maxxwu Publish time 20-8-2008 02:43 AM

Reply #400 shidan76's post

xde maknenye....

hermione_twin Publish time 20-8-2008 11:35 AM

Originally posted by shidan76 at 20-8-2008 12:09 AM

bagi can filem James Bond tayang dulu... takut nanti filem ni x laku ;P ;P

so far twin tak pernah nengok citer james bond kat cinema.....too predictable. A lot of action..too many sexy girls..and the hero win at the end. ahh of course this catch phrase

- Bond, James Bond
- Martini shakes not stirs.

ape pasal lak nak boycott the clone war lak ni.

ok sad la harry potter kena postponed. postpone 1 month pun takpe ah ni nxt year summer. lama tu. tapi luckily they brought forward twilight. so that kinda of make up for it.

Sebab tu kira movie dari Warner Bros yg akan release tak lama lagi. Most people who like HP like Star Wars too...itu kalau ikut international market lah..tak tahu lah stail org malaysia. Right now worldwide fan mostly agree to (based from
- Send howler to Warner Bros as many they can (it works for Star Trek and Jericho). Twin tak leh lah sbb airmail slow. Tapi yg kat USA dah ramai yg start hantar...semua guna sampul surat merah.
- Sending email to every Warner Bros exec and their customer service.
- Do want to show up during the 1st week when it released on July 2008.

and by the way for twillight's fan..just something you can read ;) ->

sorry lah twin tak pernah lak nampak lagi buku twillight ni

Yg twin tak puas hati satu jer ngan Warner Bros ni..yelah dah dekat sangat ngan release date tiba2 tarik balik. Lain lah 6 months ago ke dia org tarik balik tuleh lah accept. Lepas tu blame writer strike. Padahal skrip harry potter dah siap just less than 3 mths after Order of Phoenix keluar kira sebelum writer strike.

Dia org tak pikir the longer you make people wait...many will lost interest in the series...and at the end no one want to see it.

elun Publish time 20-8-2008 04:11 PM

ermm.. nk tuggu july next year lamenye..:(

siap da plan ajk mmbe2 da!

nashrudean Publish time 20-8-2008 04:51 PM

A naked Harry Potter has scared off the movie "Harry Potter."

Rumour has it...Daniel ni punca Harry Potter pospon ke tahun depan!!

Warner Bros. has announced moving its sixth Potter film, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," from Nov. 21, 2008, to July 17, 2009. The reason? Officially, there is no reason, except that "a spot opened on the summer schedule."

That's not much of a reason. The real story? Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe will be right in the middle of his sensational, highly publicized run on Broadway in the play, "Equus." Radcliffe appears naked in the play, on stage, and has sex in it as well.

That's not the image Warner Bros. wants associated with bespectacled Harry, who remains chaste and virginal.

Indeed, posters for Equus are up all over New York, of Radcliffe's naked torso superimposed on a horse's head. This is not the sort of thing that's taught at Hogwarts. For the movie to open on Nov. 21, Radcliffe would have to do publicity entailing answering questions about blinding horses and having sex with them vs. flying around and making potions.

Warner Bros. does not want this scenario. By the time "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" debuts, "Equus" will either have concluded its run or Radcliffe will have completed his contract. And there will be little mention of any horsing around.

hermione_twin Publish time 20-8-2008 05:44 PM

Reply #404 nashrudean's post

woit..gambar tu tolong lah blur kan part2 yg patut karang ada momod kunci thread ni lah :shakehead3:

kat sini ramai gak yg bawah umur lagi....isy ish ada karang kena pelangkung ngan mak pak budak2.

shidan76 Publish time 20-8-2008 09:34 PM

Originally posted by hermione_twin at 20-8-2008 11:35 AM

so far twin tak pernah nengok citer james bond kat cinema.....too predictable. A lot of action..too many sexy girls..and the hero win at the end. ahh of course this catch phrase

- Bond,...
mesti twin x tgk sumer citer JB... ada gak yg sad ending... orang jahat x mati last citer :C

hermione_twin Publish time 21-8-2008 09:34 AM

Reply #406 shidan76's post

tengok tu tengok tapi malas nak tunggu abis.

nyibuk_jerr Publish time 21-8-2008 10:07 AM

Harry Potter berbogel

AKTOR remaja, Daniel Radcliffe telah mendedahkan bahawa dia akan muncul bogel dalam filem Harry Potter terbarunya.Radcliffe yang membawakan watak sebagai ahli sihir dalam kelima-lima filem yang diadaptasi daripada novel tulisan J.K. Rowling mengaku dia pada mulanya tidak begitu pasti sama ada dia akan muncul tanpa seluar dalam filem Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."Pada mulanya, saya ingat saya akan memakai seluar. Tetapi sebenarnya tidak," katanya.Namun, Radcliffe yang pernah bogel untuk produksi teater Equus menegaskan dia tidak risau mengenai peminatnya melihat dia bogel di skrin besar. Dia yang baru berusia 19 tahun juga memberitahu dia tidak pernah berasa bertuah apabila menyentuh mengenai wanita dan perlu memperbaiki skil mengurat. "Apabila tiba hal mengenai wanita, saya hanya akan memandang mereka. Saya tidak mempunyai idea bagaimana untuk bercakap dengan wanita sehingga kebelakangan ini. Rasanya banyak lagi yang perlu diperbaiki," tambahnya kepada majalah Entertainment Weekly.

Link :

Nnti filem Harry Potter ni dah x sesuai jd family film lagi, apsal lah diorang nak buat mcm nie? Mcm dulu2 punya film HP best sgt, ada adventure sume, pastu bila nyibuk dah baca HBP punya buku, banyak snogginglah, so rasa x selesa sgt bila tgk HBP nnti kat wayang dgn adik n parents. Nnti parents dah ada bad impression abt HP films, not too safe for kids..

hermione_twin Publish time 21-8-2008 10:26 AM

Originally posted by nyibuk_jerr at 21-8-2008 10:07 AM
AKTOR remaja, Daniel Radcliffe telah mendedahkan bahawa dia akan muncul bogel dalam filem Harry Potter terbarunya.Radcliffe yang membawakan watak sebagai ahli sihir dalam kelima-lima filem yang d ...

abis tu dah JK Rowling buat character act ikut umur dia org ..nak buat camna...

maxxwu Publish time 22-8-2008 03:12 PM

tapi utk scene mana Dan kene berbogel?? scene dia jumpa Dumbledore ke???

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P

hermione_twin Publish time 22-8-2008 03:30 PM

Originally posted by maxxwu at 22-8-2008 03:12 PM
tapi utk scene mana Dan kene berbogel?? scene dia jumpa Dumbledore ke???

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P

sah sah scene dia jumpa Dumbledore yg kat King Cross tu. Camna rupa voldie time tu ye ;P ;P

kalau Richard Harris still idup mesti best kan..twin prefer dia dr Michael Gambon lagi utk watak Dumbledore.

Tapi kan kenapa watak Tom Riddle Jr. lepas sekolah tu kan...dia tak ambik mamat ygjadi Tom masa dlm CoS? :oMamat tu dah cukup perfect tau..cara cam baik jer tapi memang really2 Slytherin. Teringat masa cara dia pujuk minah yg decedent Helga Hufflepuff tu....cakap punya lah baik giler. tapi tu lah kesian Tom Riddle Jr ni sbb dia tak cukup kasih sayang tu pasal jadi cam tu.

Twin teringin nak nengok camna rupa potion Felix Felicis tu..buku kata kaler dia gold lepas tu cam rupa ikan lompat2 dr kolam.

sat....Trelawny ada tak dlm movie kali ni?

maxxwu Publish time 25-8-2008 04:38 PM

Reply #411 hermione_twin's post

ntah twin....aku pun rasa mamat dlm CoS mesti dh cukup usia utk bwk watak Tom masa lepas skolah...or David Yates dh buang part Tom blk Hogwarts.....erm....

klu ikut dlm wikipedia....Emma Thompson (Trelwaney) xdpt offer utk xde laa kut...

hermione_twin Publish time 25-8-2008 05:59 PM

Reply #412 maxxwu's post

habis tu kalau Emma Thompson tak de dlm HBP ...camna ngan scene "Seer Overheard" tu.. :shakehead3: :shakehead3:

maxxwu Publish time 26-8-2008 02:45 AM

Reply #413 hermione_twin's post

maybe xde laa kut

hermione_twin Publish time 26-8-2008 09:06 AM

Originally posted by maxxwu at 26-8-2008 02:45 AM
maybe xde laa kut

sbb ada tambah scene tu yg twin tak suka snape sangat2.

maxxwu Publish time 26-8-2008 01:43 PM

Reply #415 hermione_twin's post for sure ade babak2 yg xde dlm film, scene fleur xde...trelawney pun xde...

haiyaaa......:shakehead3: :shakehead3: :shakehead3: :shakehead3: :shakehead3:

shidan76 Publish time 28-8-2008 11:07 PM

USA Delay
Sony and MGM have decided to delay the USA and Canada release of the 22nd James Bond film from 7th November to 14th November, making the most of the holiday schedule left empty by Warner Bros. moving "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" to summer 2009.
"We believe Nov. 14 is a great date that allows us to play straight through Thanksgiving and right into Christmas ," Sony chair of worldwide marketing and distribution Jeff Blake said. "We believe this decision will give the public a wider opportunity to see the film over the holiday."

hermione_twin Publish time 29-8-2008 09:13 AM

Reply #417 shidan76's post

nyibuk jer lah citer james bond ni :P

danny02 Publish time 29-8-2008 07:47 PM

Best ke?:o :o :o

maxxwu Publish time 30-8-2008 01:33 AM

Reply #417 shidan76's post

nk jugek tunjuk cite JB kt sini....
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