Rogue98 Publish time 24-8-2020 11:15 AM

Love journey diaorang so beautiful and perfect. tanpa overexposed sangat. Can't wait for Fattzura Junior.

Incanto Publish time 24-8-2020 02:04 PM

Tak jemu jemu tgk gambar and video dan interview Fattzura

real life romantic movie sangat

sora13 Publish time 24-8-2020 02:43 PM

I love the fact that they’ve never shared when, where and how they fell in love with each other, didn’t do a live telecast for their wedding on any tv channel or shared their romantic honeymoon in a tv programme. They’ve only shared bits and pieces of their life together so that their fans won’t go crazy...hahahaa...rumah dia orang pun tak pernah tunjuk betul2. Kita kenal dua biji pinggan dengan kuali dan sofa je. Hahaha...oh dgn kipas dyson.

qwerty02 Publish time 24-8-2020 09:27 PM

sora13 replied at 24-8-2020 02:43 PM
I love the fact that they’ve never shared when, where and how they fell in love with each other, di ...

Kan! Diorg buat reception pun takde amik sponsors kecuali yg dgn fans tu, fans yg nak sponsor some desserts. Walau agak terkilan tak dpt tgk their wedding on mags spread mcm some other celebrities, tp sebenarnya it makes their events more exclusive and intimate to only those yg invited.

Soalan serius, no judging, kalau celebs yg weddingnya keluar mags or tv live telecast tu, do they get paid? Sometimes pun it’s not about the money kan. To each their own, tp for Fattzura, diorg mmg being very private abt their personal affairs, so it’s not a surprise la takde live telecast, masuk majalah pengantin, masuk romantika dan yg sewaktu dgnnya.

Yg part you ckp diorg tak reveal when, where and how they fell in love tu, pun mmg kita tak pernah dgr diorg bgtau exactly kan, cuma kdg2 kita dpt tahu a glimpse of their courtship tu bila diorg inadvertently reveal bila org tanya. Contoh ms Fattah ada buat tiktok live tu kan dia cerita actually it was his idea to do a duet dgn Faz utk lagu Cinderella, so he brought forward the proposal to his management.

qwerty02 Publish time 24-8-2020 09:29 PM

Rogue98 replied at 24-8-2020 11:15 AM
Love journey diaorang so beautiful and perfect. tanpa overexposed sangat. Can't wait for Fattzura Ju ...

Sebab tak overexposed tu yg buatkan ia lebih special kan? :loveliness: Lagipun waktu awal2 tu kan diorg byk haters yg tunggu masa jer nak condemn. Alhamdulillah semuanya dipermudahkan malah dipercepatkan despite all that.

qwerty02 Publish time 24-8-2020 09:31 PM

Incanto replied at 24-8-2020 02:04 PM
Tak jemu jemu tgk gambar and video dan interview Fattzura

real life romantic movie sangat

Kan! Dah 3 tahun tapi masih tak pernah bosan kita tgk :loveliness:

sora13 Publish time 25-8-2020 09:12 AM

sora13 Publish time 25-8-2020 09:36 AM

sora13 Publish time 25-8-2020 09:38 AM

sora13 Publish time 25-8-2020 09:45 AM

Fattzura ni happy dan tenang sentiasa sbb in real life, dia orang hidup sederhana macam orang2 biasa yg lain. Takde pressure for them to show the world that they have the best life, the best house whatsoever.

sora13 Publish time 25-8-2020 09:50 AM

order makanan pun comel

sora13 Publish time 25-8-2020 09:54 AM

sora13 Publish time 25-8-2020 09:56 AM

sora13 Publish time 25-8-2020 10:06 AM

Siapa ingat masa ni, masing2 sibuk nak decipher perbualan dia orang , lepas tu apehal pulak di Abdul pun nak tarik muka...hahaha

sora13 Publish time 25-8-2020 10:07 AM

Lama dah faz kasik hint...hehehe

sora13 Publish time 25-8-2020 10:18 AM

sora13 Publish time 25-8-2020 10:21 AM

sora13 Publish time 25-8-2020 10:24 AM

hazfy Publish time 25-8-2020 10:26 AM

Edited by hazfy at 25-8-2020 10:31 AM

Today is the day.apalah agaknya ye?tak sabar pulak tunggu update faz..

Ala tak sucess pulak gif yg i cuba sent ni:'(

sora13 Publish time 25-8-2020 11:25 AM

K-pop fan katanya...hahaha
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