farhana008 Publish time 22-9-2019 08:32 PM

Are You Addicted to Your Cell Phone?

Adakah forumer ketagih handphone?


My result:

awaynepian Publish time 22-9-2019 09:55 PM

Aduh...ingatkan xrely on phone aku nih

sarah82 Publish time 22-9-2019 10:08 PM

nuril86 Publish time 22-9-2019 10:30 PM

jerukkedondong Publish time 22-9-2019 11:20 PM

Yelahhhh...ok ok..


Tinot7 Publish time 22-9-2019 11:30 PM

You rely on your cellphone a lot but you are not addicted. Hehe

Legaspi Publish time 22-9-2019 11:34 PM

Are You Addicted to Your Cell Phone

You are dependent on your cell phone. You should be careful and monitor the amount that you use it.

gummiebear Publish time 23-9-2019 12:13 AM

You rely on your cell phone a lot but you are not addicted.

friedfishsoup Publish time 23-9-2019 12:13 AM

Are You Addicted to Your Cell Phone
You are dependent on your cell phone. You should be careful and monitor the amount that you use it.

MinMinah Publish time 23-9-2019 12:17 AM

Are You Addicted to Your Cell Phone
You are dependent on your cell phone. You should be careful and monitor the amount that you use it.

GigaMom Publish time 23-9-2019 12:52 AM

Ai kena berubah

LinguaFranca Publish time 23-9-2019 01:17 AM

Are You Addicted to Your Cell Phone - Test resultshttps://www.allthetests.com/img/seal.png

Are You Addicted to Your Cell PhoneYou are addicted to your cell phone and should seek help.

Share your result

ciksepatu Publish time 23-9-2019 07:01 AM

Dependent nampaknya..

afidahhb Publish time 23-9-2019 09:11 AM

haah.. suami pn dh komplen. lipat kain tgk enpon, masak tgk enpon.. dh mcm berzikir.. haih

byunbaek97_ Publish time 23-9-2019 09:57 AM

Lorra2411 Publish time 23-9-2019 10:05 AM


soalan last tu tak relevant bagi iolss sebab iolss jenis tahan sakit. setakat kena inject takde apa pun :lol:

msdummy.2018 Publish time 23-9-2019 10:46 AM

result i sama jer mcm org lain kat atas...hohoho...addicted jugak...tp i rasa bila weekend , hp slalu hilang merata :C

huehue Publish time 23-9-2019 11:07 AM

Okaylah ;P

I selalunya akan letak phone dekat bila i tengah kerja. Bila i balik rumah i guna phone sbb bosan jah sambil scroll scroll medsos dan forum. Kalau balik rumah mak, lagilah phone entah ke mana. ;P

Gomea Publish time 23-9-2019 01:18 PM

Tapi lepas ni result berubah kot. Sebab dah join form cari ;P

MFR_IN Publish time 23-9-2019 01:45 PM

selalu ja tinggal phone kat rumah, sebb kat office boleh bukak whatsapp kat deskstop, boleh login cari..:lol:
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