shidaaziz Publish time 24-2-2006 05:18 PM

bila start ha? aku suka citer ni. OST lagu sedap. memang tak berganjak dari depan tibi masa tengok dulu. kalau macam ni, aku tak boleh tidur petang le. nak tengok punya pasal. hero hensom.

eyka Publish time 24-2-2006 05:24 PM

eh baru perasan thread ni.... ye ke??? lepas habis springdays... stairway to heaven???? huhuhuhu NOSTALGIA ni!!!!!!

wordlife Publish time 25-2-2006 04:54 PM

start bila ni???
spring day x abis lagik pun

ching_aori Publish time 25-2-2006 11:15 PM

Originally posted by wordlife at 25-2-2006 04:54 PM
start bila ni???
spring day x abis lagik pun

start March nanti... tapi tak tahu gi date...

Ching masih ingat dulu tengok kat TV... habis je episode 3, terus pegi shopping centre terdekat untuk beli cerita ni... malam malam buta lagi masa tu... Tapi KSW memang best dalam cerita ni... especially masa dia pandu kereta dengan mata kristal dan muka risau dia tu :cak:... memang cair habis tengok dia...

[ Last edited by ching_aori at 25-2-2006 11:35 PM ]

eyka Publish time 26-2-2006 12:12 AM

sayang betul la thread yg dulu dah kena cuci... ada macam2 kat situ detail summary dgn screencaps pun ada.... saper ye yg buat summary time tu? aku ada buat 2-3 jer kot yg lain2 tu kimmy ke bel yg buat... aku tukang cari gambar dgn screencaps utk tiap2 ep.... mmg nostalgia betul thread tu.....

ayie77 Publish time 27-2-2006 12:29 PM

akhirnye khatam jua cite nie.huk..huk..sedih gilos cite nie.oppa punye acting very the good.lagu dia pun sedap.bogoshipda....bogoshipda alahai sayu ye lagu dia.cite nie best drama ke?:)

krayolan Publish time 27-2-2006 02:17 PM

Huhuhu.... Citer nie.... sedey bangat psl citer nie lah kra terus lekat kat 8TV layan citer korea...... masa dulu dia main dlm bulan puasa.... Hubby pergi terawih jadi kalau bab sedey tu blhlah layan jiwang sorang2.......

kalau tak silap citer nie hujung2 tahun 2004... pastu sambung pulak Jewel In The Palace

esciemo Publish time 27-2-2006 02:40 PM

bila citer ni nak start...4 ke 6 episod terakhir es tertinggal citer nih yelah time raya plak tu..dahla balik kampung tapi citer ni memang best...dulu es ada full ost citer nih tapi dah abis semua ...komputer plak rosak hampeh!

rienn Publish time 27-2-2006 02:59 PM

limau Publish time 27-2-2006 04:38 PM

cerita ni sedihlah..

blankie Publish time 27-2-2006 04:57 PM

pukul bape & hari ape?? aku tak penah tengok AEC sblom ni...

munna Publish time 28-2-2006 09:29 AM

Originally posted by blankie at 27-2-2006 04:57 PM
pukul bape & hari ape?? aku tak penah tengok AEC sblom ni...

pukul 3.30 pm - 5.30 pm.... every weekends

ayie77 Publish time 28-2-2006 10:14 AM

ayie77 Publish time 28-2-2006 10:15 AM

ayie77 Publish time 28-2-2006 10:18 AM

all credit to soompi.

wordlife Publish time 2-3-2006 08:05 PM

dah check,kat astro guide
start 12 mac pukul 3.30pm

shidaaziz Publish time 2-3-2006 09:51 PM

Originally posted by ayie77 at 28-2-2006 10:14 AM

hero handsome

penglipur Publish time 3-3-2006 01:15 AM

blum pernah tgk citer nih..tapi ramai ckp yg citer ni sedih....
erm...tak braper suka citer sedih2 ni....
tapi...kedatangan citer ni kat AEC amat lah dinantikannnn

ayie77 Publish time 3-3-2006 09:41 AM

kak bel,nak tanye nie daun yg tae hwa bagi kat jung suh tu ade makne tersendiri ke.:)

shidaaziz Publish time 3-3-2006 09:44 AM

Originally posted by penglipur at 3-3-2006 01:15 AM
blum pernah tgk citer nih..tapi ramai ckp yg citer ni sedih....
erm...tak braper suka citer sedih2 ni....
tapi...kedatangan citer ni kat AEC amat lah d ...

baik hang tengok. mesti hang pun tadah baldi jugak
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View full version: STAIRWAYS TO HEAVEN ~ Sesi Borak2 Kwon Sang Woo & Choi Ji Woo