seribulan Publish time 20-5-2018 02:57 PM

Bonus for Answer...

[*]The best letter of the alphabet. Why?

AnaisAnais Publish time 21-5-2018 12:47 PM

so many letters to choose from... probably the letter A. becauseits a vowel quite widely used. It's the first letter! and it's a positive thing... like saying A-OK, and its alwaysso good to say, I GOT STRAIGHT A's... kan kan kan :D

Justsha Publish time 21-5-2018 08:31 PM

A because its the first letter of the alphabet and because banyak perkataan kat dunia ni i rasa perlu that letter

skinsandstars Publish time 21-5-2018 09:01 PM

Q because let’s face it, how many words start with Q and most of the words that start with Q are unusual and rarely used and seen.It is unique in its own ways.

kuihbakar Publish time 21-5-2018 09:26 PM

Huruf f. Sebab rupanya2 nama anak2 i semua ada huruf f...

seribulan Publish time 22-5-2018 05:44 PM

B! For bulan :)

mariave Publish time 23-5-2018 02:06 AM

V. Because it's unique and words yg gne letter v usually ad sense of allure and sound sexy. Macam vixen, velvet, violet. Macam very classy.

Csupernova Publish time 23-5-2018 11:24 PM

"A" because it signifies the beginning and is the perfect analogy for hopes and potential.

missinpiece Publish time 24-5-2018 10:21 PM

B..coz it sounds romantic hihihi

KILL_NANCY Publish time 27-5-2018 04:44 PM

Eeeeeeeee ...... cantiknyaaaa

Eeeeeeeee ....... jijiknya


saizeriya Publish time 27-5-2018 05:31 PM

S is quite classy and sexy.
Try pronouncing this rhyme -

Three swiss witches watch
three swiss swatch watches.
Which swiss witch watches
which swiss swatch watch?

Had enough of tongue twisters?

shinichi Publish time 24-2-2019 01:09 AM

W because it's double V, yet pronounced as double U :lol:

sfhzuraz Publish time 24-2-2019 09:22 AM

F. dari mak,saya adik beradik hingga anak2 saya ada huruf F

fahdramli Publish time 24-2-2019 12:43 PM

A   sebab kalau periksa dok paling depan, kalau apa2 mesti yang 1st, lega rasanya. Yg paling syoq klu ptptn zaman iols dulu2 ni sapa yg nama bermula dgn huruf A, duit masuk dulu.

sitisenyum Publish time 26-2-2019 02:52 PM

S, sbb nama saya
S, Sbb sayang
S, nama suami

kimika Publish time 1-4-2019 09:21 AM

A...sebab namamula dgn A, and 'special person' pun nama mula dgn huruf A :$
A ni permulaan huruf dan dlm penggunaan bahasa melayu kita seharian pun A ni la 'majority' huruf yg kita gunakan. how sweet u A.. {:1_152:}

Camilia Publish time 2-4-2019 11:37 PM

I. I suka youuuuuuuu. I hate youuu. I ni one letter je tp kdg boleh jd 'hye'. Boleh jd 'aye aye captain! ' spongebob gituuuuu.

ezzlin1124 Publish time 3-4-2019 02:16 PM

X! because it is a very versatile symbol as well as a letter.

chocochocochoo Publish time 3-4-2019 03:31 PM

E because it stands for EVERYTHING!

Indahrupawan Publish time 3-4-2019 03:38 PM

A cause ive been learn everything srart with A. And all family name start with A too.
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