150 per class.

Now my daughter at Sek Taman Tun 1 - SBT school.
Hope my son will go same school mcm kakak dia sebab nak masuk sekolah Taman Tun 1 ni very hard. SBT school memang ada quota nak masuk and ada exam before enter dapat masuk.Bila dah masuk ada exam pula untuk kedudukan class....kesian budak2 zaman sekarang ni.Baru standart one dah mcm-mcm exam kan.

Calla lily Publish time 17-7-2012 01:41 PM

Reply 11# kimoree

Betul tu,
Kesian budak nowadays pressure start at very young age
Class agama mmg i nak masukkan
Either panggil ustaz datang rumah utk mengaji or amik kelas yg ada kat tadika yg mcm u mention tu
I nak masukkan music class sekali coz he is sooo interested in music
Now varying my options & schedule sekali
Nak buat semua at4 yrs old mcm too much kan
Biar dia buat bende yg dia suka so that tak rasa pressure

hijaulover1 Publish time 13-8-2012 12:54 PM

my daughter is in tadika diyana too, so far she loves her school, her teachers and her friends there ! but i do know a few parents who pulled out their kids when they are 6 sbb takut nanti tak boleh carry the national curriculum bila masuk std 1 esp kalau u masukkan anak-anak to school yg SBT

facilities dia mmg tip-top and i like the fact that it looks like a proper school as opposed to rumah kedai

i masukkan dia a few extra classes including agama..and mcm kimoree ckp, even the ustazah teaches her in english..b4 masuk tadika diyana, my daughter mmg payah nak ckp english altho we try to sepak in english to her at home but since dia masuk diyana, mmg no problem and she speaks english all the time !

my only worry now is her reading coz kids skrg kan expected to know how to read bila masuk std 1 but i guessi will cross the road next year bila dia dah 6 years old !

AbiSyifa Publish time 24-9-2012 11:03 AM

sekadar pandangan melalui pengalaman..minta maaf tumpang lalu..sebenarnya i mencari issue lain terbaca yg ini lalu ingin memberi pandangan..

My 1st and 2nd childs (they gaps 1 yr) i hantar kat tadika (tak perlu sebut nama lah yea) with english medium 100% dan dia juga ada kelas agama dan iqra but tadika nie principalnye bkn org islam. so like chinese school h/work nye alamak everyday bertimbun2..baru usia 5-6 yrs dah terikat dgn h/work..kesian sungguh tengk.hasil dari sekolah tu mmg diaorg boleh menguasai english but yg lacknya..both of them 2thun kat situ..masih belum mahir solat dan iqra buku 3 pun tak habis dan reading skill i bagi average..

so last yr bila my no 3 umur 5yrs, i taknak lagi pegi tdika tu dan kebetulannya Genius Aulad baru buka kat sini jadi i just give it a try tgk mcmana. 1st day kat situ i noticed teachers kat situ kebanyakannya berjubah dan ada jugak bertudung labuh but all of them very fluent english (i mean not broken english or malaysian english). kat GA nie i tgk agama no 1 the rest come 2nd. like anak2 nie evryday solat berjemaah (anak i afternoon session so solat zohor la nie) dgn berimamkan kwn2 secara bergilir2 dan teachers akan mengawasi pembacaan dan pergerakan. W/pun the rest come 2nd..anak yg kat GA nie baru bljar kat situ 1 1/2 yrs skrg dah cukup mahir membaca both english dan bahasa (dah baca newspaper la pulak) dan iqra tinggal beberapa helai lagi sblum naik quran. But the most satisfaction for me ialah kalau kat rumah dia akan solat tanpa perlu disuruh dgn fatihah dan surah lazim yg memuaskan.

Genius aulad nie lagi satu tak ade h/work sangat dan yg paling best no exam..anak nie pegi sekolah belajar dlm sekitaran enjoy jea. So personally i think GA dah berjaya memainkan peranannya dlm mencorakkan kain putih saya nie ngan baik. Kudos to GA.

Last edited by AbiSyifa on 24-9-2012 11:05 AM

adnil Publish time 25-9-2012 11:36 AM

AbiSyifa posted on 24-9-2012 11:03 AM static/image/common/back.gif
sekadar pandangan melalui pengalaman..minta maaf tumpang lalu..sebenarnya i mencari issue lain terba ...

the excellence of the branches yg under franchise ni varies from one to another... sent my third one to GAKD a few yrs ago.. can't really say much as I cannot see much improvement overall but bangi and shah alam branches have had rave reviews - wallahualam.

MummyAleeya Publish time 27-9-2012 03:09 PM quite interested in Genius Aulad ni. A few of friends ada hantar their kids to this school but quite far from my home. Heard good response gak from my friends. Anybody know Genius Aulad yang near to Damansara Utama tak?

AbiSyifa Publish time 10-10-2012 08:18 PM

MummyAleeya posted on 27-9-2012 03:09 PM static/image/common/back.gif quite interested in Genius Aulad ni. A few of friends ada hantar their kids to this school ...

i rasa paling dekat dgn damansara utama GA kelana jaya or GA bandar utama kot..u boleh check kat website or facebook diaorg tgk..

Calla lily Publish time 11-10-2012 10:33 PM

AbiSyifa posted on 24-9-2012 11:03 AM static/image/common/back.gif
sekadar pandangan melalui pengalaman..minta maaf tumpang lalu..sebenarnya i mencari issue lain terba ...

May i know which branh of GA you sent your kids to?
Franchise kindy like GA, CIC ni the quality is very depending on the teachers, not the name or brand itself
mcm kat Bangi, bkn nak ckp apalah, its a Malay area
so teachers sana pon even english tak fluent sgt
be it GA, Qdees tu pon sama cikgu tak reti ckp english dgn betul
Brand aje gah tapi cikgu2x quality so-so jer

i dah made booking for my son to enter tadika diyana next year
But today i just found out ada islamic montessori in gombak
Am going to see the place & meet the teacher tomorrow to see what they hv offer
Better do kindy shopping before we decide where we should send them to
Utk masa depan anak2x kita jugakan

AbiSyifa Publish time 1-11-2012 11:56 AM

Calla lily posted on 11-10-2012 10:33 PM static/image/common/back.gif
May i know which branh of GA you sent your kids to?
Franchise kindy like GA, CIC ni the quality i ...

salam puan calla, beg to differ..
mana2 preschool their programmes yg critical not the teachers..
mcmana baguspun cikgu kalau prog. very poor then result tak akan dpt..
my son kat GA ini dpt menguasai 3M at the age of 5 yrs so i rasa GA prog. not bad..

Masalah pertuturan advise pernah perhati knp anak org arab boleh berbahasa arab.. anak cina ngan bhs cinanya..
anak india ngan tamilnya..pd usia yg sgt muda..belumpun pegi mana2 sekolah???? jwpannya krn inilah bahasa pertuturan seharian diaorg kat rumah..bukan krn bahasa ibunda krn anak melayu yg dibesarkan oleh family cina akan dpt berbahsa cina dan anak cina yg dibesarkan family melayu tak blh ckp kalau nak anak kita berbhs. english jadi kita kena guna kat rumah bukan harap sekolah je..

Salute to my son class teacher..berkelulusan bachelor in english from UIA..ckp pun dah english accent tapi masih berbahsa melayu ngan anak2 yg kurang mahir in english..kalau tidak anak2 nie akan jadi BISU kat sekolah krn takut dihukum jika berbahsa melayu.. btw dont judge the book by its cover krn most of the teachers nie byk yg graduate..smpai satu teacher ni ex chemical engineer..quit dia punya job utk keja dlm environment lebih islamik katanya..

Have u come across mana2 organisation yg mewajibkan staf2 dia dari driver smpai eksekutif baca zikir ma'surat every day for 20 minutes secara jemaah b4 start keja??? mengambil separuh masa rehat tghari utk tadarus quran dlm bln ramadhan?? wajib anak2 student ni solat jemaah kat sekolah?? i tak pernah...tapi GA praktik benda nie krn kata principalnya agar dpt keberkatan n ikhlas dlm mendidik a muslim i benar2 akan support GA nie dlm berda'wah melalui education..

So i really feel that GA bukan gah pada namanya saja spt yg u kata malah gah juga praktikalnya juga gah pada resultnya..
(ps..maaf i tak bagitau which center krn i bukan nak promoting GA cuma nak bagitau facts kat u)

kimoree Publish time 28-12-2012 10:45 PM

Calla lily posted on 11-10-2012 10:33 PM static/image/common/back.gif
May i know which branh of GA you sent your kids to?
Franchise kindy like GA, CIC ni the quality i ...

Next year jadi anak you ke Tadika Diyana ?
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