chocolate23 Publish time 19-4-2018 06:33 PM

Can bad people change?

Do you believe that a bad person can change to be a better person? Share with me your opinions.

Kalau ada kisah yang menarik untuk dikongsi dan diteladani lagi bagus.

noraidil_06 Publish time 19-4-2018 07:12 PM

I do hope they can change

Knowlee Publish time 19-4-2018 08:16 PM

They will.

Andyscenes Publish time 19-4-2018 09:31 PM

I still can't change

gummiebear Publish time 19-4-2018 09:33 PM

They can, if they want to.

Bak kata nenek iols, perangai seratus kali sehari boleh ubah. Muka je yang tak boleh ubah ;P masa tu nenek iols taktau ada plastic surgery kot

adila39 Publish time 19-4-2018 10:09 PM

yes, they can. Like me...from bad to good.

rosa_canina Publish time 20-4-2018 09:08 AM

boleh berubah.. jika ada kemahuan utk. berubah
pelan-pelan kayuh.. insyaAllah boleh:loveliness:

snazzydaisy Publish time 20-4-2018 09:55 AM

They can change & they will change... but only if they want to... but normally they dont, sadly...sometimes they fake the so called "change" for their own agenda/benefit, and people wt good heart will always fall for this trick, lame right?
I cut ties with toxic relatives and toxic friends because they dont add value to my life, only misery...
happy heart, happy life!

shailyvelera Publish time 20-4-2018 04:36 PM

dimana kemahuan disitu ada jalan, boleh je berubah kalau bersungguh2.

gekkou Publish time 20-4-2018 04:42 PM

boleh berubah
tapi nk mulakan langkah pertama tu bukan senang
lepas tu nak iqtiqamah berubah menjadi lebih baik
meninggalkan benda2 lagha/ dosa2 kecil atau besar/ perangai2 yang kurang sesuai yang pernah dibuat dulu

alangkan ustaz ustazah yang dipandang tinggi tu pun berbuat salah
kecik atau besar
contoh macam perangai suka lewat jika berjanji
dah tekad dalam hati tak nak lewat lagi
tapi kadang2 terlewat juga sekali sekala
bukan sebab tak cuba berawal bukan sebab ada halangan ke apa
sendiri yang salah

tengah2 bersiap, leka plak tengok tv
konon2 cerita kegemaran s
sudahnya terlambat keluar rumah
terlewat lah sampai ke tempat yang dah janji tu

itu baru benda atau perangai kita rasa macam biasa je kecil2 je
alahhh..lewat sikit je
belum lagi hal2 lain kekhilafan2 lain

samisfar Publish time 20-4-2018 06:04 PM

Can! i was 1 of them
I suka tak nak share food dgn orng konon geli hatta pun my adik
Until i saw something that broke my heart i will just give my food to anyone that needs now
Allah will send you trials and if it doesnt challenge you it change you!

cm_asamkumbang Publish time 21-4-2018 07:01 PM

I'd experienced living with this kind of human (really human?)

Changeda while, revert back like before. Sebab penat berlakon kot kan.
Three things cannot be long hidden
The Sun
The Moon
The Truth

juanjahaya83 Publish time 21-4-2018 08:35 PM

boleh kalau ada kemahuaan. Nak berubah ke arah positive - banyak dugaannya. janji hati tu mau teguh and mmg niat berubah ke arah yg lebih baik.

missinpiece Publish time 22-4-2018 12:00 AM

Yes, i'll keep believing dat they can change.
Even i barely saw. Or i barely remember experience it

lotionmilo Publish time 22-4-2018 04:48 AM

Bolehhhhh. Kena ada kemahuan dan kena istiqomah. Strong support system sangat diperlukan. Pilih kawan kawan yang betul. Kawan kawan yang membawa ke jannah gitu

realist_13 Publish time 23-4-2018 10:20 AM

Can , only if they are strong enough...
if not, they will remain the same but towards the better, or could be more worst.

Had 2 ppl yg close to me few yrs ago, still remained friends.

Sorang used to be wild socially, (but I do not know her during her wild years) but as I speaked, everyone seems to know her early days.
She used to tell me her stories, dan she actually regret much of what she has been doing.
She said, benda jahat/haram and tak elok, mmg mudah dan seronok dibuat, kepuasan tu dtg sekelip mata. (true indeed, i guess)
Now, dia dah byk berubah. I noticed, even though she did not totally changed her surface looks, but she tried her best utk dekatkan diri dgn agama and tried to be the best mom for her children. I alwys think she will remained kind hearted person , despite smua perkara yg on going and also her future.
For her, i give 101% hope and chances, she will be the best person she can be.

2nd friend, very complicated.
On the surface, she was an angel, she's not that jahat but she's not good either.
Paling tak suka, she play with agama, about everything okey.
Sjenis yg suka play with agama to suits her life. For me, bad lah tu kan.
Menipu kawan psal her life,berhutang tak bayar or bayar 100 tahun kemudian, act like she ustazah and at the same time doing the opposite.
Outsiders mmg kata beruntung as she potrayed a "pious" strong women who membanteras maksiat, but she was doing the maksiat on her own, yach!
Known her for almost 8 yrs now, lepas pergi hajj together with her, ingatkan she will changed and I actually buang all my bad perceptions towards her but hmmmm.... its totally my imaginasi jew. Now on her 4th marriage already, beside only 30+++ yrs old. I dont think she will changed soon.              

AnaisAnais Publish time 23-4-2018 11:56 AM

it would take a profound event in thr lives to be able to make the first step to change.

and the change is something that they themselves sincerely want, then only it will work. if nak berubah utk seseorang.... dia boleh berubah, tapi kejap je.

Saussurea Publish time 5-5-2018 12:27 PM


One changed attitude does not necessarily change the heart. Ego remains. Depending on situation one fit in.

While contrary their needs, ego befriending.
Attitude gets better when needs meet.

This is what world called opportunists.
A softlook innocent look desperado.

Experience change people. For some reasons.
Trauma must be. Hurts everywhere. Unstable change. Auto self manipulative. Confusing.

But never the heart.

adeladelina Publish time 5-5-2018 12:55 PM

Bleh berubah asalkn azam n keinginan die kuat..kne jauhkn dri dri bnde/people yg negatif vibes..kne pndng sesuatu dri positif side..n people around kne support org yg nk berubah ni

marla69 Publish time 7-5-2018 09:17 PM

Hurm...been there done that gitu
As human being tak ada yg sempurna.Masa kecik tgk kehidupan org lain senang. Aku berpk untung nya jadi orang kaya. Salu salah kan ibubapa for being semua benda tak mencukupi.. Goshh.. Im bad.
Dah nak masuk 20s dah reti bergaul dah reti nak bercinta,aku berpk untung nya jadi orang cantik n berada n parent yg sporting... Then i ada sikit rebel..
Alhamdulilahgoing tru a lots.. As a pendosa we learned from Mistake. Balik pada Allah,mintaampun pada Allah.. In sya allah.
The rebel things sebab kita tak ber fikir secara betul,
Alhamdulilahi hv parent yg penyabar with me..N Alhamdulilahi still can bertanggungjawab pada mereka.
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