hazlyn Publish time 21-8-2005 11:12 AM

betul la tu
kena selalu practice speaking
salah sket2 pun takpe
at least you speak n learn from mistakes
one more thing...jgn malu2
try n learn to be more confident

Foxey Publish time 31-8-2005 05:48 PM

you can improve by reading (comprehension).... listening.... and speaking.....

LimpBizkutMerri Publish time 31-8-2005 10:43 PM

or maybe thinks in english.. sometimes we can't produce what word we want to said becoz in our mind we always think.. that word or sentences in malay language.. start in english or maybe join any english based forum.. u will learn new words and maybe some day u can even make sarcastic jokes in english..:P or even can flames people..

try thinks in english instead of malay :p or maybe dream in english...

LimpBizkutMerri Publish time 31-8-2005 10:48 PM

Originally posted by mrs_livingstone at 19-6-2005 06:19 AM
memang senah....memang kita byk masalah nk speaking..
nk practice pun byk masalah gak:gila:
selalu high class ppl je yg speaking berabuk kan...he he he
kalau kita yg bese2 nih sure derang pandan ...

aku cakap englishbile in serius mode jer.. takpun kalo ade bende yg kene cakap dlm english.. kekadang buat lawak dlm english.. err i mean sarcastic jokes of coz...ekekeke.. kekadang gi kedai cine jual buku cakap englishh.. hampeh tullll.. jumpe lecturer mmg aa confirm kene cakap english:cry:

deepjunior Publish time 2-9-2005 01:45 PM

aku pon kekadang tergagap bercakap english..kalo persekitaran cakap english...2-3 bulan gerenti mahir.

LimpBizkutMerri Publish time 2-9-2005 10:32 PM

tul tuuu.. kalo ur environment are english based.. mmg berhabuk aa ko cakap english pass tu..

fly_in_d_sky Publish time 3-9-2005 01:03 AM

Originally posted by senahsirap at 17-6-2005 08:21 AM
a'm also faced the same problem..maybe i can write in english, can understand what other people say but i have a little bit difficult to speak...what i'm trying to do is speak to myself...when watc ...

dis is what mostly students facing ...
having diffculty to speak in d public r with in personal
if with fren .. i think .. mostly used malay language or own dialect ....
but frankly .... students need to start speak during study times
coz they able to trace their mistake ...
so it won't happen during work time .....

wats d point having good cgpa
but lack in communication skill
especially in english ...

i, myself admit have tough time to speak in english ....
my grammar is suck ...
but d weird thing is ... i'm able to speak english in spontaneous moment
either with fren or other people ......

hmm having lack of confident i think ......

to make english better ...
practice practice practice .......
writing + speaking .......

watch english movie w/out refering subtitles .....
read english book, newspaper ...... + try to talk with frens
frens might laugh at u ...
but after that ... they will join along ....
n maybe for those who r writing journal
maybe writing ur journal in english might help abit ....
coz i write my journal in english ...
maybe using english able to make me express more easily
rather than malay .........

fly_in_d_sky Publish time 3-9-2005 01:07 AM

one more thing .....
if u r an excellent in english
don't ever forget ur own language ....
ur mother tongue language + national language
coz be proud of with our language ........

rugi jd rakyat m'sia
tp x reti nak ckp melayu ......
takat dok setahun dua kat oversea
dah speaking london ......
he he he he he ......
kalau yg dok kat oversea tu
ajar2 anak ckp melayu ....
so senang la bile balik m'sia
idak ler ternganga ......

LimpBizkutMerri Publish time 3-9-2005 01:16 AM

Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 3-9-2005 01:03 AM

dis is what mostly students facing ...
having diffculty to speak in d public r with in personal
if with fren .. i think .. mostly used malay language or own dia ...

totally agree with u..:hmm: try n error laa.. lelame fasih aaa..

kepito Publish time 26-7-2006 11:45 AM

elo sume jom la post lg kt sini..
i jmp gak topic nie..sb i mmg problem english
university i mmg english base..i lak xpandai english la..
kadang2 tue practice ckp sorg2 dlm kete..da rasa mcm org giler lak tue..hahaha

Lady_On_Earth Publish time 26-7-2006 12:46 PM

kalau nak power english..jangan buat direct translation from ur native language...
n dont talk like a book...talk naturallu...kalau skema sgt nanti u ll sound like a book..

okb Publish time 26-7-2006 01:27 PM

my name is ong kah bing.. i will take spm.. and i not too good in grammar.. anybody sister brader to teach me.. im so worry rite now.. the exam is coming near.. :ting:


aina_shaira Publish time 26-7-2006 01:59 PM

Originally posted by okb at 26-7-2006 01:27 PM
my name is ong kah bing.. i will take spm.. and i not too good in grammar.. anybody sister brader to teach me.. im so worry rite now.. the exam is coming near.. :ting:


ko nie cina kerr.....aku ingatkan melayu.....

okb Publish time 26-7-2006 02:09 PM

wakakakakakkkakakakakkaka.. i melayu tulen la..

aina_shaira Publish time 26-7-2006 02:12 PM


fly_in_d_sky Publish time 27-7-2006 12:58 AM

Originally posted by okb at 26-7-06 01:27 PM
my name is ong kah bing.. i will take spm.. and i not too good in grammar.. anybody sister brader to teach me.. im so worry rite now.. the exam is coming near.. :ting:


do lots of pratice in writing, help to enrich ur grammar
refer to thesaurus & dictionary
write an essay .....
give to ur teacher n ask she / he to check it ......
check out new words everyday ......
try to read NST ....

okb Publish time 27-7-2006 01:20 PM

Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 27-7-2006 12:58 AM

do lots of pratice in writing, help to enrich ur grammar
refer to thesaurus & dictionary
write an essay .....
give to ur teacher n ask she / he to check it ......
check out new words...

thanks.. i try.. :nerd:

adecco_85 Publish time 16-12-2006 07:48 PM

same with me....same times i can speak but sometimes i can't...when i think i speak wrongly then i'll stop....so please if my grammar or vocab is poor tell me...i want to learn it...its make me feel shame to others when they speaking london....hehehehe..see, my english terabur right?????but i must try like what u have said....i must...i can understand what u have said but not to speak...i must think 1st...

cassiopeia Publish time 17-12-2006 09:13 PM

huhu...i think i have to take english communication class..
when it comes to writing, i always got an A for it..but i cannot speak in english... *sigh*
seriously, i feel stupid...>_<

[ Last edited bycassiopeia at 17-12-2006 09:15 PM ]

tadika_action Publish time 19-12-2006 03:09 PM

My 2 cents:
Use spellcheck tools. Refrain from using abbreviations. Joininternational internet forums. Read. Watch tv series ( if you watch a lot, you'll get used to the English vernaculars). Read. Befriend your English instructor. Keep a journal, and read your entries aloud to see whether they make sense. Find a native speaker. When listening to a radio," talk" with the DJ.

For the umpteenth time, READ.

Good luck!

[ Last edited bytadika_action at 19-12-2006 03:45 PM ]
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