chiaki Publish time 12-4-2007 12:42 PM

o...kalau company guna lotus notes nio kedekut eh?
heehhe...maknanye aku ni keje kt company yg kedekut la ni...
ish...ish...teruk company aku ni

aku ni baru di assign utk support apps yg guna ln ni...
ada sesape leh bg site ke...ape2 source lah yg leh membantu
keje aku ni.


zydisini Publish time 15-4-2007 12:11 AM

Reply #17 mrsakit's post

Petronas dalam prosesmigrate dari Lotus Notes ke aplikasi buatan Microsoft, baru tahun ni.
Aku akan merindui Lotus Domino Designer (utk develop database) :(
Aku tengok Notes database yg dah di migrate
ke Microsoft.Net nampak mcm ok gak.

chiaki Publish time 16-4-2007 05:48 PM


bg aa reference utk beginner mcm aku nih. tips ke ape ke....

zydisini Publish time 17-4-2007 10:55 AM

Reply #23 chiaki's post

Aku tak terror sangat, sikit2 jer..

Selain diguna untuk e-mail, ia juga digunakan untuk database (Lotus Domino).
Tapi untuk akses ke dua-dua benda di atas, kita kena buka program"Lotus Notes". Sapa yang pernah guna Lotus Notes mesti ingat interface dier yang ada kotak2 tu...

Contoh database..aku bagi contoh, Ahmad adalah seorang user database Borang Cuti online. Apabila Ahmad hendak ambik cuti, dia akan isi borang online, lepas dia klik 'send' satu link akan dihantar secara automatic ke penyelia dier yag akan luluskan secara online juga.

Antara links yang ada dalam database ni kita dpat lihat :

1. PAGE (tatacara mengisi form @ lain cerita).
2. FORM (borang cuti online tadi).
3. VIEW (nak lihat senarai cuti @ status cuti dah lulus belum)

* PAGE,FORM,VIEW ni istilah utk designer, user biasa mungkin tak perasan.

Manakala org yang merekacipta database Borang Cuti Onlne tadi contohnya Karim, dia ialah orang yang telah develop database tadi menggunakanapliksi Lotus Domino Designer (mesti ada akses designer), dari A to Z.Design PAGE, FORM, VIEW ala..mcm orang nak design hompage.

Untuk Chiaki,

Kalau nak mudah belajar, tengok database yang ada sedia ada/sedangdigunakan di tempat anda. Save local copy mana2 notes database dah ada dlm drive c:\ ker dan bukak pakai Lotus Designer. Boleh lah kita lihat contoh org dulu design. Tolong hati2 yerr jangan tergodeh database asal, pastikan yang Local Copy jerr...

Setakat ini dulu, lain2 boleh search guna Pak Cik Google okay?

[ Last edited byzydisini at 17-4-2007 11:09 AM ]

shalalat Publish time 18-4-2007 06:27 AM

lotus notes :- produk ibm untok Messaging and groupware software.

is not only for email but also have document sharing, workflow, group discussions and calendaring and scheduling, most of the feature yang outlook tak ade.

outlook simple sebab cume gune untok email and simple calendar with to-do-list..

but lotus notes more complex

- personal calendar also can be accessible to other user (depend pada setting LN owner) e.g. to the secretary..

- can set meeting reminder, can invite others to meeting using meeting reminder, view the availability of meeting room and reserve the room as well..

- can have team room or knowledge base in LN

- can be shortcut to other plug-in application or domino database as well..

- can just drag and drop attachment in email

- ada out of office function --> nih tak sure outlook ade ke tak..

- ada juge location preferences, so kite boleh switch location/network profile easily..

rase nye bukan sebab LN lower cost ke ape.. tapi depends on the company..

kalau pakai mailing application just untuk send email and simple calendar ---> choose Outlook..

tapi kalau your company need a team room, document management, one workspace to all shortcut (domino databases), interactive callendar, chat room and etc.. -----------> go for LN.

:C ibmers~~

[ Last edited byshalalat at 18-4-2007 06:29 AM ]

dutchy Publish time 21-4-2007 05:00 PM

Originally posted by shalalat at 18-4-2007 06:27 AM
lotus notes :- produk ibm untok Messaging and groupware software.

is not only for email but also have document sharing, workflow, group discussions and calendaring and scheduling, most of the ...
:setuju: with shalalat

Dut kat work pun is using lotus notes, muler2 cam pening gaks, coz mmg comfi with outlooks

but it does encompass a lot of users and being in the documentation world, can't deny lotus is supporting a lot of the
function, usefull for us, eg. document sharing ability

and more organize as LN gotslots of others function..mentioned by shalalat

for time/schedule/documentation management LN is the way to go

best of all it has a function for chatting,which so far is virus free unlike ym :kant:

do try and explore it for ppl yg blom tahu sal LN :)

shalalat Publish time 24-4-2007 03:21 AM

betol tuh dutch.. aku pon mule2 bencih gak.. mati2 kate outlook lagik ok..

la nih baru paham :D

prebetsabu Publish time 24-4-2007 12:21 PM

haku ingat lagik, lotus ni slalunya org gahmen je pakai.. especially lecturer kat uaku dulu...

haku ingat jugak, lecturer tu sun bukan pandai mana.... hahahahha

dutchy Publish time 24-4-2007 10:12 PM

Reply #27 shalalat's post

haa laa, it takes time, but now dah very comfy with it, so far takder prob :loveliness: :loveliness:

makes my life as a document controller much more easier

pink_violet Publish time 25-4-2007 11:59 AM

tempat aku wat industrial training skang pun guna lotus notes!
Ok la, data base dia secure skit..

dutchy Publish time 29-4-2007 02:36 PM

Reply #30 pink_violet's post

yup the database is much more secure. am falling in love with all
the application :love:

oobi Publish time 29-4-2007 11:44 PM

actually, the security of lotus notes is misunderstood. lotus notes is not any more secure than outlook. it just that, not many people using it (therefore, not many people interested in exploiting its weaknesses). what if lotus notes is more popular than outlook?

just like the operating system, people said unix is more secure than windows, or mac is more secure than windows. in reality, they are all about the same. if we think about it again, windows probably more secure than the rest because they have to keep up with the latest security issues. as for the rest, they've taken their security for granted. for example, unix, they just realized recently that their port 25 for telnet was not secured and can be easily hacked. for how long this has happened? since unix was born... which is more than 20 years ago. and now they started to create a patch to make it secure.

if we want to compare which products are better, we need to consider the whole scenario.

i've used both products, outlook/exchange and lotus notes/domino. at the end of the day, i like outlook/exchange better (overall). well, that's just me.

juya79 Publish time 9-5-2007 09:10 PM

dulu kat company lama kene blajar sendiri je pasal lotus notes nih... sbb kene buat integration ngan our in-house software (J2EE Web application) ngan lotus notes nih (our client guna lotus notes for email and their intranet)...

pening siyut... sbb client kitorang pakai version 5... IBM dh tak support utk version 6 and below... jenuh carik forum psl lotus... pastuh pulak... yg version lama nih tak byk support utk integrate ngan non-IBM product... maknanya... kene guna dia nye product jer smua.... naik biul gak... bos aku senang2 je bagik assignment suh aku study pasal lotus notes... tp kedekut bukannya nk antar gi course ke, bagi duit beli buku ke... so source aku internet je la... esp kat IBM nyer forum...

siputsedut Publish time 28-6-2011 10:13 AM

tompang tanya..sapa biasa pakai Lotus Notes 8.5 {:3_92:}

nk tanya pasal New Copy utk database....mcm mana nk buat? :'(

yowa2 Publish time 28-6-2011 04:30 PM

Saya tak suka Lotus notes kerana:
- banyak menggunakan memori.
- belagak dengan high priority, sampai memori Windows XP 2gig pon boleh screen hang, nk load dia je.
- tak user friendly.

Walaupun dari segi keselamatan data, ia dikatakan lebih selamat.

Jadi, saya berusaha mencari alternatif padanya (termasuk browsing di antaranya:
- menggunakan pidgin menggantikan Lotus Sametime
- email... tiada lagi dapat handle domino server ia.

ciarePink Publish time 25-1-2016 07:09 PM

Wow i dont even remember that i ve create a thread about this. Hehe. Anyway been using lotus notes for programming purpose for about 10 years already. But its not my major for the time being. :)

esoftnsftopst Publish time 23-1-2021 04:33 PM

For complete conversion NSF to PST File the eSoftTools NSF to PST Converter software is the best that provides 100% safe and secure process for extracting lotus notes NSF file data and convert NSF to PST, EML, MSG, HTML, EMLX, MBOX, vCal, ICS, vCard and many more formats. This NSF to PST Software helps users to convert selective single and multiple folders from NSF files which maintain data integrity and support all MS Outlook file versions included- 97, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016.

Read more - Migrate Lotus Notes to Outlook

Zarabrowne Publish time 9-3-2022 01:01 AM

An best alternative of other platform but for sure this is bit complex to use. But, it works well for those who understand the working.
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