Foxey Publish time 2-10-2019 01:06 PM

Fox tak minum kopi langsung till my mid-teen. Masa tu pun minum a sip or two. Bila dah start kerja, baru la minum but jarang2. I love the smell of coffee but i prefer drinking tea. Suka kopi 434, cap televisyen, aik cheong. Kalau nescafe, biasa beli decaf. Abroad biasa dorang serve illy or nescafe machine tu kat bilik. I first tried kopi matsalleh masa kat DC, ya ampunnnn, pekat nak mamps. One whole day sakit kepala ya amat. Serik lepas tu.

sifu_sifulan Publish time 2-10-2019 01:54 PM

Happy international coffee Day! Can't live without you, coffeeeeee

namakusiapa2 Publish time 11-10-2019 06:44 AM

Lets coffee

kaksenah65 Publish time 19-1-2020 10:46 AM

kak senah suka coffee sebab 2 benda:1. sebab effect coffee
-memang rasa lain badan kalau sehari tak minum coffee. entah, mungkin ada psychological effect jugak. bila minum coffee je immediately rasa energy boost tu.
-everyday comes with surprise. kadang2 coffee ni kasi energy boost, kadang2 terlebih caffeine pulak sampai terketar2 tangan, jantung berdegup laju, pening kepala semua

2. rasa coffee
- kak senah bukan setakat suka minum coffee je, kak senah suka semua benda yg flavor coffee. cakes, candy anything. kak senah suka sangat coffee marinated lamb dekat seoul garden, so yummy

i_is_kennot Publish time 19-1-2020 01:22 PM

Kopi anak Nujum Pak Belalang... Harharhara.. {:3_85:}

i_is_kennot Publish time 19-1-2020 01:45 PM

i_is_kennot Publish time 19-1-2020 01:54 PM


kerisnaga Publish time 19-1-2020 11:18 PM

Not really like coffee. Prefer tea. 'teh O' actually.

johan-adx Publish time 20-1-2020 08:40 AM

hujan2 layan cm gini mmg best

AuraAnggun Publish time 20-1-2020 11:38 PM

kopi o cicah biskut...
makan masa hujan

Mama.jt Publish time 21-1-2020 10:25 AM

Foxey replied at 2-10-2019 01:06 PM
Fox tak minum kopi langsung till my mid-teen. Masa tu pun minum a sip or two. Bila dah start kerja,...

i pon sama, i minum tea jer dulu. till i start kerja pun tak pandai nak enjoy coffee.
i start coffee-ing dah masuk 30's. faktor usia kot :lol:

i remember my ex boss cakap, the higher the ladder you climb in the corp world, the darker your coffee gets.
rasanya ada betul di situ ;P

Mama.jt Publish time 21-1-2020 10:28 AM

Foxey replied at 2-10-2019 01:06 PM
Fox tak minum kopi langsung till my mid-teen. Masa tu pun minum a sip or two. Bila dah start kerja,...

i pon sama, i minum tea jer dulu. till i start kerja pun tak pandai nak enjoy coffee.
i start coffee-ing dah masuk 30's. faktor usia kot :lol:

i remember my ex boss cakap, the higher the ladder you climb in the corp world, the darker your coffee gets.
rasanya ada betul di situ ;P

Mama.jt Publish time 21-1-2020 10:31 AM

esmeralda7 Publish time 21-1-2020 11:14 PM

i take mine black with less sugar...tapi in the morning only..with ice :lol:

asfaz Publish time 22-1-2020 12:10 AM

Masa kecik sampai sekolah menengah, minum kopi hang tuah.
kurang suka yg kopi jenis biji kasar tu. selalunya kat kampung ada

sojambu Publish time 24-1-2020 10:08 AM

Edited by sojambu at 24-1-2020 10:30 AM

8 Addictive Coffee Facts
(Credit Fact Retriever)

1. According to legend, coffee was discovered in the 9th century when an Ethiopian goat herder named Khaldi noticed that his normally lethargic goats were more excitable after they had nibbled the red berries from an evergreen tree. Khaldi took the berries to a Muslim holy man, who turned the raw fruit of the coffee tree into the delicious beverage.

2. Coffee was originally regarded as a wonder drug in Yemen and Arabia and was taken only at the advice of a doctor. Many saw coffee as a brain tonic or as a way to stimulate religious visions.

3. Arabs were the first to cultivate coffee trees on the Arabian Peninsula. Arabs typically roasted and boiled coffee, or qahwa, which is Arabic for “the wine of Islam.”

4. A 2011 study showed that women who drink two to three cups of caffeinated coffee a day were 15% less likely to develop depression over a 10-year period than those who drank one cup of coffee or less per week.

5. Studies show that drinking coffee reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, cirrhosis of the liver, and gout.

6. The most expensive coffee in the world is Indonesia’s Kopi Luwak or civet coffee. It is made from coffee beans that have been eaten, partially digested, and then excreted by a weasel-like animal called the Asian palm civet. These beans sell for more than $600 a pound, or $50 a cup.

7. Because the organs and systems in a fetus are not able to metabolize and excrete caffeine fully, caffeine can stay in its blood 10 times longer than in an adult. Because of this, physicians advise that pregnant women drink a moderate (less than 200 milligrams) amount coffee per day.

8.Coffee contains antioxidants, which helps prevent free radicals from damaging cells. One study found that a typical servicing (approximately 9 oz) of coffee contains more antioxidants than a serving of grape juice, blueberries, raspberries, or oranges.

i_is_kennot Publish time 27-1-2020 01:54 PM


Tinot7 Publish time 27-1-2020 08:46 PM

Iols dah tak minum kopi. La ni minum kalau itu yg disediakan masa kursus. Iols dolu2 mase blaja minum kopi setiap ari. Pastu start naikkan kepekatan kopi sbb nak stay awake utk buat keje. Dlm 3rd 4th year gitew iols benti minum kopi sbb rase tangan gigil2 bila tak dpt minum kopi. Iols benti cold turkey.
Kat mesia ni, iols rase kopi tenom paling sedap sbb pekat ya amat... campur dgn 2 sudu gula, lengkap rase pekatnya. Dolu2 iols suke lepak kat starbucks order choc chip frappucino ke frappe. Tak tau la ada kopi ke tak dlm tu. Kalau minum teh ke kopi ke, iols ada masalah tido mlm.. tu yg dah tak minum lagi. Minum air masak je.

haiku08 Publish time 29-1-2020 10:23 AM

I kalau minum nescafe boleh tido malam..kalo minum kopi walaupun latte kat secret recipe or san francisco..sure xleh tido..terkelip2 la smpai kul 4 pg

i_is_kennot Publish time 30-1-2020 11:29 AM

Edited by i_is_kennot at 30-1-2020 11:33 AM

Vietnamese Egg Coffee

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