DanaScully Publish time 10-11-2006 11:17 PM

Patience - Take That

Take That made a comeback yay!

hmmph aku tak tau Take That dah bergabung semula until i heard their new single Patience on mixfm

boys and gals try have a look and a listen :bgrin:

Take That has come back to the music scene, signed to a music deal with Polydor Records, and they're going to release "Beautiful World".

The News Of The World announced on Sunday 10th September 2006 that Patience is the name of their comeback single. Music industry figures are raving about it and saying it's "worth the wait".

It is due to be released on 20th November 2006, with a special event launching it on 5th November 2006.

On Friday the 6th October Gary Barlow told Jonathan Ross on his late night show "Friday Night With Jonathan Ross" that Take That's first single "Patience" would be played for the first time by Chris Moyles on BBC Radio One on Tuesday 10th October. Barlow then announced that the UK release date for 'Beautiful World' is the 27th November. Also this coming Christmas time the boys will be recording a special ITV1"An Audience With" show and will preform some of their biggest hits to an audience full of celebrities.

p/s too bad no robbie williams

Muntz Publish time 11-11-2006 02:30 AM

robbie williams yg bodopiang. kononnya taknak dilabel boyband, nak buat muzik serius konon. tapi album demi album terus lingkup. dah ler entah aper2 lagu baru dia tu, mmg tahap sampah. baik dia gabung balik dgn take that baru aku boleh suka dia balik (suka sikit jer lar).

RedAlert Publish time 14-11-2006 11:48 AM

I love this song... lain sikit dari lagu-lagu Take That sebelum ni, video pun not bad...good for them!

Muntz Publish time 14-11-2006 09:33 PM

ada link download ker? share2 skit for promo use.. :P

sayangidaku Publish time 14-11-2006 10:26 PM

bestla lagu ni. cuma aku rasa gary barlow nyanyi sorang je.

luv_boril Publish time 15-11-2006 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Muntz at 14-11-2006 09:33 PM
ada link download ker? share2 skit for promo use.. :P


RedAlert Publish time 15-11-2006 01:51 PM

Reply #5 sayangidaku's post

Dalam group tu pun Gary jer yg paling berbakat ... he can sing and write songs. Cuma dia kureng sikit kalau menari :bgrin:

Robbie and Mark Owen okay gak kalau nyanyi, tapi yang lagi dua org tu memang tak leh harap sangat suaranya...

Gary ni kalau on his own tak laku sangat albumnya, walaupun lagu dia not bad ... commercial appeal dia kureng... harus depend on TakeThat....

DanaScully Publish time 15-11-2006 08:03 PM

Originally posted by luv_boril at 15-11-2006 01:41 PM



sayangidaku Publish time 16-11-2006 10:41 AM

aku dgr lagu ni ada iras2 lagu james blunt-'high' je... nak2 part korus dgn falsetto tu.

Muntz Publish time 17-11-2006 01:14 PM

aku try nak dengar ni... laju gak download dari savefile.com ek.... aku dpt around 200kbps download file ni.

DanaScully Publish time 17-11-2006 10:00 PM

Just have a little patience

I'm still hurting from a love I lost,
I'm feeling your frustration.
Any minute all the pain will stop.
Just hold me close inside your arms tonight,
don't be too hard on my emotions

Cause I need time.
My heart is numb, has no feeling.
So while I'm still healing,
Just try and have a little patience.

I really wanna start over again,
I know you wanna be my salvation.
The one that I can always depend.

I'll try to be strong. Believe me,
I'm trying to move on,
It's complicated but understand me.

Cause I need time,
My heart is numb has no feeling,
So while I'm still healing,
Just try and have a little patience,

Yeah, have a little patience, Yeah

Cause these scars run so deep,
It's been hard,
But I have to believe.

Have a little patience,
Have a little patience,

Woah, Cause I, I just need time,
My heart is numb has no feeling,
So while I'm still healing,
just try, and have a little patience,

Have a little patience,
My heart is numb has no feeling,
So while I'm still healing
just try and have a little... Patience

Muntz Publish time 18-11-2006 02:28 PM

betul kata sayangidaku... part chorus tu sebijik macam lagu "HIGH".

Body_language Publish time 20-11-2006 12:33 AM

Mcm Gary Barlow nyanyi sengsorang je. baik x payah.

aYuGiLeR Publish time 20-11-2006 03:40 AM

Reply #1 DanaScully's post


ct_subang Publish time 20-11-2006 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Body_language at 20-11-2006 12:33 AM
Mcm Gary Barlow nyanyi sengsorang je. baik x payah.

tulaa pasal...Gary jugak yg nyanyi...org lain tompng glemer jer...:nerd:

sayangidaku Publish time 20-11-2006 05:38 PM

petikan dari wikipedia...

An unsuspected backlash came in the very late 1990s, when the media (who had just been declaring him as the greatest songwriter of current times) turned their backs on Barlow. The press staged a battle between Barlow and his former bandmate, Robbie Williams after his single "Angels" was a hit. With little support from both the press and radio, Barlow was not in much of a position to compete. (Williams made fun of the missing success of the allegedly more talented Barlow in a hidden track at the end of his record Escapology in 2002, singing "Where has Gary Barlow gone?" ). Barlow quit his career as a singer, with his final single remaining unreleased, he returned to songwriting and producing, writing hits including single "Not Me, Not I" for Delta Goodrem. Since this time, Barlow has married (Dawn Andrews) and now has two children, a son Daniel (born 2000) and a daughter Emily (born 2002). In a 2005 television documentary on Take That, Take That... for the Record, Williams retracted his previous taunting of Barlow, and claimed that he would swap all of his current success for Barlow's happy family life.Barlow is now company president of True North Music Company. He has also worked with Elton John, Donny Osmond and Christina Aguilera amongst others.

belagak sgt robbie william tu. benci sgt kt dia.:geram:
mintak2 take that berjaya dgn album comeback ni.

Body_language Publish time 20-11-2006 05:57 PM

Reply #16 sayangidaku's post

Single diorang dpt no.4 kat UK base on download only. second act dpt wat mcm tu pas Scissor Sisters. sah2 minggu dpn diorang dpt no.1

DanaScully Publish time 20-11-2006 08:17 PM

dlm Take That tu aku suka suara Gary Barlow sorang saja, so aku tak kesah dia nyanyi semua lagu.


Muntz Publish time 21-11-2006 10:18 PM

Originally posted by sayangidaku at 20-11-2006 05:38 PM

belagak sgt robbie william tu. benci sgt kt dia.:geram:
mintak2 take that berjaya dgn album comeback ni.

kalau ko tengok dokumentari pasal take that ni, lagi ler ko geram dgn robbie. Dah ler dia nyer disiplin teruk waktu dalam boyband dulu, nak ikut kehendak dia jer... Bagi aku, mintak2 lah album rudebox tu flop terus. Mmg buruk giler lagu rudebox tu.

Aku rasa, at least Gary tu skarang dah ader stable income. Amik duit dari buat lagu dan uruskan artis, daripada Robbie tu dari mula lagi cari duit nyanyi jer. Kalau tak nyanyi, tak makan ler.

islahsaid Publish time 6-12-2006 04:18 PM

sharing is caring...


Take That - Beautiful World (2006) Part 1.zip
Take That - Beautiful World (2006) Part 2.zip

ZIP password: islah

1. Reach Out
2. Patience
3. Beautiful World
4. Hold On
5. Like I Never Loved You At All
6. Shine
7. I'd Wait For Life
8. Ain't No Sense In Love
9. What You Believe In
10. Mancunian Way
11. Wooden Boat / Butterfly
12. Patience (acoustic version)

[ Last edited byislahsaid at 6-12-2006 04:20 PM ]
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