poshbabe08 Publish time 23-12-2007 03:21 PM

ROYALTIES VS POLITICIANS.Which one of these people that the rakyat favors?

Kindly give your views on who would be a better leader for MALAYSIA.Which one you feel captures the peoples heart the most?Which is more corrupted,the ROYALTIES or the POLITICIANS?Royalties are always here forever,the roots of us malaysian.They have been here hundreds of years ago where else the politicians are voted by the people or their own kakis every other year. And some are unfairly voted.So share with me your views on this.WHO WOULD BE A BETTER MALAYSIAN LEADER AND WHY?

[ Last edited byposhbabe08 at 23-12-2007 03:25 PM ]

Maid_fr_Venus Publish time 23-12-2007 03:25 PM

i vote for Tun M

pls come back n rescue us again:$

juwaini Publish time 23-12-2007 03:29 PM

kalau nak bandingkan pak lah dengan sultan perak, aku suka lagi sultan perak...
tapi kalau sultan pahang, sultan johor, kayjay dengan najib, semua aku tak suka..
har har har!

poshbabe08 Publish time 23-12-2007 03:30 PM

Kalau jawab tu tolonglah explain why:@

poshbabe08 Publish time 23-12-2007 03:32 PM

Reply #2 Maid_fr_Venus's post

abit too late for that:'(

poshbabe08 Publish time 23-12-2007 03:34 PM

Reply #3 juwaini's post

why why why sultan perak and not sultan pahang.helloooo this thread is royalties or politicians?so your answer is ROYALTIES?

poshbabe08 Publish time 23-12-2007 03:35 PM

THE WAY TO ANSWER.......1)WHICH ONE 2)WHY.not necessary to mention names.generally speaking,ROYALTIES OR POLITICIANS

[ Last edited byposhbabe08 at 23-12-2007 03:36 PM ]

juwaini Publish time 23-12-2007 03:49 PM

Originally posted by poshbabe08 at 23-12-2007 03:34 PM http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
why why why sultan perak and not sultan pahang.helloooo this thread is royalties or politicians?so your answer is ROYALTIES?

dunia ni bukan hitam putih aje dear..
for sure la aku suka sebab sifat2 intrinsik dorang..
takkan le aku suka kaki seleweng duit rakyat, kaki pukul rakyat etc..

poshbabe08 Publish time 23-12-2007 04:21 PM

Reply #8 juwaini's post

bunuh rakyat,pukul rakyat sudah perkara biasa digolongon vvvvip but that doesn't really answer theuestion

juwaini Publish time 23-12-2007 04:45 PM

soalan general tapi nak jawapan specific.. mana aci.. ;P ;P ;P

t8tler Publish time 23-12-2007 08:09 PM

corrupted camne pun politicians... mereka je yg bela nasib kita. kalau royalties ni.. theyre redundant most of the times... cuma mereka ni penyeri majlis2 je la kan.. and simbol org melayu. itu saja. tu apa yg aku pikir la. so i vote for politicians.

cg09 Publish time 23-12-2007 08:13 PM

semua royal ngan politician perangai macam hanj..

aku cume respect agong jek..sebab die macam ala2 melayu tulen berasal dari kampong

yipun78 Publish time 24-12-2007 11:28 AM

Reply #1 poshbabe08's post

Susah nak cari seorang manusia biasa yang dapat menahan godaan duniawi hatta berkhidmat kepada masyrakat dan Negara amnya..... m not in favor of royalties or politicians.... x leh pakai nya golongan....

Sultan Azlan pon sama je pro chinese..... :re: ada yang educated pon x leh pakai.... Semoga Malaysiaku Selamat dan Sejahtera

jin_lampu Publish time 24-12-2007 01:34 PM

bapak kemerdekaan pun pro chinese tu pasal singapore no longer with malaysia..:'( :'(

yipun78 Publish time 24-12-2007 04:49 PM


0077 Publish time 24-12-2007 04:55 PM

Reply #14 jin_lampu's post

NO. dier tlg org mlyu gak. cumer org mlyu yg x menghargai. n ape bukti nye dier pro chinese?

prissy Publish time 24-12-2007 07:56 PM

Originally posted by yipun78 at 24-12-2007 04:49 PM http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif

Tapi Yip apa yg pernah terjadi pada Anuar Ibrahim yg berani menentang PM suatu ketika dahulu?

yipun78 Publish time 26-12-2007 07:47 AM

Reply #17 prissy's post

kan dia hidup lagi pe.... summore nak jadi penasihat Hindraf tu lr pulak :re:

hazz11 Publish time 26-12-2007 08:24 AM


karis_kareena Publish time 30-12-2007 01:56 PM

Originally posted by yipun78 at 24-12-2007 11:28 AM http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif
Susah nak cari seorang manusia biasa yang dapat menahan godaan duniawi hatta berkhidmat kepada masyrakat dan Negara amnya..... m not in favor of royalties or politicians.... x leh pakai nya golon ...

sib baik ada gak yg ngaku sotan azelan tu pro chinese. kalor dah anak big bisnes tu camner tak pro cina
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