Png_Prince Publish time 13-3-2007 06:32 PM

You Can't Travel Back in Time, Scientists Say

The urge to hug a departed loved one again or prevent atrocities are among the compelling reasons that keep the notion of time travel alive in the minds of many.
While the idea makes for great fiction, some scientists now say traveling to the past is impossible.
There are a handful of scenarios that theorists have suggested for how one might travel to the past, said Brian Greene, author of the bestseller, 揟he Elegant Universe

razhar Publish time 13-3-2007 08:43 PM

last hundreds of years before,TV,Aircraft never crossed in the mind of the nothing is impossible at all,science is evolve...

herie Publish time 14-3-2007 09:18 AM

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Png_Prince Publish time 14-3-2007 09:31 AM

Reply #2 razhar's post

I do also believe its posibble.. It looks so interesting :lol:

herie Publish time 14-3-2007 10:28 AM

pandangan: kalau boleh tentu orang dari zaman akan datang dah datang jumper kiter skang ni....................................... maybe kiter tak nampak diorang kalau diorang datang sekali pun. susah ar nak cakap pasal bender ni di luar jangkauan sains manusia sekarang...:L

alphawolf Publish time 14-3-2007 05:01 PM

Tapi dari yang aku baca, manusia secara teori aje la, hanya boleh travel forward bukan backward....

Png_Prince Publish time 14-3-2007 07:53 PM

Reply #6 alphawolf's post

Dulu saintis Stephen Hawking kata time travel is posibble.. Skrg lain plak..

chiKenliTeL Publish time 14-3-2007 07:57 PM

setakat stepehn hawking cakap korang nak dengar... sekarag aku cakap boleh ~~~ ko tengok la nnanti. kalao aku dah tada... ko cakaplah kat cucu2 korang aku yang cakap ~~~ :$

herie Publish time 14-3-2007 08:36 PM


dexa Publish time 14-3-2007 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Png_Prince at 14-3-2007 07:53 PM
Dulu saintis Stephen Hawking kata time travel is posibble.. Skrg lain plak..

prince ada baca buku diaa brief history of time?
now - that's a great book --

thanks for the article --

herie Publish time 14-3-2007 10:49 PM


Png_Prince Publish time 15-3-2007 11:24 AM

Regardless of the theories, I cannot believe that time travel will ever be possible. My main reason for this is because we have recorded history and we know what events happened in the past, and in our own recent past we even have our own memories of past experiences. If time travel were possible then we could not have a recorded history because it would be constantly changing. I can remember, for example, the day when Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon, the first man to do so. If time travel were possible it would be possible to travel back through time and prevent that event from taking place. It would, for example, be possible for a Russian to travel back through time armed with the technical knowledge necessary to land on the Moon and give it to the Russians years before the Americans achieved it. That act would change history. After that it would then be possible for an American to travel back in time and prevent the Russians from using that information, and so on, and so on. History, however, is not subject to change, it remains constant, if it did change then it would not be history! In order to have a past that past must be unalterable, if it were subject to change then we may not be born to observe it, but we are here observing it. The following quote sums it up rather well I think - "This only is denied to God: the power to undo the past." Agathon (448 BC - 400 BC), from Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics.

It has been argued that perhaps time travellers from the future have visited us, but being aware of the dangers of interfering with the past - that could have dire consequences for their future - they only observe in secret and do not interfere. However, it should be clearly understood that this policy of 'non-interference' does not help the situation at all. Imagine that today no time travellers have yet come back from the future to visit us. Now imagine that at some future time they do come back to today and visit us. Even though they may only be observing for a few minutes and then return to their own time, they have still changed the course of history. In the first instance no time travellers had visited us, but in the second instance they had. This alone has changed history, it doesn't matter whether or not anybody knew they were there, or if they physically changed anything or not, the fact is they were there. So what happened to our 'original' history, the 'today' with no visiting time travellers? It has been removed from history and never happened - but the problem is we know it did happen! Does this mean that when history is changed our memories are changed as well? Perhaps I only think that my memory of Armstrong walking on the moon has never changed, but in reality it may have been changed many times. I don't think so though, because it is recorded history, it is written down in black and white, and how could that change? Unless it has changed every time of course and I only think it is permanent? This is leading us on to the alternative universe theory, as it is beginning to sound a lot like it.

The alternative universes theory was designed to overcomes the problems of altering history, which of course cannot be altered. It is my opinion however, that this theory is an extremely complicated concept only offered up as a way of getting round a very real problem - that of changing history and associated paradoxes - and is based on strange phenomenon found only in the quantum world - which is not at all understood - and for which we have absolutely no evidence for being applicable in the larger world. Furthermore, I have yet to find any explanation of where all the matter and energy would come from that mysteriously creates all these very convenient alternative universes. I am also puzzled as to what would constitute a choice of outcomes that would generate a universe for every possible outcome. I can understand a photon being 'forced' by observation to go through either one slit or another, and this generating two possible outcomes both of which require its own universe, but what of other examples of a choice of outcome? What about my turning left at a road junction instead of right, does that create an alternative universe? Or what if I said 'yes' instead of 'no' when asked if I liked the colour pink, would that create an alternative universe? You can see where I am going here, if every choice resulted in an alternative universe, then the number of alternative universes created would be infinite and ever increasing at an infinite rate as all those alternative universes created their own alternative universes, and so on ad infinitum. All this just to avoid paradoxes! I think not.
I really cannot see how time travel could ever become a reality, for if it were possible it would have already happened, if you see what I mean? The only method I can envisage as workable, or possible, is to put a person into a state of suspended animation in order to arrive, eventually, at the future, because I don't think the future is already 'out there', I suspect it has to develop moment by moment.

razhar Publish time 15-3-2007 11:55 AM

org2 era abad ke 16 tun ada kata "tv mana ada'? la ni?:(

razhar Publish time 15-3-2007 11:56 AM

manusia di era 16 cth nya pun tak terfikir yg benda2 cam tv,radio dan talipon akan wujud,,,sekarang?

alphawolf Publish time 15-3-2007 02:51 PM

Aku berpegang pada Surah Al-Asr...

adi_iskandar Publish time 16-3-2007 07:57 PM

Originally posted by alphawolf at 15-3-2007 02:51 PM
Aku berpegang pada Surah Al-Asr...

what did the surah al-asr says?

cucusaddam Publish time 16-3-2007 09:09 PM

tapi kita boleh undurkanmasa kebelakang...:loveliness:

prototaip Publish time 17-3-2007 06:15 PM

Sudahlah....masa memang tidak akan dapat berpatah balik..pergi ke masa lampau juga tak dapat dilakukan...masa adalah merupakan jujukan/turutanperistiwa/kejadian/proses..

Bayangkan proses membuat meggi....
1.Koyakkan bungkusan Meggi
2.Masukkan air ke dalam periuk.
3.Didihkan air.
4.Masukkan meggi dan perencah.
5.Jadilah meggi.

Fikirkan,apakah mungkin langkah 1 hingga 5 boleh diterbalikkan ke langkah 5 hingga 1?Ia tidak dapat dibuat dan memang mustahil ia boleh dibuat!

Aku berpegang kepada Surah Al-Asr ayat 1 dan 2:

1.Demi Masa!
2.Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada dalam KERUGIAN.

Lagipun cuba korang pikir.Kalau sekarang aku boleh travel back to masa lepas ke zaman sebelum aku wujud dan kemudian membunuh datuk aku sebelah ayah dan emak,adakah aku tiba2 akan hilang macam tu saja?Adakah salasilah keluarga aku akan berubah macam tu saja?Adakah takdir dan jujukan proses akan terubah macam begitu sahaja?

Berdasarkan kepercayaan aku terhadap al-Quran aku percaya bahawa:
1.Masa lampau boleh diketahui dan dirakam,tetapi tidak boleh dilawati.
2.Masa hadapan tidak boleh diketahui dan dirakam,tetapi boleh dilawati(tapi tak boleh patah balik!).

2 peristiwa mengenai travel to the future dalam al-Quran:
1.Ashabul Kahfi.
2.Seorang pemuda yang lalu di sebuah kota yang sudah mati.Dia tertidur dan apabila dia bangun,kota tadi sudah berfungsi semula.

Peristiwa mengenai travel to the past dalam al-Quran:
Mana ada!Melainkan surah al-Asr yang jelas menyatakan manusia sentiasa dalam KERUGIAN kerana masa.

P/S:Jangan percaya sangat filem,kartun ataau cerita sains fiksyen,tak baik untuk mental anda...:)

cucusaddam Publish time 17-3-2007 09:35 PM

kalau kita menaiki kapal terbang melintasi garisan greenwich tu tapi cara melawan pusingan bumi,maka kita sentiasa berada 1 jam kebalakang ? betul ke

razhar Publish time 17-3-2007 11:14 PM

Reply #18 prototaip's post

bergantung pada pendapat,setakat mana pemahaman tentang Quran..:'(
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