CrazyLady Publish time 28-6-2005 10:54 AM

- F O T O G R A P H I -

saye nak tanye sikit......... ade tak dikalangan korang kat sini yg minat fotografi?

[ Last edited byvirgomal at 21-1-2007 11:04 PM ]

chicsee Publish time 28-6-2005 11:53 AM

- p h o t o _ 1 -

Originally posted by CrazyLady at 28-6-2005 10:54 AM:
saye nak tanye sikit......... ade tak dikalangan korang kat sini yg minat fotografi?

My hubby minat...dia baru beli camera Canon EOS 350D....:geram:

CrazyLady Publish time 28-6-2005 11:55 AM

Originally posted by chicsee at 28-6-2005 11:53 AM:

My hubby minat...dia baru beli camera Canon EOS 350D....:geram:
brape tu hargenye?..... saye ade nikon, canon and sony..... yg baru punye yg sony ah ;)

matz_rockz Publish time 28-6-2005 11:59 AM

Originally posted by CrazyLady at 28-6-2005 10:54 AM:
saye nak tanye sikit......... ade tak dikalangan korang kat sini yg minat fotografi?

i'm using canon AE-1 model about 20 years i think...

camera still ok....

chicsee Publish time 28-6-2005 12:12 PM

Originally posted by CrazyLady at 28-6-2005 11:55 AM:

brape tu hargenye?..... saye ade nikon, canon and sony..... yg baru punye yg sony ah ;)

My hubby ada gak Sony P-10 tak silap....yg Canon he bought tak silap slightly more than 2K...

CrazyLady Publish time 28-6-2005 01:28 PM

Originally posted by matz_rockz at 28-6-2005 11:59 AM:

i'm using canon AE-1 model about 20 years i think...

camera still ok....
waduh!!...... lamenye camera ni..... tapi pandai pulak Bang Matz simpan eh..... kalau saye dah lame kamera tu k.o :bgrin:

CrazyLady Publish time 28-6-2005 01:40 PM

Originally posted by chicsee at 28-6-2005 12:12 PM:

My hubby ada gak Sony P-10 tak silap....yg Canon he bought tak silap slightly more than 2K...
Fuh!!.... mahal jugak eh kamera tu....... my Sony pon lagi sikit hargenye nak masuk 2K:ah: ...... so far saye puas hati with my Sony :pompom:

matz_rockz Publish time 28-6-2005 01:50 PM

my camera digital canon very cheap dulu bought for $349 ....

ni cheap and good....

CrazyLady Publish time 28-6-2005 02:35 PM

Originally posted by matz_rockz at 28-6-2005 01:53 PM:

camera simpan in air tight containers tarok tu gel kecik2 yang biru ...

sua service kat canaon twice...tak salah kat delta house...
oh ok ah kalau macam tu..... kamera ni nak kena slalu pakai..... kalau tidak senang rosak

deaf4ever Publish time 28-6-2005 08:09 PM

Originally posted by CrazyLady at 28-6-2005 10:54 AM:
saye nak tanye sikit......... ade tak dikalangan korang kat sini yg minat fotografi?

Aku dulu memang minat tapi kamera elek...

tapi tu hari kat Mustapa ngah real bargain aku tak boleh resist..

Minolta Dimage X31dia jual $249 aje, ni kamera dulu 400++
dah tu kasi kad 128, kasi tripod, ntah apa2 lagi ah...
dah tu aku nak save cost, rechageble batteri aku beli split, tak ikut brand cam GP or Sanyo.
Aku beli charger quick charge takde nama made in China $15, then aku beli Sony cybershoot nye batteri 2 piece aku dapat $12.50
Mula2 aku charge was2 jugak ah, takut apa2, tapi ok je.

Aku suka kamera ni pasal dia kecik dan flat, aku boleh taruk dalam jeans aku poket depan poket belakang , tak noticeable.
Dah tu optical zoom lens dia tak keluar langsung bila zoom, kamera tu always flat cam kit kat.

deaf4ever Publish time 28-6-2005 08:11 PM

Originally posted by chicsee at 28-6-2005 11:53 AM:

My hubby minat...dia baru beli camera Canon EOS 350D....:geram:

hari ni masuk sokkbabar dapat yang digital life tu kan....

Vernetta Lopez pun pakai camera ni....dia cakap bagus....aku rasa dia cakap more feeling dari digital camera ke apa ntah...

deaf4ever Publish time 28-6-2005 08:17 PM

Originally posted by CrazyLady at 28-6-2005 01:37 PM:

terserah kak v ah..... me tak kisah. kalau ade ramai yg minat fotografi lagi best.:ah: boleh tunjukkan kebolehan masing2 or kalau nak mintak komen tentang gambo2 yg diambik tu bolehlah tepekkan k ...

ha ah, ni ada kamera, bila aku skodeng2 orang atau tempat lain, aku bleh snap dan tampal kat sini hehhee

deaf4ever Publish time 28-6-2005 08:23 PM

Originally posted by SweetCandy at 28-6-2005 08:17 PM:
actually.. aku memang minat dgn fotographi.. cuma camera aku ni.. bukan digital.. insya-allah.. kalo ade rezeki lebih.. nak jugak beli digital camera..

SC, tak yah beli mahal2 ah.....

kalo ko nak , ko gi carik brand Creative ada satu....
kecik jugak la...aku rasa seratus lebih je, ada optical zoom 3x lagi...
Cuma maybe tak promote banyak so orang tak tahu.

tapi kalo ko nak, Mustapa ada lagi yang Minolta Dimage X tu cam aku beli....
memang for the price, takde dapat la that type kecik dan zoom tak keluar.

deaf4ever Publish time 28-6-2005 08:25 PM

Originally posted by SweetCandy at 28-6-2005 08:22 PM:

kalo ko ade gambo best2 yg ko snap.. tepek kat sini ah..
tku very much..

of course tapi takkan nak tampal sekali 20 kan satu kali harung....
yang remainder dia, aku tampal kat website aku je ( sorry wa iklan :P )

SweetCandy Publish time 28-6-2005 08:27 PM

Originally posted by deaf4ever at 28-6-2005 08:23 PM:

SC, tak yah beli mahal2 ah.....

kalo ko nak , ko gi carik brand Creative ada satu....
kecik jugak la...aku rasa seratus lebih je, ada optical zoom 3x lagi...
Cuma maybe tak promote banya ...
okie.. best.. kalo gini next time aku nak beli digital camera.. aku ajak ko lah.. bleh ko recommend yg mana best & not so expensive.

anyway. DEp.. tks for ur info..:ah:

deaf4ever Publish time 28-6-2005 08:39 PM

Originally posted by SweetCandy at 28-6-2005 08:27 PM:

okie.. best.. kalo gini next time aku nak beli digital camera.. aku ajak ko lah.. bleh ko recommend yg mana best & not so expensive.

anyway. DEp.. tks for ur info..:ah:

Ni bukan aku iklan pasal aku tak dapat apa2 keuntungan and the fellow pun mungkin dah lupa aku...

tapi kengkawan.... Kalo korang nak beli digital kamera ke kamera ke apa kan...

so korang mesti rounding2 kat Mustapa, kat sim lim, cek out the models, and the prices and buat homework dulu kan?

So maybe , korang drop by at this shop kat Sim Lim masa korang buat korang nye homework to get the best value for money..

Nama kedai dia ALAN PHOTO SHOP. Dia tingkat satu,
korang carik satu elder man ni, nama dia Peter, dia bleh cakap Melayu jugak...

Aku pernah pegi ni kedai teman member korang beli kamera...
Dan this fellow go thru every single thing, dia sanggup buat comparison untuk budget kita ngan lain2 models of kamera.
Then sanggup to listen and bargain...Aku betul2 satisfied la nengok dia nye layan customer, walaupun kita cuma nak beli benda yang dua ratus lebih $$ je bukan nak beli mahal2 pun.

deaf4ever Publish time 28-6-2005 08:49 PM

yang aku cakap tu ni ah creative...., tapi kat mustapa takde la, aku agak tak banyak kedai carry this brand...
tapi creative alrite la jugak, and just for simple personal use aje..
korang nengok features dia semua setanding ngan branded and expensive cameras... Ni harga original dia aku pernah nampak dulu $199.
So aku rasa kalo kat kedai maybe $150 or even lesser kot.
Have your fun in the great outdoors with the Creative DC-CAM 3000Z. Designed for exceptional picture quality with the 3.2 MegaPixel CCD sensor, the Creative DC-CAM 3000Z even let's you zoom right in to intimate encounters with 3x Optical Zoom and 2x Digital Zoom.
Sharp and vibrant images are a cinch with the auto-focus and intelligent flash feature for amazing digital photography and videos, even at night! A sure head-turner with its aluminum look and LCD panel the Creative DC-CAM 3000Z is all and more in a compact size that's sure to win the hearts of photo enthusiasts.

Dia nye full spec and sample photos quality, korang gi sini..

deaf4ever Publish time 28-6-2005 08:55 PM

kalo kat mustapa yang aku sambar tu hari ni...

betul2 value for money and also senang nak pakai...
dia lagi kasi kad 128 mb for free, more than enough pun..highest quality bleh ambik 100 lebih dah...
maybe aku ada duit aku nak sambar kad besar 512 or 1gb ke apa ,so aku bleh bootleg video clip panjang sikit lain kali masa smuggle pegi nengok rock konsert.:devil:

in fact sampai skarang semua software dia kasi cdrom2 tu semua aku tak bukak dari plastik pun, aku snap, straight masuk komputer....

Cuma aku rasa, pasal dia nye optical lens is built in tak keluar cam kamera lain, kadang2 lens dia positioning tak cun, ni aku tahu pasal aku nengok kat screen cctv blakang dia ada sekali dua kali tu blurry, so gini aku just off and on again...

deaf4ever Publish time 28-6-2005 11:26 PM

Originally posted by CrazyLady at 28-6-2005 10:15 PM:

not bad jugak camera yg u beli tu.... murah and good.... i like :ah:...maybe boleh belikan utk my dad. dep, jgn lupa ambik gambo then tepekkan kat sini :cak:

dia nye optical lens something like this, so tu pasal takde lens keluar cam kamera lain , and dia pun quick start, ko tekan button on je, terus snap gambar...laju ah auto start dia.

dia nye blakang cam gini, aku kamera idiot pun tak yah baca manual pasal senang function2 dia.... pakai joystick je.
dia nye zoom pun takde button2 banyak, semua pakai joystick naik turun.

ko snang ko turun mustapa...last three weeks harga drop $300++ lebih, aku tak beli pasal pada aku mahal...
then terus turun $249, lagi dia kasi 128mb kad, tripod and original camera pouch. kecik je pouch tu pakai velcro, ko taruk dalam jeans cam taruk wallet je.
so basically dah tak yah beli apa2 accesory and memory kad. oo lupa bilang ni 3.2 pixel tapi ko tahu la eh, 3.2 pixel untuk normal use dah more than enough.

Dah tu , ni opinion aku la eh....part batteri kalo beli cam those pre packaged branded ones cam GP or Sanyo or Sony eh....even yang capacity 2100 dah sampai $60 lebih or more.. Aku rasa you pay for the packaging and name.

So aku suggest ko beli satu brand quick charger made in China brand New Star. Dia $15. Tapi dia quick charger. Ni kat yang batteri section Mustapa ko try enquiry. Ni charger popular pasal its really cheap tapi superior quality.
Aku takde bungkusan dia dah buang, tapi its the one $15 nye.

Then ko beli the best rechargebel batteri khas untuk camera...Sony Cybershot 2500 capacity, dua piece baru $12.50 aje. Ni aku tak tahu ada lagi tak pasal lagi skali aku gi, aku nengok lagi satu packing $25.
So ko dah save a lot tak yah belanja banyak2...

deaf4ever Publish time 28-6-2005 11:36 PM

Originally posted by SweetCandy at 28-6-2005 09:45 PM:

Dep.. tks alot for sharing the info w us..:ah::hatdown::hatdown:

aku really berkenan dgn ths kamera yg ko post ni.. design dia simple & berpatutan jugak..

ha ah, aku mula2 nak sambar yang ni pasal aku nengok 3.2 pixel, ada optical zoom 3x lagik, then ok la kan aku rasa size dia, then harga dia memang best price la.. Untuk personal use dah more than enough.

ni aku ambik dari website dia....sample photos...alrite apa...
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