Mily Publish time 22-9-2006 11:59 PM

Witch Hunter Robin

citer nie dah nak kuar dah kat Animax..
korang dah penah nengok?
aku tengok citer nie maser time lbh kurang x lamer abis hellsing..
besh ah gaks..
tengok si Robin tue..power..
tau op dia besh..

meitantei Publish time 23-9-2006 12:43 PM

Ore ade gak tengok beberapa Episod Witch hunter Robin ni... Ore memang suka art dier... Ore tngok gak episod2 last dier... Tapi ore tak berapa faham sgt cite ni...

Robin tu mati ke, tak masa last episod tu? Pastu laki rambut panjang kaler grey tu mati gak ker? Ore dah lupalah... Tengok beberapa bulan yg lepas...

Mily Publish time 23-9-2006 11:25 PM

Originally posted by meitantei at 23-9-2006 12:43 PM
Ore ade gak tengok beberapa Episod Witch hunter Robin ni... Ore memang suka art dier... Ore tngok gak episod2 last dier... Tapi ore tak berapa faham sgt cite ni...

Robin tu mati ke, tak masa las ...

citer nie mmg komplek sket..
aku pon sket2 blur tentang Robin nie..
tp kalo xsilap..
si Robin nie melarikan diri dgn bf @ kapten team tue..(aper ek nama dia..dah lupa la..)
dia lepas rasanya..kire create new identity ah..
mybe..sbb aku tgk dah dekat 3 taun lepas kot..hehehe..

sads Publish time 24-9-2006 05:39 AM

Sads tengok separuh je sebab dia tak jual dua2 set skali dulu.. jadi terhenti untuk beberapa taun. Baru je abis download skang ni tinggal lagi 6 episod nak abiskan... huhu

meitantei Publish time 24-9-2006 07:21 AM

Ore suka nengok Robin ni... sbb die cantik! Haha~ Mata dier hijau woo... Dulu ore ade lukis2 Robin ni...

abemus Publish time 24-9-2006 12:22 PM

anime nie pasal ape?nak gak tambah dalam koleksi aku..

meitantei Publish time 24-9-2006 02:42 PM

Pasal bunuh2 witch... Yg peliknya, witch laki pun dipanggil 'witch'...

Mily Publish time 24-9-2006 03:52 PM

Originally posted by abemus at 24-9-2006 12:22 PM
anime nie pasal ape?nak gak tambah dalam koleksi aku..

citer dia psl 1 organisasi persatuan2 witch sumer..sumer ahli sihir lah kiranya..
Robin nie br masuk org tu..dia nie 1 of witch yg ader kuasa yg plg power..control api rasanya..
then org tue control sumer aktiviti witches yg wujud..if ader witch yg kuarkan power tanpa pengesahan derang..sumer akan d buru lah..
kire witch yg memberontak lah..sumer akan d tangkap @ d bunuh..
pastue Robin nyer gang nie sedar mcm ader konspirasi dalaman..tue yg dia kene kecam..
somtin like that lah..
menarik citer dia..but dark jer sepanjang citer tue..
lg op dia

sads Publish time 24-9-2006 05:27 PM

Tapi pada asalnya Robin tak tau yang dia witch. Dia rasa dia hanya craft user bukan witch

Mily Publish time 24-9-2006 10:36 PM

Originally posted by sads at 24-9-2006 05:27 PM
Tapi pada asalnya Robin tak tau yang dia witch. Dia rasa dia hanya craft user bukan witch

dah luper sket2 ah..
lamer sngt tinggal si Robin nie..

meitantei Publish time 24-9-2006 11:01 PM

Dah craft user, mestilah witch kan?

Pepehal, OP ngan ED memang best. Shell ngan Half Pain ade kat playlist ore... Tapi ore lebih suka skit kat ED sebab lebih emo gitu... Heheh...

Tatoeba dokomade modoreba ii...

Mily Publish time 24-9-2006 11:09 PM

Originally posted by meitantei at 24-9-2006 11:01 PM
Dah craft user, mestilah witch kan?

Pepehal, OP ngan ED memang best. Shell ngan Half Pain ade kat playlist ore... Tapi ore lebih suka skit kat ED sebab lebih emo gitu... Heheh...

Tatoeba doko ...

maybe maksud nyer ialah craft user must use craft to create a spell or magic..
but yg born witch can create sometin without using any craft..
mcm tue kot..
kire bkn pakai kayu utk buat leh buat api atas tgn sendiri..

sads Publish time 25-9-2006 02:45 PM

agaknya la kot.. Craft user macam pengamal sihir tapi witch tu born with the ability. Sebab tu Robin jadi hunter untuk hunt witch, bila power Robin tiba2 bangkit (masa tu dia tau yang dia sebenarnya witch) dia pulak kena hunt dgn Solomon (organisasi yang hantar dia kat STN-J utk jadi hunter) Pening la jugak tengok citer ni.. tapi abis dia cam tak best.

MetalFire Publish time 25-9-2006 09:57 PM

kalo ade gambar2 lagi cantik.dapat pon bende2 yg cantek

meitantei Publish time 25-9-2006 11:11 PM

Ummm.... Ore baca artikel Witch Hunter Robin kat Wikipedia... Uiks! Robin tu sebenarnya baru 15 tahun ke??! Ore bajet die cam dlm awal 20-an gitu... Mungkin sbb ore tak tgk eps2 awal anime ni...

Mily Publish time 25-9-2006 11:14 PM

nie robin

[ Last edited byMily at 25-9-2006 11:16 PM ]

Mily Publish time 25-9-2006 11:18 PM

dr synopsis aku amik kat sini :

"Three hundred and twenty years have passed since the coven sank in the dark." this day they roam the world, though none may know it, not even those whose blood still carries the potential. Most of those with the "Witch Gene" are latent, but every so often, there is one who awakens to his or her powers.

When that happens, an organization called Solomon (more commonly known by the letters STN, which stand for "Solomon Toukatsu Nin'idantai"- roughly translated to "Solomon Control Center") steps in to bring the powers of this witch back under control before the population is threatened.

Witch Hunter Robin is the story of Solomon's Japanese bureau, STN-J. They carry the front line of the fight against witches as changes in Japanese society has caused an alarming rise in the number of witch awakenings, and the recent loss of one of their number has them shaken. Into the STN-J enters a new Witch Hunter named Robin Sena. Robin is a witch herself, a Craft-User gifted with the well-honed ability to create fire.

With witches awakening in ever-increasing numbers, STN-J will need to rely on every member and every advantage it can exploit to prevent the witches from growing beyond their control

Robin is a girl who was born in Japan and raised in Italy. Six moths ago, the STN-J lost one of their workers. That's when Robin came in. She was summoned to the STN-J to help out with Witch hunting. She is also a craft user, so no one really trusts her. She can minipulate and create fire, but her vision blurs everytime she uses her powers, so she has to wear glasses to compensate. Now Sakaki, Miho, Amon, Dojima, and Robin must work as a team to help get rid of Witches.

Mily Publish time 25-9-2006 11:20 PM

nie Amon

kira leader dlm group Robin tue ah..

meitantei Publish time 25-9-2006 11:22 PM

Meh, sebab ore rajin skit ari ni, ore kasi gambar skit...
Watak2 utama...

Watak2 lain ore dah lupa namanya... eheheh...

Mily Publish time 25-9-2006 11:22 PM

nie Haruto Sakaki
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