AntagonisYgKeut Publish time 3-7-2008 03:23 AM

We are going to die in 5days (LHC)

ok here we go. sebelah ni adalah LHC (Large Hadron Collider)paling besar didunia. Benda ni dibina di CERN berdekatan Geneva, Switzerland yang akan siap sepenuhnya May 2008 (ops dah siap sbenarnya). Dijangka akan diaktifkan dalam masa 5hari(tiada masa yg tepat sebenarnya) dari tarikh aku post artikel ni. Ia berfungsi sebagai'particle accelerator' dan 'collider'. Ia dibina khas untuk mendapatkan higgs boson(zarah godlike wakaka) yang berkemungkinan mengesahkan bagaimana partikel lain dapat jisim dan menyelesaikan rantaian teori standard model yang akan digunakan untuk kajian yang utama iaitu Grand Unified Theory.

Jadi apa yang akan berlaku bila LHC ni dihidupkan? kalo korang tau macamana reaktor nuklear berfungsi lebih kurang camtu la. dua atom hadron, lead ion atau proton akan dilepaskan bertentangan lam accelerator dan energy dia meningkat setiap kitaran. Lepas tu orang gila ni akan aktifkan button utama untuk menghentam dua atom tadi pada saat energy paling tinggi.

Ada beberapa andaian seperti strangelet, mini blackhole dan monopole boleh berlaku.

Ni aku sertakan beberapa lampiran mengenai kesan yang menakutkan. <--website ni dibuat oleh physicist yang kecoh tentang keburukan menatang ni <--website hari perhitungan korang mati kene sedut   <--video camne rupa blackhole made by bbc

Kalo korang penah men cnc3 korang taula camne rupa ion. natang ni kalo leh dibuat senjata jadi la partikel cannon cam lam game tu.
Kalo korang ceduk skit2 artikel aku yang rojak ni sila berikan aku credit pls.

Ahli2 fizik sila kemukakan komen anda:$ yang bukan ahli fizik seperti saya boleh juga menyebuk:lol:.

southern_wheel Publish time 3-7-2008 03:32 AM

bila aktif jee otomatik mati ke kite 5 ari lagik?

kalo mcmtu aku sanggup kuar ngn beruk;P

beta_carotene Publish time 3-7-2008 03:44 AM

Reply #1 AntagonisYgKeut's post

no life btol org yg cipta neh :shakehead3: :shakehead3:
kalu betul, aku pun sanggup kuar dgn beruk ;P ;P ;P

southern_wheel Publish time 3-7-2008 03:49 AM

Originally posted by beta_carotene at 3-7-2008 03:44 AM
no life btol org yg cipta neh :shakehead3: :shakehead3:
kalu betul, aku pun sanggup kuar dgn beruk ;P ;P ;P
mane bole ikut aku...ko cat arr umah kaler biruuu:o

beta_carotene Publish time 3-7-2008 03:53 AM

Reply #4 southern_wheel's post

ok laaaaa......kalo btol aku cat umah aku kaler biru..... ;P ;P ;P

tp by then, umah aku mesti dah takde dah....dihancurkan oleh menatang neh :lol: :lol: :lol:

nauzubillah :L :L

southern_wheel Publish time 3-7-2008 03:56 AM

Reply #5 beta_carotene's post

hehe..aku pon pk gak...kalo bende alah tu mlethop cemane aku nk tunaikan janji aku pada tuan umah yg aku nk kuar ngn berok?;P

beta_carotene Publish time 3-7-2008 04:00 AM

ntahla....ko cop sekor beruk yg cantek....pastuh ko gi nyorok kat gua mana2...:loveliness: :loveliness:
bwk tuan umah sekali...:$ :$
kalo pas 5 hari xmlethop gak...ko lepaskanla beruk tuh...:lol: :lol: :lol:

amacam...brilliant x?? :loveliness: :loveliness:

alphawolf Publish time 3-7-2008 08:09 AM

Baca nih la:

the future, the possibility of black hole (BH) production at the highest energy accelerators may arise, if certain predictions of superstring theory are accurate. These concerns have been particularly acute recently in connection with the LHC, which will begin operation in 2008. If they are produced, it is thought that black holes would evaporate extremely quickly via Bekenstein-Hawking radiation. However, the existence of the Bekenstein-Hawking radiation is controversiol. It is also thought that an analogy between colliders and cosmic rays demonstrates collider safety. If colliders can produce black holes, cosmic rays (and particularly ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, UHECRs) should have been producing them for eons, and they have yet to harm us.However, to conserve energy and momentum, any BHs created in a collision between an UHECR and local matter would itself necessarily be produced moving at relativistic speed with respect to the Earth, and should therefore immediately escape into space, as its accretion and growth rate should be very slow. BHs produced in colliders (with components of equal mass) would have some chance of having a velocity less than Earth escape velocity, 11.2 km per sec, and would be liable to capture and subsequent growth. The time scale for them to grow enough to be dangerous is likely to be very long (millions of years), but somewhat controversiol.

buahcinta Publish time 3-7-2008 08:09 AM

apa faedahnya depa buat menda ni? apa motif? :o :o

AntagonisYgKeut Publish time 3-7-2008 06:23 PM

Originally posted by buahcinta at 3-7-2008 08:09 AM
apa faedahnya depa buat menda ni? apa motif? :o :o

diorang buat ni untuk expand ilmu fizik la. disamping memberikan lebih jawapan kepada persoalan bagaimana universe terbentuk. mereka percaya universe terbentuk melalui proses big bang. menatang tu bleh dapat kan partikel penting untuk kajian mereka.

aku_EnSeM Publish time 3-7-2008 10:15 PM

is this true?

Agul Publish time 3-7-2008 10:35 PM

manarik. Bila nak musnah ni? Lmabat lagi ke? :laugh3:

AntagonisYgKeut Publish time 3-7-2008 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Agul at 3-7-2008 10:35 PM
manarik. Bila nak musnah ni? Lmabat lagi ke? :laugh3:

lagi 4 hari :bye:

Agul Publish time 4-7-2008 12:28 AM

Reply #13 AntagonisYgKeut's post


Atomic_Omnikid Publish time 5-7-2008 01:02 AM

:lol: .....

prototaip Publish time 5-7-2008 05:56 PM

takutnya..mintak2 teori depa salah serta tak tepat...:shakehead3:

ussopp Publish time 7-7-2008 02:22 AM

berapa hari lagi ni...?

hmmm apekebende lah secara detailnyer pertikel accelerator nie...aku pun tatau sgt...

seronok betul depa mengkaji bende tu...:)

[ Last edited byussopp at 7-7-2008 02:23 AM ]

Agul Publish time 7-7-2008 12:04 PM

Reply #13 AntagonisYgKeut's post

esok eh?;P

prototaip Publish time 7-7-2008 02:19 PM

Reply #18 Agul's post

oii jangan gelak.....tindak balas atom kalau berlaku secara berantai mmg boleh merebak dgn jauhhhh sekali..:funk:

Agul Publish time 7-7-2008 05:25 PM

Reply #19 prototaip's post

Gelak atau tak gelak bukan boleh merubah keadaan ataupun menahan serangan nukelar pun...

Takpelah, kita tunggu esok je...:P
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