blackmore Publish time 11-10-2005 05:49 AM

...oct 11 it would be your op day if everything goes as prayers and best wishes specially for u sis...may your surgery go smoothly....and may u have a speedy recovery...once again..good luck sis...:pray::pray::)

club64 Publish time 11-10-2005 07:39 AM

TQ blackmore.u r such a nice person.well, i disini masih lagi oct 10.esok baru surgerynya.hari ni i dah start puasa (dlm ertikata puasa for surgery)which is no solid food for wholeday.i will let u know when bila dah buat nanti, bila dah sihatlah, ok.terimakasih sbb ingat jugak u nak do'akan kesihatan i, itulah yg menguatkan semangat i sebenarnya.bye for now.

blackmore Publish time 11-10-2005 05:13 PM

Originally posted by club64 at 11-10-2005 07:39 AM
TQ blackmore.u r such a nice person.well, i disini masih lagi oct 10.esok baru surgerynya.hari ni i dah start puasa (dlm ertikata puasa for surgery)which is no solid food for wholeday.i will let u... ...oh..ok...heh...take care yeah sis....update us on your progress when u are well ok...:)

ssbrosi Publish time 11-10-2005 08:25 PM

Reply #23 club64's post

Ini ada story yang I nak share.Tiga tahun yang lalu selepas bernikah anak sulung I mengalami darah setiap kali bersatu,dia pun pergi berjumpa Pakar Sakit Puan dan buat pap smear.Seminggu selepas tu doktor panggil I serta anak I dan beritahu bahawa result pap smear menunjukkan anak I ada uterus cancer.Pada waktu itu dunia I memang terasa gelap kerana anak I terlalu muda.Doktor nasihatkan supaya buat biopsy dalam tempoh 1minggu.Dengan tidak membuang masa saya telah pergi berjumpa dengan seorang Doktor traditional di Melaka,dia hanya urut belakang anak saya dan suruh dia pantang makan benda yang bisa seumur hidup.Walaubagaimana pun anak saya terus menjalani biopsy tapi alangkah lega nya bila doktor beritahu yang biopsy nya negative.Allhamdullilah sekarang sudah ada seorang anak.

[ Last edited by ssbrosi at 11-10-2005 08:30 PM ]

excel Publish time 12-10-2005 08:38 PM

kenser rahim... club64

i'm sorry to hear that you face such great test from God. really hope can meet you up. i read a lot about canser. maybe i can share with you something regarding this canser issue. you can contact me: excel- 019-3816981

hafis Publish time 12-10-2005 09:44 PM


Boleh i tahu apa yang doctor suggest untuk u for the 1 stage of cancer?u dah buat d&c?

blackmore Publish time 12-10-2005 10:01 PM

Originally posted by hafis at 12-10-2005 09:44 PM

Boleh i tahu apa yang doctor suggest untuk u for the 1 stage of cancer?u dah buat d&c? is her op wont be able to answer u dalam sehari dua nie...eerr...but kalau u selak balik kat previous page tu...u bley tau apa yang dr dia rekomen kat dia...:) probably resting...feeling rather sedated...with all those lines attached to her...drips...catheter...drains...calf compressor...and nil orally...apa2 pon...hurdle pertama dah lepas...doa yang terbaik buat club...speedy recovery sis...

honeybee1802 Publish time 14-10-2005 04:46 PM

hope everything will be ok.....

blackmore Publish time 14-10-2005 09:11 PM

Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 14-10-2005 04:46 PM
hope everything will be ok.....

...honey...she's sure she's doing would be her 1st post op shes on feeds alone...or could be still nil orally...but...most of the time...if shes doing well...dinner time dia dah bley start with soft diet...heh...apa2 pon...kita sama2 doakan yang terbaik untuk club...:)

peace Publish time 15-10-2005 06:29 AM

kalau rahim dah dibuang, ovari kalaudisimpan untuk tujuan apa ye? (sekadar bertanya.. :rf:)

blackmore Publish time 15-10-2005 11:20 PM

Originally posted by peace at 15-10-2005 06:29 AM
kalau rahim dah dibuang, ovari kalaudisimpan untuk tujuan apa ye? (sekadar bertanya.. :rf:)
...for those that have not reached menopausal stage...conserving the ovaries (after removing the uterus) means that they do not experienced sudden menopause...cos the ovaries can still produce the female hormones...but for uterine cancers...usually...they would advice removing the ovaries as well..cos..leaving it behind may further increase the chances of having ovarian cancer in the future...

club64 Publish time 16-10-2005 08:27 AM

a'kum.apakhabar semua?saya spt yg semua disini maklum.saya dah pun selamat menjalani surgery.alhamdullilah semuanya berjalan dgn lancar, berkat do'a & semangat dari suami & anak2 tercinta, kawan2 sekeliling,keluarga di m'sia serta kawan di "cari" ini.skrg berehat dirumah.dah 2 hari saya keluar. tapi memang tidak berkesempatan langsung utk menulis.perut yg dipotong pun dah mengering, next week baru pergi buka "staplesnya".blackmore, the oncology told my husband, right after they took out the uterus tu, they can't find any cancer cell.until, they have to use the microscope baru they found a very tiny, ikut katanya, memang that cells belum merebak jauh, so, i don't have to go for radiation.syukur!!but they still sending the uterus & sedikit dari my lymph nodes to pathology to 6 weeks i mesti berjumpa dgn my oncologist to discuss about HRT.but she did mentioned to me nak bagi i guna patch HRT which i think that's the know anything about that sis?oklah sakit pulak jahitan i ni bila duduk lama2.tq again.

hafis Publish time 16-10-2005 04:56 PM

alhamdulillah your operation was succesfull
about HRT,in my opinion,ada 2 ways in this case
whether HRT or SERM.Majority doctors prefer to used SERM for their patients coz HRT ni
tak sesuai for a certain people.Just an opinion.

blackmore Publish time 16-10-2005 10:37 PM

Originally posted by club64 at 16-10-2005 08:27 AM
a'kum.apakhabar semua?saya spt yg semua disini maklum.saya dah pun selamat menjalani surgery.alhamdullilah semuanya berjalan dgn lancar, berkat do'a & semangat dari suami & anak2 tercinta,...
...waalaikumsalam club... glad that your surgery went well and was uneventful...and that now u are recuperating at home...and i am very happy to noe that u dont need any further adjuvant therapy...thank god for that...

...ok...about hurry sis...oncologists here dont really start pts on HRT unless these pts are symptomatic...kalau they start pon...they dont usually consider the patch at all...what they give also depends on the symptoms that their pts presented with...kalau vaginal dryness, for example,...premarin cream does help...and if hot flushes...then they would usually give premarin or sometimes combination of premarin and provera...i ever came across a couple of pts who are much younger than u and had the same op done like u but they are not on any HRT at all...cos..they remain oncologists just leave them be...

...frankly speaking...kadang2 i notice that to them (oncologists) issue pasal sudden menopausal nie is just a secondary matter...they are more focus and concerned with the ca itself...heh...anyway...apa2 pon...bawak discuss ngan your oncologist regarding this issue ive hurry sis...unless of cos u dah ada menopausal symptoms...

...another one more thing...since u had pelvic lymphadenectomy take care of your lower limbs...make sure that u keep them free from any injury and cuts...if u need to have injections...try to avoid any injections on your lower limbs...cause...injuries and cut can cause infection to set in which can actually lead to lymphadema due to comprised lymphatic sure the physiotherapist did teach u on some leg exercises rite??...follow these exercises sis to prevent any lymphadema...which can be very difficult to resolve once it sets in...

....apa2 very glad to noe that u are recovering take care of yourself sis and dont over-exert yourself...regarding the looks gross isnt it??...but dont worry...during removal of the is not painful at all...just like ant bites jer..hehe...

blackmore Publish time 16-10-2005 10:46 PM

Originally posted by hafis at 16-10-2005 04:56 PM
alhamdulillah your operation was succesfull
about HRT,in my opinion,ada 2 ways in this case
whether HRT or SERM.Majority doctors prefer to used SERM for their patients coz HRT ni

....raloxifene which is a SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator) is commonly used here also...but...certain oncologists find that they are less effective kalau dibandingkan ngan premarin/provera...also...i supposed depend on the symptoms these pt presented with...

blackmore Publish time 16-10-2005 10:48 PM

...eerr...lupa they start u on have your mammogram done as recommended...;)

club64 Publish time 17-10-2005 03:14 AM

hari ni dah 6 hari lepas op. lebih ringan rasa badan, sakit di perut pun dah banyak kurangnya, i thinks the protein that i take b4 and after op do help me a lots.lepas baca reply dari hafiz dan blackmore ni, pening dah kepala i.tak paham bahasa medical ni.tapi it's good to know from u all, at least i got some picture to talk & discuss when i visit my oncologist nanti.ehmm.. boleh i tanya... hafiz & blackmore ni doctor ya?both of u such a smart & nice person.i ada banyak lagi persoalan nak ditanya ni, bolehkan?

blackmore Publish time 17-10-2005 06:48 AM

Originally posted by club64 at 17-10-2005 03:14 AM
hari ni dah 6 hari lepas op. lebih ringan rasa badan, sakit di perut pun dah banyak kurangnya, i thinks the protein that i take b4 and after op do help me a lots.lepas baca reply dari hafiz dan bla ...

...heh...sorry kerana buat u pening with all these medical terms...ok..i try to put it in layman terms for u...;)

....adjuvant therapy nie basically means extra treatment to keep cancer from coming back...usually given after the primary treatments have been initiated...

...asymptomatic niemeaning without person who has menopaused but shows no clinical symptoms of menopausal...

...while symptomatic plak means with symptoms lah...

...pelvic lymphadenectomy means removal of lymph nodes in the pelvis for examination under your case...they want to noe whether the cancer has invaded the lymph nodes ke tidak...kalau tak de...thats great...but kalau positive...then not so great lah...usually if nodes involvement is positive it would be stage 3 lah...then treatment plan pon will be different...

...premarin and provera...these are some of the hormonal drugs used for treating menopausal symptoms...

...lymphedema nie is a condition in which excess fluid collects in tissue and causes may occur in the arm or leg after lymph vessels or lymph nodes in the underarm or groin are removed or treated with radiation...

...SERM or selective estrogen receptor modulator nie is a drug that acts like estrogen on some tissues but blocks the effect of estrogen on other tissues...example of SERMs are tamoxifen and raloxifene...for your info...some cancer cells needs estrogen to like someestrogen-dependent breast cancers when the cancer cells needs estrogen in order for it to grow...tamoxifen helps to slow or stop the growth of the cancer cells in the body...

...eerr..dont know about hafiz...maybe dia seorang dr...but not me not a dr...;)

blackmore Publish time 21-10-2005 12:22 AM

...heyya are u??...eerr...10th days post's everything?? dah out ke blom??...i think should have taken off during the 7th day post op rite??..or is it today??...some drs like to keep staples on till the 10th day...heh...eerr...also...i think by today your histological report should be ready too..hopefully it is a good report...pray for u that it is...take care sis...wishing u well always...:)

club64 Publish time 21-10-2005 01:02 PM

hi, sis, akak bertambah baik ni. staples pun dah buka dah.tapi report belum dapat lagilah.kenapa hek? hari tu akak call they said belum terima lagi, and oncologist will me, as soon as they receive, esok kot.tak tulis lama sbb tak ada berita. hafis mana ye, senyap je??termaksihlah ye, tak henti2 mendoakan akak.
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