seribulan Publish time 24-3-2007 04:01 PM


I'm more into fiction. Suka berangan;P

limau_nipis Publish time 24-3-2007 06:05 PM

of course fiction, sebab suka khayal dari dunia nyata cam cik seri :lol:

yatiedin Publish time 25-3-2007 08:25 PM

Macam you all jugak... always berangan...

seribulan Publish time 27-3-2007 06:57 PM

patut lerr bod ni sepi...ramai yg tgh berangan :P ;P :lol:

redsinner Publish time 28-3-2007 11:33 PM

i ticked all because i dont wanna limit my absorption of knowledge.
sometimes i may be boring to read political and current issues stuff but actually it gives me wider spectrum on what to talk about.
nothing against people who read only certain genre, as myself i wont touch anything from those of Crime & Romance.   :$

one of my fave writers would be Karen Amstrong who obviously dedicated her writings on Islamist Extremist and Middle-Eastern issues.
Frank McCourt on biographical and also an Irish legend...
Margaret Atwood on pure contemporary literature.
Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet is simply honest and sooooo moving.

kang tulis bebanyak pun, tak habes...hihi
so thats my preferences

periwinkle.. Publish time 4-4-2007 05:56 PM

definitely fiction.. sebab.. suka berangan gak.. ;P
cerita apa-apa pun tak pe asalkan gripping
sekarang tengah baca perfume the murderer story, memang best.. cerita yang absurd, tapi tu yangbuat cerita ni menarik..
non-fiction kadang-kadang baca jugak especially dalam bidang yang diminati..

hamizao Publish time 14-4-2007 01:27 PM

I do read fiction once in a while especially those laced with history ....they sort of give me more reason to go on. last novel was quite some time back. I have theorised that it was really subject to my mood.

Right now I am more into non-fiction. Again my mood ...........prefer things more down to earth these days. Days of dreaming are probably almost over.........just want to know the truth now. My problem is, am easily moved by many topics that I usually end up with several books at a time which can be rather confusing at times. Are there others like me? If not, how do you control yourselves?

mardhiah12 Publish time 27-6-2007 01:33 PM

aku suka fiction ;P ;P
kekdg layan gak non fiction
tapi fiction byk lagi ;P ;P

artgeex Publish time 17-7-2007 08:15 PM

fiction dan non-fiction :D

dutchy Publish time 28-7-2007 12:56 PM

ticked semua...coz my reading genre is endless...takmo sekat dalam whatever that I think is able to arouse my interest in the book ...I'll just read it

lady_nF Publish time 30-7-2007 01:37 PM

suka dua2 actually
tapi i tick ficktion sebab cam banyak buku fiction
tapi i collect autobiography (be it fictional cam james frey/ang chee min or real one like frank mcarthur and so on)

khaly Publish time 28-9-2007 08:45 AM

tick suma sebab kadang2 baca ikut mood jugak:lol:

pink_lavender Publish time 28-11-2007 01:55 AM

Reply #1 seribulan's post

dulu suka citer fiction.. tp sejak umur dah meningkat nie suker baca buku2 non fiction.. mcm best jer baca fakta2..ahak.:lol:

msadik Publish time 17-12-2007 04:35 PM

haha. sememangnye fiction lah. sometimes, we need to take a break from reality and lose ourselves in the world created by the authors.

escapism lah, katekan. ;P

redsinner Publish time 18-12-2007 08:57 PM

Reply #13 pink_lavender's post

kalo byk baca non fiction rasa mcm pandai laks...
best!:lol: :lol:

raeshad Publish time 22-1-2008 05:10 PM

i love fiction as a genre. as Albert Einstein once said - imagination is better than knowledge. :D

minahleter Publish time 10-2-2008 03:41 PM

suke fiksyen.. tapi janganle yg merepek merapu tahap gaban.. kalo yg lain suker jugak baca citer citer ketokohan atau kejayaan org lain.. mcm citer donald trump tu ke.. mcm citer perang ke.. biografi mahathma gandhi tu pung best:loveliness: :loveliness:

nazurah Publish time 11-2-2008 08:46 AM

naz suka dedua... so vote others ;)

shidaaziz Publish time 11-2-2008 10:00 AM

fiction & non-fiction. ilmiah pun layan jugak. kalau fiction tu, memang terus meresap. rasa macam dok dalam buku tu pulak :lol:

mekna Publish time 11-2-2008 11:30 AM

I ticked fiction and others....

Fiction - for escapism...for pleasure n entertainment...and I'd normally go for romantic fiction and please dont say u dont gain anything by reading romantic fiction..hehe

Others - because I'd read almost everything .... for the love of READING..:bg:
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