fahdramli Publish time 11-1-2019 02:32 PM

Nak balik ke zaman silam, nak betul kan semua kesilapan, nak baiki hubungan dengan orang, nak belajar rajin2,.... Kalau lah boleh mcm ni kan bagus

arnova Publish time 11-1-2019 03:53 PM

nak kembali ke zaman umur 20 an :lol:
muda belia :2lol:

marla69 Publish time 11-1-2019 07:55 PM

If I could travel through time...
perbaiki semua kesilapan dan kegopohan aku. i hate myself

cholestrol Publish time 12-1-2019 09:57 PM

Edited by cholestrol at 12-1-2019 09:58 PM

If only I could travel through time
I would go back to the year 2000
So I could delete this one particular person from my life history

hiyuda Publish time 13-1-2019 08:42 AM

I wish to go back to the past,
I wish I did not further my study at boarding school during my high school year.
So I can spend my teenage year with parents more.
Now I realize, being a working adult, it's getting harder and harder to balik kampung and spend time with them.
The last time I went back, ma is getting thinner and the wrinkle at her face is more clear.
I wish I can go to the future.
To find if the decision that I made is right or not. Or am I will regret my decision. The path that I chose now will backstab me or will I backstab the path that I chose.

Or maybe I should just content with the present. Let the past be the life lesson. Never regret the chose that I had made. And let the future become secret that can excite me to explore it day bh day.

minahsenget Publish time 13-1-2019 10:14 AM

18 june 2006..tarikh mak meninggal,i shud hv stayed kat hospital,holding her hands till her last breath.tp sempat mengucap tepi telinga mak je..mak ..patik minta maaf,tak sangka mak akan pegi,klu dapat nak patah balik seminggu sblm date pun dah ok sgt,mak nak ajar buat sambal tp i tak nak

vanilacup Publish time 13-1-2019 07:17 PM

I juz want to correct myself properly...
I juz wish that all my family members is still here with me but not far away as it happen today...
U are complete and had a strong family background when all this important person is with u ....
If its not enough ....then u can see the lackof juz everything ....
All the crisis or problems occured so easily ...
But somehow its not our plan to be like today coz Allah is the best planners for each and every one of us .....

oneninefour Publish time 13-1-2019 08:29 PM

Andai dapat diputarbalikkan masa, lepas spm i cari kerja. Dah stabil boleh la study pjj. Taklah i terperangkap dengan "ptptipu" ni

abangbikerz Publish time 13-1-2019 09:55 PM

I want to be at the moment she gave me the first smile. Now shes gone. Hmmmmm

smurfetz Publish time 14-1-2019 10:43 AM

Nak pergi zaman teens - twenties, nak remind my younger self not to be so rigid, to have a postitive outlook in life, maybe I would be much-much better today. Tapi pikir-pikir balik, I might not be what I am today kalau tak for the test in the past.

kalau nak time travel.. back to the future, i cannot think of satu zaman yg female is treated nicely as today, kalo balik zaman dulu2.. kang penat asyik kena buat kerja aje.. dah le washing mechine, dapur gas, letrik, air takde.. matila, cemana nak makan kek & minum orange juice with ice hehehehe
nak baca buku pun tak leh.. internet tak de lak tu, mana nak cari info.

Coffin69 Publish time 14-1-2019 10:50 AM

if i could travel through time.. i nak balik ke 5 tahun lepas where too much mistakethat has lead my life harini..and i takkan simply percaya or kesian dkt org walaupun org tu kawan baik kita yg kenal luar dlm buruk baik kita..yg dah lebih 20tahun claimed kawan baik kita..and gunakan kelemehan kita utk kesenangan dia and bila semua jadi..dia play victim..

LadyMar Publish time 14-1-2019 11:21 AM

If I could travel through time...

i will go to the future, and nk tgk apa jd kat diri ni lepas abis study, sebab tau lepas abis study nih perjalanan tu akan bermula semula. sapa kata pas abis study boleh joli2? nk2 kalo kalo postgrad student. what will i contribute to my community, and what will i continue to contribute to my religion? sbb at the end of our life, seme mende nih akan dikire, apa yg kite da bagi, buat, laksana,dan apa yg kite da terima.

and i will go back to my highschool time, pastu tglkan pesanan 'just take it easy, so far alhamdullilah perjalanan idup ko ok je wlpn ada onak duri'. and i wont change anything for my past. sebab kalo change past, i wont be the way i am today.

kepochi26 Publish time 14-1-2019 11:35 AM

i wont waste my time to ungrateful person!

tulip_pink Publish time 14-1-2019 04:58 PM

nak kembali ke zaman kanak2 hidup aman gembira xperlu pikir apa2 masalah

seribulan Publish time 14-1-2019 06:48 PM

Back when I have both parents...

Ran_can Publish time 23-1-2019 04:07 PM

if i could travel through time.. i'd go back to the time when my late father was still around. will spend more time with him, will make more effort to get close to him n during his last year of life i wish i would be there more for him.

n of coz if i could travel through time i would make right all the mistakes n the wrong decisions that i've made..

D.Adek Publish time 25-1-2019 12:49 PM

If I could travel through time,i want you and me be back together. ilysm AAQ :(

wallame Publish time 5-2-2019 12:53 AM

saya tak nak ke masa silam,
saya nak ke masa depan,


finn Publish time 5-2-2019 03:25 AM

Kalau dapat merentas masa.. Mgkin iols akan pilih utk hidup sendiri tak berteman membawa diri jauh dari sesiapa yg dikenali.. :lol::lol:

None68 Publish time 5-2-2019 01:51 PM

I would undo all my mistakes.
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