ntohapehapentoh Publish time 9-7-2008 08:13 AM

The Future Dubai















masrini Publish time 9-7-2008 08:23 AM

mana picnyer? tak nampak pun?

newyork Publish time 9-7-2008 08:19 AM

wah wah..negara kaya maaa...aku tgk discovery chanel, dierang nak tukar ke sektor pelancongan dlm masa 20 thn sebab nanti minyak abis,tu yg dia spend camni...

[ Last edited bynewyork at 9-7-2008 08:27 AM ]

teky Publish time 9-7-2008 08:39 AM

giler baban punyer projek neh.....
besh giler kalo dpt satu pulau tuh..tapi yg pastinyer seme da berpunya kann....

satu jer aku takut...taku ader tsunami semua nyer tenggelam...........

ayiepk Publish time 9-7-2008 08:40 AM

duit ade, memacam leh wat..

GAMEOVER Publish time 9-7-2008 08:45 AM

Memang takder ribut aper sumer tuh ker?

Giler ah kalo ribut. Keliling laut tuh. Maner ko nak nyorok.

ntohapehapentoh Publish time 9-7-2008 08:46 AM

Reply #3 masrini's post

pasai pe teman nampok...

mike tak nampok??? :C

che mike right klik kat gambo tu...

pastu select show picture...

kut2 boleh... :o

gasing Publish time 9-7-2008 08:53 AM

nampak lagi terancang dr putrajaya// :P :P :P

gasing Publish time 9-7-2008 08:55 AM

rasanya dah ada dokumnetari pasal pulau2 tu kat Discovery Channel..
salah sorg yg beli pulau tu adlh Donald Trump kalau x silap..

:o :o :o

ntohapehapentoh Publish time 9-7-2008 08:51 AM

Reply #9 gasing's post

kalo donald trumph yg beli...

kompom mahey giler :L:L:L

white_orkid Publish time 9-7-2008 09:26 AM

skali tiup jer musnah la semuanyer...... kuasa Allah tiada tandingannya... Subhanallah, Allahuakbar.....

shernaz Publish time 9-7-2008 09:36 AM

beckham pon ade beli gak kan?

fly1109 Publish time 9-7-2008 09:49 AM

Originally posted by GAMEOVER at 9-7-2008 08:45 AM http://eforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
Memang takder ribut aper sumer tuh ker?

Giler ah kalo ribut. Keliling laut tuh. Maner ko nak nyorok.

dari segi logic mata kasarnya, this development is quite safe, duduk dalam teluk yang terlindung, tapi kuasa Allah lagi besar..... tengokla areal view dalam Google Earth.

chiKenliTeL Publish time 12-7-2008 05:57 PM

perghhh.... tp aku dh tengok sumwhr.
umah yg aku book sblah beckham+posh.
they are so friendly but i am not. :2lol: :2lol: :2lol:

ntohapehapentoh Publish time 13-7-2008 10:14 AM

Originally posted by chiKenliTeL at 12-7-2008 05:57 PM http://forum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
perghhh.... tp aku dh tengok sumwhr.
umah yg aku book sblah beckham+posh.
they are so friendly but i am not. :2lol: :2lol: :2lol:

awat teman ghase statement mike yg akhir tu cam bebeno jek ;P;P;P

mbhcsf Publish time 14-7-2008 05:12 PM

as seen in NAT GEO

well interesting Dubai

intan Publish time 15-7-2008 08:59 AM

Nice Future Plan

ibnur Publish time 15-7-2008 10:35 AM

Kalau jalan kat Dubai macam jalan kat Manila.Atau ssilap ingat kat Lahore atau Mumbai.   :lol:

mbhcsf Publish time 15-7-2008 01:05 PM

Reply #18 ibnur's post

well , is Dubai that heavily populated ker Bro Ib?

ibnur Publish time 16-7-2008 10:07 AM

Balas #19 mbhcsf\ catat

populated with foreigner.Ada kata Dubai city is more than 50% foreigner.Saya ingat 80% foreigner agaknya.
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