seribulan Publish time 23-4-2007 06:42 PM


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keep88 Publish time 23-4-2007 07:30 PM


sesuatu yang tiada berkesudahan (tak pandai mati) dan ketaksuban manusia untuk mencari philosopher's stone (yg membuatkan seseoang hidup selamanya). Kelalaian manusia di muka bumi ini kerana mengetahui peluang bertaubat boleh ditangguhkan...

dutchy Publish time 26-4-2007 03:15 PM

Originally posted by seribulan at 23-4-2007 06:42 PM
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the desire to outrun ur course of destiny~~ which is mortality

moona Publish time 1-5-2007 09:53 PM


something no body wann

canna Publish time 10-5-2007 04:21 PM

it is immortality, and that alone , which amid life's pain, abasements, the soul can comfort, elevate and fill.

hamizao Publish time 16-6-2007 05:28 PM

Originally posted by seribulan at 23-4-2007 06:42 PM
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Is there really such a thing? I think it is only an idea or concept ......but then how aboutthe soul?:hmm:
If the soul is created by God and all created things "have the nature of decay, and are such as may be blotted out and cease to exist" then it is true that there is no such thing as immortality.

[ Last edited byhamizao at 16-6-2007 05:37 PM ]

foundation Publish time 16-6-2007 11:00 PM

Immortality in the physical sense as dreamt by some is a shallow concept.But 'immortality' of ideas, concepts, values, deeds and beliefs is more meaningful.

hamizao Publish time 19-6-2007 09:38 PM

Originally posted by foundation at 16-6-2007 11:00 PM
Immortality in the physical sense as dreamt by some is a shallow concept.But 'immortality' of ideas, concepts, values, deeds and beliefs is more meaningful.

Hmm...., I am tempted to say, "Not necessarily so".

I think it is still a powerful idea. The earliest known evidence of religious belief in our ancestors centres on the business of death and the dead. Death being the opposite of immortality evokes the error message in our brains ensuring the evolutionary demands of survival. I may add that the will to survive, live on or attain immortality may perhaps have provided man with the impetus to study and develop knowledge in good heathy living and so on. Today's miracles of medical discoveries have increased by leaps and bounds compare to the times of early man.

foundation Publish time 19-6-2007 11:35 PM

Originally posted by hamizao at 19-6-2007 09:38 PM

Hmm...., I am tempted to say, "Not necessarily so".

I think it is still a powerful idea. The earliest known evidence of religious belief in our ancestors centres on the busines ...

I fully agree with your views above.All of them, if viewed from certain perspective.

The perspective I took was initially from the scenario where only selected individuals are immortal not the whole polulation in general.This type of immortality, if realisable may not be something great.I personally would not want to live on, and on...and on... when those I know and love pass away.I guess I'll get to a point where, there's no point in living anymore.Maybe the robot in Bicentennial Man felts this...don't know.I think, what makes live wonderful is the fact that within the limited time available, we are to accomplish certain things.Otherwise it's too easy.

Now...that bring to the other scenario, where everyone (or the population) in general are immortal.I think this is not to the best interest of our species.The only way that finite resources can support longer life is by limiting newborns and I think that is a sad state indeed though humans being human, that will be one of the favourite solutions.The population of 'Solaria' in one of the works of Asimov, reflects this situation.

The above are my personal opinions.

ajinomotonosuga Publish time 23-6-2007 10:31 PM

immortality is a destiny. nothing is created for nothing or for no purpose. in realm of fantasy no such tangible realities are permitted. thus the furthest possible point is best described as the destiny, the point where any being is headed for.

wisteria Publish time 26-6-2007 10:17 AM

immortality is

....... memories

indah1285 Publish time 26-6-2007 03:50 PM

Originally posted by seribulan at 23-4-2007 06:42 PM
next word...


Immortality is when something doesnt fade away and stays fresh in your grey matter and in your heart.... like love.

Saussurea Publish time 12-4-2018 05:22 PM

Consciousness is immortal. Awaken spirit never sleep

Redvelvet3 Publish time 18-12-2018 06:49 AM

Immortality kekal selamanya....terpaksa mghadapi kesedihan dan kesepian seorg diri....yelah bila kekal abadi terpaksalah mghadapi kematian org tercinta.....

ablishan Publish time 26-12-2018 09:31 AM

Yeah..Immortality kekal selamanya...To me, tak semestinya hayat. Kalau dah mati pun, mungkin ada memori, bakti, waima kejahatan, kekejaman yang kita tinggalkan yang menyebabkan kita dikenang selamanya.Itu juga immortality.

huehue Publish time 26-12-2018 08:24 PM

Since i like to read supernatural stuff, bagi i immortality ni hidup selama lamanya. I tak boleh nak kata i suka immortality nor that i hate it. Sbb kalau baca novel/tengok movie, ada pros and cons jadi immortal ni :sweat3:

I bukanlah sejenis yg berfalsafah sgt jadi immortality in my view sangatlah simple. Hidup lama ratus ratus tahun je bagi i. Tapi bila baca novel fiksyen pasal makhluk makhluk immortal yg wise ni terasa mcm dekat di hati pula all their sayings and quotes.

Tapi yeah, immortality could be something else selain daripada hidup tak mati mati.

namakusiapa2 Publish time 11-10-2019 11:43 AM

Tak bermoral kot mungkin.
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