edoraixora Publish time 13-9-2019 03:41 PM

Quiz: Which Self-Care Ritual Should You Be Doing Right Now?

From drinking flower essences to trying Reiki, the idea of self-care sounds lovely, truly. It’s just that knowing where to start—not to mention finding five minutes to commune with a healing crystal—can feel overwhelming. This easy quiz will help you know where to begin.

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edoraixora Publish time 13-9-2019 03:43 PM

Edited by edoraixora at 13-9-2019 03:44 PM

You need to reset your sleep.


Sure, sure, everyone’s exhausted. But your tired is deeper, down to your bones, self-defining. You’re not alone. There’s a reason this whole “sleep hygiene” thing is trending. Thankfully, there are so many ways to optimize your shut-eye. Whether you zero in on your sleep opportunity, invest in a eucalyptus comforter, try “beditating” (it’s a thing!) and/or slather on a soothing purple lotion legions swear by, prioritizing sleep is worth it—because you are worthy of rest. You know this: When your nights are good, your days will follow.

adindasm Publish time 13-9-2019 04:05 PM


grizz Publish time 13-9-2019 05:51 PM

You need to reset your sleep.
You need to reset your sleep.

Sure, sure, everyone’s exhausted. But your tired is deeper, down to your bones, self-defining. You’re not alone. There’s a reason this whole “sleep hygiene” thing is trending. Thankfully, there are so many ways to optimize your shut-eye. Whether you zero in on your sleep opportunity, invest in a eucalyptus comforter, try “beditating” (it’s a thing!) and/or slather on a soothing purple lotion legions swear by, prioritizing sleep is worth it—because you are worthy of rest. You know this: When your nights are good, your days will follow.

annybuek Publish time 13-9-2019 08:39 PM

My results

Azharitubunga Publish time 14-9-2019 01:43 AM

You need to create a bathing ritual.
You need to create a bathing ritual.TWENTY20
Baths. They’re not just for toddlers. In fact, a soak done right can be downright luxurious. From wine-inspired soaps and serums to geode bath bombs, you can—you must—turn your bathroom into a sanctuary. The benefits of bathing are ancient and numerous: better sleep, burned calories, an excuse to light fancy scented candles with unpronounceable French names for hours on end. Follow Gwyneth’s lead and wash your worries away.

talia Publish time 14-9-2019 03:31 PM

You need to reset your sleep. {:1_567:}

Sure, sure, everyone’s exhausted. But your tired is deeper, down to your bones, self-defining. You’re not alone. There’s a reason this whole “sleep hygiene” thing is trending. Thankfully, there are so many ways to optimize your shut-eye. Whether you zero in on your sleep opportunity, invest in a eucalyptus comforter, try “beditating” (it’s a thing!) and/or slather on a soothing purple lotion legions swear by, prioritizing sleep is worth it—because you are worthy of rest. You know this: When your nights are good, your days will follow.

pisangbanana Publish time 14-9-2019 05:25 PM

You need to reset your sleep.

Sure, sure, everyone’s exhausted. But your tired is deeper, down to your bones, self-defining. You’re not alone. There’s a reason this whole “sleep hygiene” thing is trending. Thankfully, there are so many ways to optimize your shut-eye. Whether you zero in on your sleep opportunity, invest in a eucalyptus comforter, try “beditating” (it’s a thing!) and/or slather on a soothing purple lotion legions swear by, prioritizing sleep is worth it—because you are worthy of rest. You know this: When your nights are good, your days will follow.

byunbaek97_ Publish time 14-9-2019 06:01 PM

mamarock Publish time 15-9-2019 12:24 AM

You need to create a bathing ritual.

You need to create a bathing ritual.TWENTY20
Baths. They’re not just for toddlers. In fact, a soak done right can be downright luxurious. From wine-inspired soaps and serums to geode bath bombs, you can—you must—turn your bathroom into a sanctuary. The benefits of bathing are ancient and numerous: better sleep, burned calories, an excuse to light fancy scented candles with unpronounceable French names for hours on end. Follow Gwyneth’s lead and wash your worries away.

Just having my herbs sauna and massage todaynut not ‘berendam’;P

mamakoya Publish time 15-9-2019 01:02 AM

tak cukup mandi agaknya aku ni :lol:

ciksepatu Publish time 15-9-2019 09:52 PM

Mine.. Tapi iols rasa mcm dah tido cukup dah.. maybe tido x berkualiti mungkin..

ciksepatu Publish time 15-9-2019 09:52 PM


You need to reset your sleep..

Tapi iols rasa mcm dah tido cukup dah.. maybe tido x berkualiti mungkin..

Tinot7 Publish time 15-9-2019 10:09 PM

Iols kena jadi mindful

ItisDD Publish time 16-9-2019 04:35 PM

You need to reset your sleep


bcomplex Publish time 17-9-2019 11:09 AM

RESULTSYou need to reset your sleep.https://purewows3.imgix.net/images/articles/2018_05/woman_sleeping1.jpg?auto=format,compress&cs=strip
Sure, sure, everyone’s exhausted. But your tired is deeper, down to your bones, self-defining. You’re not alone. There’s a reason this whole “sleep hygiene” thing is trending. Thankfully, there are so many ways to optimize your shut-eye. Whether you zero in on your sleep opportunity, invest in a eucalyptus comforter, try “beditating” (it’s a thing!) and/or slather on a soothing purple lotion legions swear by, prioritizing sleep is worth it—because you are worthy of rest. You know this: When your nights are good, your days will follow.

Foxey Publish time 18-9-2019 12:51 AM

I love to soak in the bathtub. I find is relaxing and a good way to ease the stress away. The thing is, my bathroom isn't big enough to fit a bathtub. :(

Foxey Publish time 18-9-2019 12:52 AM

edoraixora replied at 13-9-2019 03:43 PM
You need to reset your sleep.

More quiz please, TT :loveliness:

alaa Publish time 18-9-2019 02:37 PM

You need to start a mindfulness practice.:

You’ve read about the myriad benefits of mediation and mindfulness—from stress reduction to preventing dementia. (OK, so now you’re worrying about dementia. But stay with us.) There are so many easy, foolproof—dare we say?—practically mindless ways to start a practice. Buy a pretty journal and write down one simple word every day that expresses your best intention or a reason you’re grateful. Listen to a ten-minute guided meditation while you do the dishes or haul the trash out in the rain (a time for cursing the universe if there ever was one). Drink your water out of a crystal-infused glass bottle. Too busy? Got kids? Do it with them. There are so many paths to a clearer, calmer you. Just pick one.

edoraixora Publish time 19-9-2019 08:25 PM

Foxey replied at 18-9-2019 12:52 AM
More quiz please, TT

Dah bukak 2 lagi tred quiz, sila lah bertandang ye
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