boyye Publish time 18-7-2019 09:45 AM

byunbaek97_ Publish time 18-7-2019 08:19 PM

akakbosan Publish time 29-7-2019 11:56 PM

You got: Gen Z

You’re more Generation Z! You fall within the parameters of our youngest generation. You're likely idealistic, feed on constant social media interaction, and have an ~online brand~. Plus, you probably know who Jacob Sartorius is.

But by age I'm a Gen-X!!!!

Claire96 Publish time 9-8-2019 12:46 AM

You’re more Generation Z! You fall within the parameters of our youngest generation. You're likely idealistic, feed on constant social media interaction, and have an ~online brand~. Plus, you probably know who Jacob Sartorius is.

Pandacute12 Publish time 23-8-2019 08:17 AM

You got: Gen X
You’re more Generation X! Smack dab right between the baby boomers and the millennials, you probably have a soft spot for John Hughes movies and CDs, and other nostalgic relics of olde. It doesn't mean you're out of touch, it just means you have an appreciation for everything, both new and old

dory.thefish Publish time 7-9-2019 07:28 PM

You got: Gen Z
You’re more Generation Z! You fall within the parameters of our youngest generation. You're likely idealistic, feed on constant social media interaction, and have an ~online brand~. Plus, you probably know who Jacob Sartorius is.

kakiporet Publish time 8-10-2019 06:06 PM

You got: Gen X
You’re more Generation X! Smack dab right between the baby boomers and the millennials, you probably have a soft spot for John Hughes movies and CDs, and other nostalgic relics of olde. It doesn't mean you're out of touch, it just means you have an appreciation for everything, both new and old.

siput_gondang Publish time 19-12-2019 12:15 AM

You got; Gen X

Tuanya aku. Patut Gen Y. Lol

wdl577 Publish time 16-3-2020 11:00 PM

aku ni consider gen x (dah tua) but the result :

You got: Gen Z
You’re more Generation Z! You fall within the parameters of our youngest generation. You're likely idealistic, feed on constant social media interaction, and have an ~online brand~. Plus, you probably know who Jacob Sartorius is.

and I don't know who is Jacob Sartorius (malas nak google)

Shaian Publish time 13-5-2020 08:26 PM

You got: Gen Z
You’re more Generation Z! You fall within the parameters of our youngest generation. You're likely idealistic, feed on constant social media interaction, and have an ~online brand~. Plus, you probably know who Jacob Sartorius is.

fido_dido Publish time 10-6-2021 10:16 PM

Gen Z
You’re more Generation Z! You fall within the parameters of our youngest generation. You're likely idealistic, feed on constant social media interaction, and have an ~online brand~. Plus, you probably know who Jacob Sartorius is.

CapitalE Publish time 25-7-2021 09:38 PM

Gen Z
You’re more Generation Z! You fall within the parameters of our youngest generation. You're likely idealistic, feed on constant social media interaction, and have an ~online brand~. Plus, you probably know who Jacob Sartorius is.

kipas.berhabuk Publish time 26-7-2021 12:03 PM

Gen Z
You’re more Generation Z! You fall within the parameters of our youngest generation. You're likely idealistic, feed on constant social media interaction, and have an ~online brand~. Plus, you probably know who Jacob Sartorius is.

readbaca Publish time 26-7-2021 01:46 PM

Gen X

You’re more Generation X! Smack dab right between the baby boomers and the millennials, you probably have a soft spot for John Hughes movies and CDs, and other nostalgic relics of olde. It doesn't mean you're out of touch, it just means you have an appreciation for everything, both new and old.

Jemahkepam Publish time 27-7-2021 10:29 AM

Gen Z

You’re more Generation Z! You fall within the parameters of our youngest generation. You're likely idealistic, feed on constant social media interaction, and have an ~online brand~. Plus, you probably know who Jacob Sartorius is.

tehbeng Publish time 27-7-2021 10:36 AM

Gen Z
You’re more Generation Z! You fall within the parameters of our youngest generation. You're likely idealistic, feed on constant social media interaction, and have an ~online brand~. Plus, you probably know who Jacob Sartorius is.

Jacob who???

PelayarDunia Publish time 28-7-2021 06:09 PM

Kena Google pulaksapa John Hughes

OuRSouL Publish time 7-8-2021 01:39 PM

Gen Z
You’re more Generation Z! You fall within the parameters of our youngest generation. You're likely idealistic, feed on constant social media interaction, and have an ~online brand~. Plus, you probably know who Jacob Sartorius is.

masterudeng82 Publish time 18-10-2021 10:33 AM

My result ;

Gen X

You’re more Generation X! Smack dab right between the baby boomers and the millennials, you probably have a soft spot for John Hughes movies and CDs, and other nostalgic relics of olde. It doesn't mean you're out of touch, it just means you have an appreciation for everything, both new and old.

talia Publish time 8-11-2022 04:08 PM

Gen Z
You’re more Generation Z! You fall within the parameters of our youngest generation. You're likely idealistic, feed on constant social media interaction, and have an ~online brand~. Plus, you probably know who Jacob Sartorius is.

sumpah tak kenal jacob tu ;P
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View full version: [QUIZ] Order Food At Panda Express And We’ll Guess If You're Gen X Or Gen Z