maxxwu Publish time 11-8-2008 10:25 PM

Reply #338 hermione_twin's post

maybe diorg potong kut......ntah laa.....

geram tul laa kt diorg......klu tak salah, dulu ade baca sumwhere...diorg (Bill+Fleur) akan muncul dlm DH masa diorg xpasti laaa...sbb producer yg kata yes or no....

kejeron2 Publish time 11-8-2008 11:24 PM

?page hilang

maxxwu Publish time 12-8-2008 12:23 AM

test mendap..............

maxxwu Publish time 12-8-2008 12:29 AM

elok plak....isk3

maxxwu Publish time 12-8-2008 12:34 AM

btw, td jenguk kt Half Blood Prince IMDB, ade watak Laurasia...ade ke watak tu dlm buku???

maxxwu Publish time 12-8-2008 12:47 AM

masa search, jumpa pix ni....xtau poster ke or fanpic...

maxxwu Publish time 12-8-2008 12:52 AM

saja nk tmbh koleksi gmbr kt sini...

hermione_twin Publish time 12-8-2008 09:30 AM

Originally posted by maxxwu at 12-8-2008 12:34 AM
btw, td jenguk kt Half Blood Prince IMDB, ade watak Laurasia...ade ke watak tu dlm buku???

twin dah baca HBP tak tahu dah lebih 6 kali kot...dah naik hafal far tak de watak tu. nak kena director ni :@dah lah dia org dah buang watak creeves brothers :Lsian colin.

kalau uncle vernon dah tak de....agak2 nya ada ke scene kretcher duk pegang karpet meraung raung "I won't I won't" tu

ni scene yg twin rasa dah tak akan ada :
- fleur dtg kat the burrow
- Bill kena serang ngan greyback (tidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkk)
- Tonks yg ala2 tgh depress

err sat..Ralph Fiennes tak de kan dlm sapa yg jadi Tom Riddle masa zaman dia lepas sekolah tu? lepas tu kan dia ada dtg sekolah balik sbb nak offer diri jadi cikgu DADA (Defence Against Dark Art)...time tu kan ciri Voldermort skrang dah ada...agak2 dia org buang ke scene tu?

Twin nengok kat IMDB dia org ada Tom Riddle Jr. utk masa budak, teenager ngan 18 thn. Kalau yg lepas sekolah tu twin dah leh terima lah tapi yg masa dia dtg balik sekolah tu...hmmm

maxxwu Publish time 12-8-2008 12:23 PM

Reply #348 hermione_twin's post

tu laa psl...

sepatutnye tetapkan laa Ralph utk scene die pi jumpa dumbledore tu...

scene depress tonks tu mmg dinanti2..tapi........xde plak...isk3...


maxxwu Publish time 12-8-2008 02:43 PM


hermione_twin Publish time 13-8-2008 01:16 PM

Originally posted by maxxwu at 12-8-2008 02:43 PM

yg ni rasa cam gambar cincin atuk Tom Riddle kan..tapi kalau tak siolp twin lambang kat batu cincin ni kan ikut lambang Deathly Hallow..

P/S: mlm karang twin tepek quote asal dr HBP yg Marvolo Gaunt cakap cincin tu ada lambang family dia org.

maxxwu Publish time 13-8-2008 02:57 PM

Reply #351 hermione_twin's post

maybe gak laa....erm....

akuadikdia Publish time 13-8-2008 06:53 PM

ahhh tak saba2 nak tunggu cita ni... novel bes.. crita mesti kureng sket

maxxwu Publish time 13-8-2008 09:34 PM

Reply #353 akuadikdia's post

biasa laaa mesti ade scene dlm buku x siar kt film....

forum_aje Publish time 14-8-2008 02:30 AM

Reply #354 maxxwu's post

tu lah pasal...mesti terasa kekurangan bila tgk film nih....

maxxwu Publish time 14-8-2008 05:17 PM

David Yates with Daniel Radcliffe and Bonnie Wright

David Yates with Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint & Bonnie Wright

~ni scene mana ye???? klu perasan, dua2 pix ni...kepala Hedwig xgerak pun....Hedwig ke tu????? xtebalpun buludie....

maxxwu Publish time 14-8-2008 05:27 PM

Reply #355 forum_aje's post

erm....harap2 hasil utk film kali ni x menghampakan...

(wlpun dlm hati mmg kata "sure akan frust menonggeng...")

maxxwu Publish time 15-8-2008 12:40 AM

saja nk kongsi ngan korang......

td pi website Emma Watson...

ade plak keluar artikel psl Harry Potter:the Exhibition.... rasanye...exhibition ni cuma kt UK n US je...

sila tgk kt link di bwh;

sayangidaku Publish time 15-8-2008 08:51 AM

tk jd tyg tahun ni :'( :(

dari yahoo

Next Harry Potter movie pushed back to July 2009
Thursday August 14 5:57 PM ET

The release date for the sixth Harry Potter movie, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," was pushed back on Thursday to July 2009 from its original slot in November 2008, movie studio Warner Bros. said.

The eight-month change in the opening date to July 17, 2009, is expected to disappoint millions of Harry Potter fans around the world who have already been waiting more than a year to watch the next big-screen installment in the international literary and film phenomenon.

Trailers for "Half-Blood Prince" began running last week in advance of the expected November movie release worldwide.


Warner Bros., a unit of Time Warner Inc, said it had decided to make the change to bolster its release schedule for the lucrative summer moviegoing season -- a period that can account for as much as 40 percent of Hollywood's annual box office receipts.

Warner Bros. President Alan Horn said the studio was also still feeling repercussions from the three-month Hollywood screenwriters strike that ended in February but has "impacted the readiness of scripts for other films."

"We know the summer season is an ideal window for a family ... release, as proven by the success of our last Harry Potter film, which is the second-highest grossing film in the franchise, behind only the first installment," Horn said.

The studio said the change of date would not alter production plans for the final, two-part Potter movie adventure, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." The release date for part one is tentatively set for November 2010.

"Deathly Hallows," the seventh and last story from British author J.K. Rowling about the boy wizard and his friends at Hogwarts School, was published in July 2007. The series has sold an estimated 400 million copies, and the books have been translated into more than 60 languages.

(Reporting by Jill Serjeant; editing by Steve Gorman and Todd Eastham)

nyibuk_jerr Publish time 15-8-2008 08:54 AM

Half-Blood Prince delayed until July 17th, 2009

Warner Brothers has just announced that Half-Blood Prince will be delayed. The film will instead be released on July 17th, 2009. From the press release:

In making the announcement, Mr. Horn stated, 揙ur reasons for shifting 慔alf-Blood Prince
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