amandel Publish time 5-3-2020 01:32 PM

Edited by amandel at 5-3-2020 01:33 PM

cicicumel replied at 4-3-2020 12:28 PM
Best ke..?
Btw..saper dh tgk

Dah tengok Perempuan Tanah Jahanam, menurut iol best walaupun tak seram sangat, film ni dah tayang juga kat fest movie antarbangsa. film ni dah lame, mungkin x tayang kat msia.

mrs_salvatore Publish time 5-3-2020 04:38 PM

aku bc skit je citer ni. tp aku rs citer ni mcm ada persamaan ngan citer yg dammerung penah tulis dulu. cuma dlm citer dammerung tu, kejadian kt jepun.

aku skip2 je bc sbb translation die becelaru skit. tp aku bc tu hampir sama la mcm dam punye citer

amandel Publish time 6-3-2020 12:23 PM

Edited by amandel at 6-3-2020 12:55 PM

yeah the translation mmng bercelarut skit, I used google translation coz malas nak translate banyak banyak and my english is pretty suck , i'm sorry for that :v

iol blum pnah baca dammerung, so i tak tahu mirip x. thaks for sharing. tertarik nak baca juga. but i not wonder if those have similarities, my friend has told me horror story that exacly same like ghibi cartoon spiritted away. I think some people really have same experience, and thats interesting. thats way somehow some story feel personal coz we relate with it

cmf_Maxx Publish time 10-3-2020 11:02 PM

KKN tu apa? Practical training ke?

amandel Publish time 11-3-2020 10:24 AM

Edited by amandel at 11-3-2020 11:16 AM

cmf_Maxx replied at 10-3-2020 11:02 PM
KKN tu apa? Practical training ke?
Ya macam pratical training , equal with Internship program sebelum propose thesis. perbezaanye Internship tu training kat company kalo KKN tu unpaid service kat comunity

amyfiq Publish time 5-8-2021 12:53 AM

ai pon asik tertanye tanye ape maksud kkn tu
lepas dah khatam thread kat twitter simpleman tu baru nampak kkn tu 'kuliah kerja nyata'
baru puas hati ai lepas tahu :lol::lol::lol:

cicicumel Publish time 14-8-2021 09:32 PM

Movie ni dah ada utk di download ke?

amandel Publish time 15-8-2021 06:33 PM

cicicumel replied at 14-8-2021 09:32 PM
Movie ni dah ada utk di download ke?

Movie ni belum tayang. This film was supposed to be released in 2020 but was delayed due to COVID-19pandemic. There is no update informasion when this film will be released

manhwa Publish time 23-8-2023 05:41 PM

Readers all over the world can enjoy a distinctive and dynamic narrative experience thanks to the compelling storytelling medium known as manhwa. Manhwa, the South Korean equivalent of manga, largely exists in digital form and offers a variety of genres and themes that appeal to a wide range of preferences and interests.

Hatell Publish time 20-9-2023 01:48 PM

You can learn more by visiting the website if you're interested. There are a lot of unique experiences and unexpected flavors in Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates and Viewing additional information on the internet will allow you to find a complete description of this product that will help you fully grasp its essence.
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