al-asil Publish time 27-1-2010 03:30 PM

Salam Semua,

Mintak maaf lama tak ONline sebab sebok dengan PWP Conference dan APW utk 2010.

Dengan ini saya ingin mengucapkan jutaan Terima Kasih kepada semua CLIENT saya yg telah percaya denga ...
ibm632 Post at 17-1-2010 22:48

huhu tak sangka ejen aku nih antara top ejen PruBSN, pacik kayo{:3_85:}

al-asil Publish time 27-1-2010 03:31 PM

673# ibm632

aku kurang pasti plak camne tidak dikenakan bayaran ko-ko ni tahun lepas... ok itu citer dah lepas..

soklan berikutnya..
1. kenapa lebihan yg perlu dibayar pesakit, dalam kes ni R ...
ryo_takahashi1 Post at 27-1-2010 12:08

aku tak sangka pulak ada kampeni insuran yang tak kenakan bayaran ko tuh...

ibm632 Publish time 27-1-2010 05:37 PM

hehehehe. kepada semua client.. sila hubungi agent anda ... set appoinment dgn dia ... hehehe...

saleharr Publish time 28-1-2010 09:09 AM

676# ryo_takahashi1

mmm..biasanya co-insuran punya resit atas nama klien..pastu klien boleh claim kat majikan
jenglut Post at 27-1-2010 13:03

mungkin kesilapan hospital letak nama insurance........maybe kena mintak hospital issue resit lain lah if nak claim majikan....

ibm632 Publish time 28-1-2010 09:17 AM

Betul tu salehar..... mana my client ni ... masa poket berisi ni call lah saya utk lunch ker... minum petang ker

jenglut Publish time 29-1-2010 01:26 AM

Betul tu salehar..... mana my client ni ... masa poket berisi ni call lah saya utk lunch ker... minum petang ker
ibm632 Post at 28-1-2010 09:17

aiseh klien aje ke..aku nak gak menuntut ilmu dgn en. Ibm ni..huhuhu

jenglut Publish time 29-1-2010 01:31 AM

Saya bagi tips sket utk kpd yg masih buat survey2 pasal insuran

**How to choose the best Takaful company?
1. Ask your relatives or best friends.
Get their feedback why they sign up forthe company. If their answer because the agent is their friend. Hencethe reason is not valid. The good reason is like, they have doneresearch and comparison and this X company gives the best benefits withthe cheapest premiums. Or, they searched on internet what is no.1takaful insurance in Malaysia and decided to have it.
2. Ask their experience regarding protection and claim.
If your friends and relatives promotingany particular brand of takaful insurance. Ask them how the claimexperience. Easy or just OK. It is not valid if they never made anyclaim or been hospitalized and covered by the company.
3. Ask nurse or doctor at your favorite clinic.
Ask them what the best is. And pleasedon’t forget to ask why. Their answer is with credibility as they areworking in medical and treatment industry.
4. Find out which takaful insurance company accepted at your nearest private hospital.
Go to your nearest private hospital andask them which takaful insurance company accepted here. There will be alist of takaful insurance company accepted. Please ask which one theyprefer.
5. Do own research
You may collect information by internet or refer yourself to Life Takaful insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM).
Please seek an advice from them.

**How to find a good Takaful agent for yourself?
1. Make sure the agent based nearby.

You may get him for any queries and emergency easier.
2. If you have any preferredtakaful insurance company, please do an appointment with at least 2takaful insurance agent from the same company.
Please don’t blindly trust the agentwhich recommended by friends or relatives. You do have an option toseek an advice from the thousands of agent out there. From thisexercise, you will notice the level of knowledge from the both agentand you know which one you will decide to sign up with.
3. The agent must have time for you eg. full-time agent
The agent must have time for you as youneed to understand a lots of information before you can sign up fortakaful insurance. One hour is not enough. Having next appointment andjust allocate little time for you showing that he has no respect foryou.

kalau dpt 'kacang' lg bagus..:lol:

ryo_takahashi1 Publish time 29-1-2010 07:56 AM

Saya bagi tips sket utk kpd yg masih buat survey2 pasal insuran

2. If you have any preferredtakaful insurance company, pleasedo an appointment with at least 2 takaful insurance agent from the samecompany.
Please don’t blindly trust the agentwhich recommended by friends orrelatives. You do have an option toseek an advice from the thousands ofagent out there. From thisexercise, you will notice the level ofknowledge from the both agentand you know which one you will decide tosign up with.
jenglut Post at 29-1-2010 01:31

aku rasa ni yg paling org kurang buat kot.... bila dah jumpa satu ejen... kena plak yg desperate.. tiap2 hari call.. bila nak sign.. bila nak sign... public mutual pun sama... :mad:

AnisSuraya Publish time 29-1-2010 09:23 AM

Betul tu salehar..... mana my client ni ... masa poket berisi ni call lah saya utk lunch ker... minum petang ker
ibm632 Post at 28-1-2010 09:17 AM

Sayaaaa...saaayaaaaaaaaaaaa....Sayaaaaaa ada niii (sambil angkat keyboard takut tak nampak lak)....;P ;P
Ok, bila nak set lunch kat Ayam penyek Bandar Baru Bangi ?...:$

jenglut Publish time 29-1-2010 03:13 PM

aku rasa ni yg paling org kurang buat kot.... bila dah jumpa satu ejen... kena plak yg desperate.. tiap2 hari call.. bila nak sign.. bila nak sign... public mutual pun sama... :mad:
ryo_takahashi1 Post at 29-1-2010 07:56

hahhaa..ckp aje yg awak baru sign-up dgn org lain..nanti dia tak ganggu awak lg..:lol:

ibm632 Publish time 29-1-2010 05:39 PM

Sayaaaa...saaayaaaaaaaaaaaa....Sayaaaaaa ada niii (sambil angkat keyboard takut tak nampak lak)....;P ;P
Ok, bila nak set lunch kat Ayam penyek Bandar Baru Bangi ?...:$
AnisSuraya Post at 29-1-2010 09:23

Untuk minggu depan ...jadual saya masih kosong lagi .... Anis set lah appoinment ... senang saya nak tulis dlm blackberry saya ....

ibm632 Publish time 1-2-2010 04:51 PM

SEmalam semasa di DEMC, shah alam ... berlaku satu kematian keatas seorang remaja yg telah disengat lebah.Selepas disengat seekor lebah ... simati merasai sesak nafas ... diingatkan berkara itu biasa sebab dia adalah pengidap asthma. Jadi seperti biasa dia pun menyedut inhaler utk mengurangkan sesak nafas. Tidak berapa lama kemudian keadaan bertambah teruk .... sampai aje diklinik doktor mendapati mangsa telah meniggal dunia.

sedihkan .. sebab musabab dah nak berlaku ... disebabkan seekor lebah pun kita boleh mati.

ryo_takahashi1 Publish time 2-2-2010 09:42 AM

kebetulan semasa anak di hospital... tetiba masuk sorang pesakit yg cedera teruk setelah diragut oleh sekumpulan lelaki... darah byk meleleh dibahagian kepala... tapi pegawai perubatan sempat tanya ada insuran atau tak..? pesakit tu jawab dah 2 bulan tak bayar...

kalo kes cenggini, masih boleh claim ke? tak lapse..??

mhh4554 Publish time 2-2-2010 12:50 PM

bro ryo,
mcm yg forummer lain dah terang sebelum ni, lapse tak lapse ni bergantung pada pelan insurans yg customer tu ambil.
Di Prudential BSN Takaful, kalau dah bayar dalam satu tempoh masa yang panjang, setakat tak bayar 2 bulan ni selalunya belum lapse lagi.

ibm632 Publish time 2-2-2010 02:14 PM

kebetulan semasa anak di hospital... tetiba masuk sorang pesakit yg cedera teruk setelah diragut oleh sekumpulan lelaki... darah byk meleleh dibahagian kepala... tapi pegawai perubatan sempat tanya ad ...
ryo_takahashi1 Post at 2-2-2010 09:42

Kalau PruBSN tu 2 bulan tak bayar belum LAPSE lagi...

ryo_takahashi1 Publish time 2-2-2010 02:45 PM

695# ibm632

gud.. tak lapse lagi.. tapi time tu kena bayar dulu 2 bulan tertunggak atau boleh buat claim terus...?

ibm632 Publish time 2-2-2010 03:25 PM

696# ryo_takahashi1

Tak kira lah berapa bulan yg dia nak bayar as long as policy to inforce.

jenglut Publish time 2-2-2010 09:54 PM

kalau pelan insuran medical yg dia amik takde saving elemen, iaitu medical card alone saja..memang confirm lapsed jika no payment premium within 31 days

dompot Publish time 3-2-2010 10:34 AM

saya ada kemusykilan ttg prubsn takaful..harap dapat jawab..

boleh terangkan apa mksudnya ayat dibawah :

the following is required for us to consider revival of your certificate:

1)contribution of RM100 is required
2)lapse holiday is not allowed for takafulink plan which lapse duration is less or equal than 6 months
3)contribution must be paid until current month for takafulink plan.

jenglut Publish time 3-2-2010 12:02 PM


the following is required for us to consider revival of your certificate:
perkara berikut di perlukan utk 'menghidupkan' kembali polisi anda

1)contribution of RM100 is required
premium sebanyak RM100 perlu di byr

2)lapse holiday is not allowed for takafulink plan which lapse duration is less or equal than 6 months
'Cuti drp membayar' tidak di benarkan kerana polisi takafulink baru saja berusia kurang dr 6 bulan

3)contribution must be paid until current month for takafulink plan.
perlulah di bayar sehingga bulan semasa/skrang utk pelan takafulink ini

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