choclatemousse Publish time 31-7-2008 02:23 PM

oprah bayo abis hutang yuran pengajian sorang nenek kulit hitam....suka tgk sikap dia...dah ler kaya, humble...tak kedekut....kalu ler kat mesia ada yg mcm nih ramai anak yatim piatu, OKU n ibu tunggal dpt pembelaan

mea Publish time 31-7-2008 04:22 PM

byk tolong org kulit itam..
bagus dia ni..suka gak tgk show

mea Publish time 31-7-2008 04:23 PM

Reply #21 choclatemousse's post

betul tu, tak silap dlm lebih $160 k USD

adibrahman Publish time 1-8-2008 07:38 AM

dia byk duit,mcm2 bole buatkan;P

mallanhead Publish time 1-8-2008 09:33 AM

Byk gak org byk duit, dan macam2 jugak diaorg buat. Cuma yg mmcm diaorg buat tu hanya utk kepentingan dan kesyokkan diri sendiri.

Oprah ni kira all round jugak lah. Semua pun dia buat. Not only kebajikkan tapi dia jugak ambik kesempatan to enjoy the good things in life, dan share ngan org2 lain. Salah satu slot I suka ialah bila nak xmas dia buat : Oprah favourite things. Lepas tu kasi benda2 tu kat audience dia. Ada sekali audiences dia terdiri dari cikgu2 sekolah. So semua barang2 yg dia bagi, khas utk keperluan cikgu spt laptop dan sebgnye. Kalau dpt pergi time ni, semua angkut barang balik naik lori ni.

buahcinta Publish time 1-8-2008 10:08 AM

beberapa thn dulu dia jemput sorang pereka fesyen kulit putih...tak ingat sapa nama dia. pereka ni kata rekaan dia cuma utk org kulit kulit berwarna tak layak pakai. kejap2 tu juga oprah halau dia.
oprah ni nampak macam dia beri priority lebih sikit kat org kulit itam tapi dia fair juga kat org kulit putih. ialah, org kulit hitam kat certain negeri memang dari golongan yg "tak maju" & selalu dikaitkan dng gangster, tu pun sebab sistem negara depa jugak.

fathinaziz Publish time 4-8-2008 08:08 PM

talk show yg bagi free give plg best

jewelia Publish time 25-8-2008 11:09 PM

shes such an inspiration.., she puts forward issues tht are not addressed and gives the less-fortunate or victims a chance to speak their sides of story..

arnabkiut Publish time 26-8-2008 12:05 AM

talk show dia beshh
tk mcm talk show artis2 mesia nie
panggil orang becakap.. tp dia lak yg over cerita pasal diri sendirii
isu2 yg diketengahkan booooringggg......
hiburan hiburan hiburann
tk menjana mindaaa...

tgk oprah show..mcm2 ilmu leh dpt..psal kanser...cara urus kewangan...pasal penyakit tu penyakit nie.. haritu aku ade tengok pasal penyakit ape ntah aku lupe tp penyakit tu aku tk penah tau sehinggalah aku tgk oprah show nie... kalo time dia wat surprise memang betol2 jadi..kadang2 menitis air mate pon ade... terharu...sedih..gembira..mcmlaa aku yg dapat.. wahhahahh

umarmursyid Publish time 26-8-2008 03:03 PM

Reply #15 havoclynn's post

den tgk oprah...dia bagus...soalan2 dia bernas n bagus....ckp direct...xde selindung2....soalan dia utk pengetahuan semua...jadi x perlu selindung2...itu yg best tuh....

amazed Publish time 8-9-2008 11:06 AM

Oprah Winfrey enggan temu bual Sarah Palin

'Rancangan bukan sebagai landasan bagi mana-mana calon'

CHICAGO: Ratu rancangan bual bicara terkenal, Oprah Winfrey, dituduh mengamalkan sikap berat sebelah apabila mendedahkan tidak akan menemubual calon Naib Presiden Republikan yang mencetuskan sensasi, Sarah Palin, sehingga kempen pemilihan Presiden Amerika Syarikat berakhir.

Memberi reaksi kepada laporan media yang disiarkan dalam laman web Drudge Report, mendakwa krisis berlaku di Studio Harpo milik Winfrey mengenai sama ada perlu bagi mereka menemubual calon Naib Presiden popular itu, pasukan Winfrey berkata ketika beliau tidak menyimpan dendam terhadap Palin, gabenor Alaska berkenaan tidak akan muncul dalam rancangannya dalam masa terdekat.

"Laporan dalam laman web Drudge Report adalah tidak benar. Langsung tiada perbincangan untuk menemubual Sarah Palin dalam rancangan saya. Pada awal kempen presiden, apabila saya memutuskan untuk menunjukkan secara terang pendirian saya dalam menyokong calon, saya memutuskan untuk tidak menggunakan rancangan ini sebagai landasan bagi mana-mana calon.

"Saya bersetuju menemubual Sarah Palin pasti mengagumkan dan saya tidak akan teragak-agak mengundangnya selepas kempen pemilihan presiden berakhir," kata Winfrey dalam kenyataan bertulis kepada

Bagaimanapun, Winfrey, yang secara terbuka menyokong calon Presiden Demokrat, Barack Obama, dikritik hebat peminatnya yang menuduh beliau tidak adil dan berat sebelah.

"Beliau bersikap talam dua muka. Pada awalnya beliau mengundang Obama dan kini selepas memutuskan untuk menyokongnya, beliau tidak mahu mengundang mana-mana calon lain," kata seorang peminat Winfrey, Dr Cindy Grossman-Green, merujuk kepada penampilan dua kali Obama dalam rancangan bual bicara dikendalikan Winfrey ketika menjelang pengumuman rancangan bertanding sebagai presiden pada Januari 2005 dan sekali lagi pada Oktober 2006.

Sebahagian peminat Winfrey berkata, penampilan Obama dan rancangan itu - tidak kira waktu dan aspirasi politiknya - tidak relevan dan keputusan Winfrey untuk tidak mengundang Palin akan menjejaskan kariernya dengan teruk.

"Saya tidak rasa kebanyakan orang peduli mengenai waktu Obama muncul. Mereka cuma tahu Winfrey menyokong Obama. Sebaik beliau menemubual Obama dan membuka pintu rancangannya kepada ahli politik, barulah adil bagi beliau untuk membawa kedua-dua calon Republikan dan Demokrat," kata Grossman-Green. - Agensi

emera Publish time 8-9-2008 11:08 AM

smlm suka aku tgk makcik nancy menjerit bila krew oprah terjah dia...tom cruise yg ajak tuuuu....

buah_hati Publish time 8-9-2008 03:37 PM

aku minat dia dari dia siaz XXXL til now....
talk show yg bagus. byk info. semua topik yg dibincangkan berserta dgn bukti yg sahih... aku suka masa liputan taufan katrina.... x sangka senuah negara yg GAH didunia tp memencilkan daerah yg dirasa mundur...

minah_ronggeng Publish time 10-9-2008 01:27 AM

yup2...she's very down to earth...

da la kaye...pastu suke sdekah...

bertambah2 rezeki die...

lizz_7777 Publish time 10-9-2008 06:23 AM

Bagus le duit banyak suka sedekah rezeki pun makin murah:) . Oprah ni patut jadi spoke person untuk United Nation sebab very knowledgeable love peaceand non racist.:loveliness:

lizz_7777 Publish time 10-9-2008 06:30 AM

She's definitely rules the World!!!!:) :) :) :)

maisarah_ain Publish time 10-9-2008 01:38 PM

die ni complexion makin lawa... walaupun gelap :loveliness:

jenna Publish time 10-9-2008 02:30 PM

Originally posted by buahcinta at 1-8-2008 10:08 AM
beberapa thn dulu dia jemput sorang pereka fesyen kulit putih...tak ingat sapa nama dia. pereka ni kata rekaan dia cuma utk org kulit kulit berwarna tak layak pakai. kejap2 tu juga op ...

tak salah aku tommy hillfiger (sp?) kot.... :@

lizz_7777 Publish time 10-9-2008 02:41 PM

Suka tengok style and her personality ada karisma. Macam pernah dengar cerita tu kalau Tommy yang di maksudkan dia memang a bit racist.

[ Last edited bylizz_7777 at 10-9-2008 02:45 PM ]

amazed Publish time 13-12-2008 08:47 PM


“It’s unique,” said Susan Reed of her new gig as editor of O, The Oprah Magazine. Reed, the former editor of Golf For Women, took over in July for Amy Gross, who retired this summer. But don’t expect Reed to make major changes at the 2.4 million circulation magazine.

For one, Oprah Winfrey, the magazine’s namesake, will continue to be on the covers each month for the foreseeable future, despite reports to the contrary, said Reed. But readers might start seeing more of Oprah, as she finally opens up about her recent weight gain in a eight-page package in the January issue that has the cover headline, “How Did I Let This Happen Again?”

The media entrepreneur has endured a public struggle to maintain her weight, in the past discussing her many approaches to diet and exercise on her television show and in the magazine.

While Winfrey writes the opening and closing essays for the title in each issue, she uses more ink in the January one to deconstruct how and why she has gained 40 pounds in four years, reaching 200 pounds. She doesn’t hold back, admitting in headline-sized type: “I’m mad at myself. I’m embarrassed.”

She goes on to write, “I didn’t just fall of the wagon. I let the wagon fall on me.”

Winfrey informed Reed and her team back in September that “I know what the January cover is going to be.” It happens to recycle an idea — Winfrey posed in January 2005 when she was at a healthy 160 pounds, in her workout clothes and in a slim-fitting evening gown. “I want to repeat the cover with who I am now and what my story is,” Winfrey told Reed.

Of the challenges that led to the weight gain, “this past year, I took myself off of my own priority list. I wasn’t just low on the list, I wasn’t even on the list.” Winfrey writes in the issue. The media mogul also suffered from thyroid conditions that eventually slowed her metabolism.

After missing meditation and workout sessions and not eating right, the weight creeped on. During the year, Winfrey felt so troubled by her weight gain that she didn’t shoot any full-body covers of herself, only allowing headshots or poses that hid her body.

(Perhaps readers would have been more accepting had she shown all of herself: for the first half of the year, circulation has remained flat, but newsstand sales fell 17 percent, to 734,000 issues a month on average, according to Audit Bureau of Circulations.)

For Winfrey, the message to readers isn’t about losing weight, “it’s losing and regaining control of your life,” said Reed.

And to expand upon that theme, Winfrey’s story will serve as the foundation of a weeklong series on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” beginning Jan. 5 — “Oprah’s Best Life Week,” which will take viewers through five days of advice on health, spirit, money and relationships to guide them through the new year, with additional wellness info on (Reed said more interplay between the magazine and the TV show will occur in issues going forward, and is already at work on a package based on a piece in the February one).

Aside from that, little will change in the magazine, which Reed says already helps ease a consumer looking for an escape from the country’s economic troubles. “We’re able to talk about spiritual improvement and able to celebrate the things we love in our lives, like shoes and stationery,” said Reed.

“When you see a lot of people scrambling to get on message with the times, I’m not sure we will need to change much of anything.” — Stephanie D. Smith
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