botol_purple Publish time 20-6-2019 09:36 AM

Alah..Dapat banyak ni je.;P
Takpelah,saya belajar something.Bunyi macam sama tp ada beza. Best la kuiz ni.

botol_purple Publish time 20-6-2019 09:39 AM

Yang dapat sampai 6 tu,cayalah..{:1_132:}{:1_509:}

sakinahxpdc Publish time 21-6-2019 12:39 AM

best jugak kuiz yang ni

Miamorrr Publish time 2-7-2019 03:58 AM

Yeayy, dapat 6..part paling susah bila African
dgn sesetengah european countries punya language. Kalau Asian esp mandarin/Cantonese/taiwanese/Japanese/thai tu boleh teka, thanks to all drama I've ever watched, gituh..hehe

Foxey Publish time 5-7-2019 12:07 AM

Ivysaur Publish time 5-7-2019 12:24 AM

5 for 8 ... level tu je dua kali main

jimmyspike Publish time 13-7-2019 12:32 PM

Byk bhs blh2 latin :sweat3:

singlemum_4 Publish time 2-8-2019 03:12 PM


KakPahJ Publish time 5-8-2019 02:52 PM

Dapat 3 / 8 ok laaa

krimkraker Publish time 20-8-2019 10:42 AM

So you were 5 for 8. Nice.
Share your score to see if you have a better ear for languages than your friends:

rosa_canina Publish time 22-8-2019 01:39 PM

So you were 6 for 8. Nice.
Share your score to see if you have a better ear for languages than your friends:
(Or try again with eight more languages)


Bungalily19 Publish time 21-9-2019 10:58 AM

Sis dpt 1/8 je haha sedihhh. Tp sis better at dialect negeri2 kt malaysia ni

LinguaFranca Publish time 21-9-2019 07:27 PM

So you were 6 for 8. Nice.Share your score to see if you have a better ear for languages than your friends:


munchit Publish time 14-11-2019 03:09 PM

So you were 3 for 8. Nice. {:thiefo

hiswife Publish time 28-11-2019 04:33 PM

So you were 6 for 8. Nice.
Share your score to see if you have a better ear for languages than your friends:

realist_13 Publish time 3-2-2020 12:17 PM

deydeylala Publish time 4-2-2020 08:54 AM

So you were 4 for 8. Nice.

terbelit gegendang telinga iolls dengar :lol:

nikihs098 Publish time 2-4-2020 12:57 AM

3/8 {:1_273:}

Erinna Publish time 25-9-2020 09:27 PM

3 out of 8 ;P

Erinna Publish time 25-9-2020 09:29 PM

So you were 3 for 8. Nice.
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