seribulan Publish time 27-3-2007 07:06 PM


Describe yourself when you are reading critically?

Am I wrong if I describe that I read critically when I am not bored with
what I am reading and it touched something inside of me:o

limau_nipis Publish time 28-3-2007 08:07 AM

i read critically, when I assume that I can gain knowledge from the book, expanding my mind...

contoh macam baca buku pasal medical treatment, or pregnancy.. hehehe :lol:
usually, kalau ensiklopedia tu, i love! my father's encyclopedia set ada lagi kat rumah, skrg his grandkids pulak sibuk tengok -eventho they do not understand about it yet

naziehah Publish time 29-3-2007 12:58 PM

I think I am reading critically when I read with open mind.

Try and capture all that the writer has to say, but also always tried to question and form my own opinion on the matter at hand.

periwinkle.. Publish time 4-4-2007 06:34 PM

Reply #1 seribulan's post

how do you know when you are reading critically? when i read, i just read.. but sometimes i do wonder 'the behind the scene of the book', i.e. where the author got his/her idea from, why he/she wrote the story, what is he/she trying to convey..

sometimes i think it is easier being a writer than an academician, as a writer, one can have idea/opinion and write them freely, under the name of fiction, whereas as an academician, any idea/opinion need to be substantiated by evidence and proven before being published.. but then i'm neither a writer nor an academician.. so..

hamizao Publish time 6-4-2007 12:08 PM

Reply #1 seribulan's post

I think I am reading critically when I reflect and try to understand the logic of any part or episode in the book as and when the need arise. In otherwords, when I try to see the reality of things described in the book.

As such I tend to be less into what happens but more into why and how it happens.

Secondly, when I look for what I can "learn" from the episode ....the message, if any. You know not every episode has a message............some are just telling a story as it is...but when you start looking for the basis or reason of any bit of the story.........that's critical reading.

Heheheh, my two sens.....'cause never took up literature don't know what teachers say.

redsinner Publish time 7-4-2007 02:10 PM

Reply #1 seribulan's post

kak seri, i agree with u because i think u need to put urself in the situation to understand the story and the feelings that would be involved. reading critically also means that we could analyse the story's relation to the real world. also the ability to connect every data in a social, political and emotional position.

if u are reading a romance story, for sure you will be feeling on cloud9, feeling lovey dovey and all that.
if u are reading a thriller, u would hold your breath till the next scene.
and so on...

dutchy Publish time 12-5-2007 03:24 AM

what is critical reading? to some it has to be a powerful book to be classified as a critical reading

for me when i read a book, and it force me to think abt the bigger picture, that is what i called a critical reading, books that force u to think and to ponder abt what, message that the author of the book is trying to envision when he/she wrote the book

gorgonz Publish time 30-6-2009 05:29 PM

hmmm... when i read...normally fictions...
still i think about it...don't know whether this is considered critically or not...
sometimes i "google" for additional info...

once i read Danielle Steel's about titanic..
i searched 4 info to match the time line

cluben Publish time 24-7-2009 06:57 PM

4 me, the most interesting thing about reading is the'after read' phase. i may take me weeks to free my mind.sometimes i reread the interesting parts. or do some googling or looking for other books that related to the topic or the author or the info about the place or people relate to the story

so i think i am reading critically. btw i love to read malay literature novels based on history or social critics, it force me to think

danialarif Publish time 24-7-2009 10:34 PM

Usually after i read anything, I will google it and search some extra information at Wikipedia...

sultana Publish time 25-7-2009 01:16 AM

Reading critically for me is when I try to understand what the author may truly want to convey through his or her writing. Seeing the message in a holistic way. Questions would pop up in mind when you read the book and even after days or weeks since you last put the book down you still can feel what ever emotion stirred in you by the book you've read.

thamrong Publish time 25-7-2009 03:23 PM

IMHO 'critical reading' membawa maksud penghayatan apa yang dibaca. Ini bergantung bahan yang dibaca. Kalau material tu setakat penghibur lara sahaja patut dibaca sambil lewa sahaja ' read and forget'. 'Critical reading' satu perkara yang dianggap serious. Isi kandungan (essence) dan cara penulisan ' beauty' di kupas dan dihayati....Bercakap tentang the 'beauty' memang ramai yang appreciate the beauty like the colour of a flower but not many who appreciate the beauty in itself. Orang yang ketegori pertama dianggap para mimpi dan yang kedua adalah philosopher.

513172 Publish time 25-5-2017 10:14 AM

I will read critically depending on mood and situations..tgh boring to kill time, or tgh study week..what is tdo?

hatiluka Publish time 25-5-2017 01:45 PM

Reading critically for me is when i have to understand apa yang penulis ingin sampaikan. Untuk reading bahan bahan yang berkaitand dengan kerja juga kita membaca dengan bersungguh sungguh.

degurlz Publish time 25-5-2017 06:24 PM

i read critically when i have nothing to do.haha

munahtingtong Publish time 30-5-2017 03:09 PM

reading critically and trying hard to decipher what the author is trying to express
honestly too many novels Malaysia, especially those with novel adaptasi drama, I am truly disappointed as the authors tried to inject some English phrases or quotes etc but grammar fail. I have not found one book without basic English grammar that has passed. I wonder how they do editing. I have yet to try RAM ( Rashid Awang something ) that I heard good reviews from the forum here

cheergirlz Publish time 31-5-2017 07:04 AM

when it comes to critical reading, it wil come to many question + why, here, we tend to the question to the author. Try to analyze, interprete even we evaluate the books..and it'll be going deeper to get the answer...

nazzse Publish time 11-6-2017 03:04 PM

I read critically only when I read something that match my preference. I do enjoy reading, but nowadays the content of the books is notas interesting as before. Rarely found any books and reading materials with a good content right now.
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