Rahah Publish time 2-3-2021 09:04 PM

Mekpah replied at 2-3-2021 01:54 PM
Iols sorang jeke tertunggu tunggu citer ni?? Mcm x ramai jer yg alert ngn citer ni..semua pakat cair ...

Iols dah lama tunggu citer ni... :lol:
Vincenzo tu iols kurang minat sikit dengan acting jeon yeo bin & taecyeon... tapi gigihkan diri jugak layan citer tu...
Kalau lama2 sangat macam bosan pulak except citer ala2 movie...

xyla73 Publish time 2-3-2021 09:17 PM

Mekpah replied at 2-3-2021 01:54 PM
Iols sorang jeke tertunggu tunggu citer ni?? Mcm x ramai jer yg alert ngn citer ni..semua pakat cair ...

Adoi lamanya...kalau camtu blh tgk time weekend jelah..,Vincenzo tu biasanya iols tgk separuh2...mlm tgk separuh lepas tu esoknya tgk separuh lagi...mungkin ada org suka runtime lama2 ni sbb puas tapi iols prefer sejam atau lebih 10 min...sbb ada byk kerja lain lagi nak buat...tapi tvN memang suka buat 1 epi panjang2 kan..

Mekpah Publish time 2-3-2021 09:46 PM

xyla73 replied at 2-3-2021 09:17 PM
Adoi lamanya...kalau camtu blh tgk time weekend jelah..,Vincenzo tu biasanya iols tgk separuh2...m ...

Episod 1 jer kot lama..Episod lain rasanya sejam jer rasanya

Mekpah Publish time 2-3-2021 09:48 PM

Rahah replied at 2-3-2021 09:04 PM
Iols dah lama tunggu citer ni...
Vincenzo tu iols kurang minat sikit dengan acting jeon yeo ...

Vincenzo mmg bosan sikit, episod latest jer rasa best.. Iols hampir2 nk drop drama vincenzo.. Tengok ep4 baru rasa menarik

Rahah Publish time 2-3-2021 11:14 PM

source : Wikipedia


The scriptwriter is inspired by the Incheon Elementary School Murder case in 2017.

"I want the defendant to know how precious our youngest child was..." In 2017, at the Incheon Elementary School murder trial, this is what the mother of the child victim said. Unfortunately, that did not happen.

When the victim’s mother asked the defendant what was the hardest thing right now, the defendant's answer was not sorry or guilt. Instead, the defendant said, "The weather is nice, but it's the hardest for me not to see cherry blossoms.“ What made it hard for the defendant was not being able to see the cherry blossoms, and nothing about the victim.

The whole nation was shocked and furious at the defendant's response. Perhaps it is natural for the defendant to give such an answer. After all, the defendant was born with a different gene from ours, the "Psychopathic Gene". Psychopath has the same brain as ordinary human beings, but without a mirror neuron. She does not feel the pain of others at all. Neither can they perceive other feelings such as guilt, sympathy, compassion, or regret. Therefore, we cannot expect repentance or atonement from the defendant. That's why the defendant could not understand that the child she brutally murdered is, in fact, precious to his parents.

Victims' families can only spend their entire lives in pain while the perpetrators spent the rest of their lives trying to kill. They have the genes that enable them to turn a blind eye to what they have done and live comfortably, without feeling even 1% of the remorse or guilt that they should have felt and that gives rise to unbearable rage.   The scriptwriter planned the drama in this backdrop. The psychopaths are the ones who believe in what they have done. As the scriptwriter wanted to see psychopath murderers feel the pain, reflect on their actions, and atone. Even if there’s only a slight chance that they will feel empathy, they should understand their sins sincerely and feel remorse. That would be the best punishment and salvation for the psychopathic murderers.

mbhcsf Publish time 5-3-2021 01:18 PM

Edited by mbhcsf at 5-3-2021 01:23 PM

wow - what a drama. I suka tang part that guy - giving lectures on neuroscientific bases ofpsychopathic personality / behaviour , tapi students dia accent US.Nice.

Nice theory siap dengan MAOA bagai wah wah - secara scientificnya ada.
Tapi kan , tu la, hal ini membabitkan hal asasi manusia - persoalan genetik janin and hak sesuatu ' janin' tu nak hidup - dan the ethics of genetic testings. ini macam juga cerita Alice - di mana anak dia tu tak ada part dalam otak yg bertanggungjawab untuk tafsir perasaan , empathy.

ep 1 tu pun dah bolehlah tahan scene scene dia. hmm. hehehe.
i puji tang scene depa debate on the hak asasi tulah. good scenes. The rest wow - hmm ala satu citer crime thriller yg dia sentuh org dia boleh tahu siapa dan memory org tu. okay. hehehe...ngendap ngedap je scene kene hammer the headssemua tu.

FY08 Publish time 5-3-2021 06:31 PM

Edited by FY08 at 5-3-2021 06:34 PM

Mekpah replied at 2-3-2021 01:54 PM
Iols sorang jeke tertunggu tunggu citer ni?? Mcm x ramai jer yg alert ngn citer ni..semua pakat cair ...

Aku xtgk vicenzo tu wpun SJK blakon.. xtau knapa xbminat.. yg ni awl2 dh tgk sinopsis...dh tarik phatian
*Edit...pttla aku xmnat vicenzo...crita mafia+lawyer.. xminat

Rahah Publish time 5-3-2021 09:21 PM

mbhcsf replied at 5-3-2021 01:18 PM
wow - what a drama. I suka tang part that guy - giving lectures on neuroscientific bases ofpsychop ...

Okay tak 1st episode? I belum tengok lagi sebab tengok citer lain dulu... :lol:

Rahah Publish time 5-3-2021 09:23 PM

royaldanish replied at 5-2-2021 10:50 PM
iols baru habiskan vagabomb tadi... best sangat! Tapi blom ada news utk s2 kan? Kalau ada maybe 20 ...

Sorry reply post lama... Citer ni ada kat viu...

mbhcsf Publish time 5-3-2021 09:53 PM

Rahah replied at 5-3-2021 09:21 PM
Okay tak 1st episode? I belum tengok lagi sebab tengok citer lain dulu...

well of course other parts are thrillig citer pun homicide thriller

eisode 1 dah ada 3-7 scenes bunuh bunuh -tangan i kat muka and ngendap ngendap dah

i bila sampai tahap ni i was like hmm...ada satu unexpected - who is the killer , haa tengoklah .., jeng jenghmm ini emotionally loaded lah sebab akan ada satu scene yg melibatkan ethics judgement call...so yes ini pada i persoalan menarik.
the restmacam fefelling memorist? tu hmmmm tapi tangan i kat muke dah bial ep 1

adeh laa secene katk org dengan hammer tu aiyooo....:'(

u see? ni i kata i will elak personalising this kindi stress...tengok watak helpless...

xyla73 Publish time 5-3-2021 10:19 PM

Iols pun rasa nak hold dulu citer ni...sebab busy menelaah citer lain...at least kena tunggu beyond evil tu habis dulu lepas tu baru fokus citer ni...

Rahah Publish time 5-3-2021 11:09 PM

mbhcsf replied at 5-3-2021 09:53 PM
well of course other parts are thrillig citer pun homicide thriller

eisode 1 dah ada 3-7 scenes ...

Interesting... that's why rated 19... nanti iols tengok...

I citer homicide thriller boleh tengok... kalau horror yang takut... :lol:

mbhcsf Publish time 5-3-2021 11:46 PM

Edited by mbhcsf at 5-3-2021 11:47 PM

Rahah replied at 5-3-2021 11:09 PM
Interesting... that's why rated 19... nanti iols tengok...

I citer homicide thriller boleh ten ...
i tengok prometheus kat movie pun masa , that elisabeth shue kena caesarean kan yg - dia self instruct that machineto perform hirisan perut tu pun i dah pegang dedua seats kiri kanan ( nasib tak ada sesiapa ) dan mukatoleh ke kiri , nampak lah couple mat salleh ni , the guy explained to the gf about what was happening on the screen , i tumpang curi dengar je aaa

no way ...
i mean i can if i want to watch this - buttujuan i tengok ialah nak entertainment bukan nak stresss.....tangan jari ke muka bagai aaah
memang best lah pada siapa yg suka homicice thrillerbutweii...heheh deferat lah my purpose. nak entertainent

u see, kalau masuk bilik bedah kalau ada peuang observed pembedahan yg butchered habis , darah memang banyak but itu tak mengerikan sebab it s pretty much conrolled walaupun darah ... tapi bila tengok scene macam ni aiyoooo.....stress lah...it is the violent tu i ngilu cringe.

Rahah Publish time 6-3-2021 06:17 PM

mbhcsf replied at 5-3-2021 11:46 PM
i tengok prometheus kat movie pun masa , that elisabeth shue kena caesarean kan yg - dia self inst ...

So u continue tengok tak? Hehehe...

Masing2 ada different taste u... ada yang suka genre crime thriller, ada yang suka romance...

Iols suka thriller ni sebab curious... citer macam ni buat kita berfikir... bukan sebab fun tengok orang kena bunuh... usually writernim punya idea based on real story... tu yang interesting...

xyla73 Publish time 6-3-2021 09:10 PM

Rahah replied at 6-3-2021 06:17 PM
So u continue tengok tak? Hehehe...

Masing2 ada different taste u... ada yang suka genre crime ...

Ye betul...everyone ada taste masing2 & we have to respect that...iols suka tgk semua genre as long as it has good storyline & x cliche...iols tgk drama bkn utk hiburan semata2...naturally iols suka menganalisa...that’s why iols suka genre crime thriller ni sbb byk benda yg blh dianalisa...romcom a bit boring to me sbb xde benda sgt yg blh dianalisa unless kalau writer tu ada benda lain yg dia nak bring up cthnya jealousy incarnate citer pasal breast cancer...melalui citer tu baru iols tau rupa2nya org lelaki pun blh kena breast cancer...so kita bkn je dpt hiburan tapi jugak knowledge...

Berbalik kpd mouse, there’s a lot of good reviews out there tapi iols sendiri pun blm tgk sbb iols dah ada satu citer with the same genre yg iols tgh tgk skrg...citer tu pun best so iols x blh drop..tapi kalau pasal violence scene rasanya kdrama still ada tapisan...normally diorg blurkan part yg mengerikan cthnya kalau scene kena tikam diorg blurkan pisau & darah tmpt kena tikam tu...

mbhcsf Publish time 6-3-2021 10:31 PM

Edited by mbhcsf at 6-3-2021 10:50 PM

Rahah replied at 6-3-2021 06:17 PM
So u continue tengok tak? Hehehe...

Masing2 ada different taste u... ada yang suka genre crime ...
depends on my mood really.. hahahaonce i got the hang of thefirst two then we shall see.. may be skip skip ...or may be tak tengok ikut kot just apabial ada ulangan i tengok tengok gitu.

feel free to watch it.and vent your opinion.i cakapbased on myself as an individual viewertau as others are free to throw their comments on anything so yes, nama pun karya seni visual kan?subjective, so feel free to say anything. pada i bab bab visual arts ni hahah okay je nak ada apa apa opinion hahaha. i bukan pengkritk profesional pun hahaha...

i just wanna watch thisk drama for entartainment purposes sebab banyak guna kepala kat luaq dah hahahah that why i go for lite lite when comes to entertainment...chill out ...
the only thing i suka about this - ada ethical dilemma on genetic testings - itu i fikir interesting. garapan menarik. ini memang real debates.
my suggestion kalau u really nak bebenda u suka fikir - feel free to read Ludlums novels - 60% of it. yups. He was a good author , an ex NAVY SEAL.
soyes. i guess i banyak dipengaruhi olehLudlums sebab tu i suka citer spy thriller intelligence macam Gorky Park ( ini bukan ludlums ) , Bourne etcoh yes citer lembab bt best - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - in by le carre. so i guess ...probably sub consciouslydriven by those novels.
oh kalau suka thriller tengoklah movie ni back in 1998 ? 1999 From Hell - heeather graham and Depp. grosteque - jack the ripper. ni your type ni...

as i saidto you , semua scene bunuh bunuh ade lah dalam ep 1tak kurang dari 3 scene and yes feel free to watch. i have no qualm about it. ni drama suits you.me? takpelah dah cukup dengan bau formalin dissect cadavers. hahaha.

dah nama homicide thriller so...memang ada banyak scene gitulah :lol:

Rahah Publish time 7-3-2021 09:56 AM

Edited by Rahah at 7-3-2021 09:59 AM

xyla73 replied at 6-3-2021 09:10 PM
Ye betul...everyone ada taste masing2 & we have to respect that...iols suka tgk semua genre as lon ...

Agree... yang penting storyline tu interesting...

Actually sebelum tengok kdrama thriller ni pun iols memang follow series macam ni like CSI... bukan sebab enjoy tengok orang kena pukul, bunuh semua tu kan...

Pasal knowledge tu pun iols agree... sebab writernim kdrama ni buat research... even info yang dia bagi tu pun memang facts...

Iols dah tengok citer mouse ni... memang best... takpe uols... take your time... nanti dah habis citer tu uols boleh layan citer ni pulak...

Rahah Publish time 7-3-2021 10:01 AM

Iols suka citer ni... 1st episode interesting... fokus pasal psychopath... tak sangka Dr Han ni head hunter... tengok macam normal & baik je... neurosurgeon pulak tu... even wife dia sendiri tak tau dia killer... plus bestfriend dia Prof Daniel tu pun tak tau... padahal dia expert dengan psychopath... selepas bunuh 20 orang baru la kena tangkap... itupun sebab moochi...

Rahah Publish time 7-3-2021 10:04 AM

2nd episode ni iols tak faham... kenapa Dr Han tu still hidup lagi... bukan dia kena death sentence ke... aman2 je kat prison tu... dah la muka poker face... tak regret langsung...

Rupanya moochi jadi detective... abang dia pun still survive... tapi kesian tengok dia... nampak macam still trauma lagi...

Dalam episode 1 ada tunjuk sorang lagi pregnant lady yang ada gene psychopath jugak selain wife Dr Han... meaning ada 2 baby...

Now yang jadi persoalan siapa Jaehoon bila dah besar... antara Baerum @ Dr Sung Yohan...

Curious jugak pasal kes Bongyi...

Rahah Publish time 7-3-2021 10:22 AM

Edited by Rahah at 7-3-2021 10:24 AM

Source Wikipedia...

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View full version: [tvN/Viu 2021] MOUSE - Lee Seung gi, Lee Hee Joon, Park Joo Hyun