manjalara_01 Publish time 9-3-2019 10:32 AM

SY_Mumi replied at 9-3-2019 01:06 AM
What makes a movie neo noir?
It meant dark movie, indicating a sense of something sinister ands ...

yes mmg movie ni kind of theme :loveliness:..twisted and then some

i for me..i x kisah la tv show ke..lagu ke..kalau ade something simillar...i will refer tu that show..weird ke mcm tu? ;P

u dah tgk season 1 & 2 kan WW? ...i kalau bleh follow mesti i a bit too much la for me...skrg dah masuk season 3 kan?
soundtrack pun best..

sygnye..tgk kat cinema..sampai tertdo..ehehehe...i cume tertarik dgn movie tu sbb nak tgk alien rupe mcm mana...

ok u i dah repair link....harap sape2 yg masuk..x end up in the twilight zone ;P

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