madshop3 Publish time 31-1-2018 11:08 PM

I hope Haflin reads what I have to say here:

1) firstly, you don’t call yourself Yang Berbahagia Datin Seri Haflin. That is for a third person to address you as Yg Bhg. When you want to introduce yourself, you can say you are Datin Seri Haflin. So profile ig engkau letak Yg Bhg nampak sangat kau poyo dan bengap. (Berlagak bini menteri, protocol pun tak tau)

2) as a step mother, regardless if your step children is nasty towards you, you should always take the higher road to be the better person. Plus since you’re obsessed to be known as the wife of a minister, you surely dont act like one. Mana ada bini menteri-menteri lain bark on social media? You use words like buto, babi and fuck for Gods sake. Not classy. You act so trashy. Ned Nazri and family do not have to do anything. Your own actions is enough for netizens to judge and call you trashy.

3) oh my English. You want Norita to be “educated” but truth is you need to be educated. Let me tell you how bad your English is. From your ig story, it should be “a response is still a response”, not “a respond is still a respond”. U want to teach someone make sure you get it correct in the first place. Ppl like me get a headache reading your post. Can you please ask your husbands officer to proof read all your crazy ass postings? At least if you want to be crazy, do it with perfect grammar.

4) you know what they say about men in a polgymous marriage? They are good liars. You want to call the first wife delusional? I think you’re the delusional one who thinks you are the only wife. If its true he has divorced all 3 wives, please ask him to produce the divorce certificate. No divorce certificate means no divorce. It also means you’ve been fooled by him.

5) nobody was threatening your life and your unborn child when you were pregnant. It definitely was not Ned Nazri or the family members. It was a story probably told by your husband to you to scare you. That made you move to another country. Havent you thought for one second that could be a move by him so that he could start another relationship with another woman during your absence?

6) Ned Nazri is living such a happy and contented life with his wife. His everyday life is about family and friends. He is not barking anymore on social media and he doesnt give a shit about your stupid posting. It is obvious here that you are the one living a miserable life. Listen, you obviously have your husband next to you now. Most wives would go out and dine and do fun things when their husband is around. What are you doing? Barking on social media and showing your frustrations to the public. Poor kelantanese girl. Money cant buy class and happiness for sure in your case.

fixafix Publish time 31-1-2018 11:24 PM

Yg dia risau sangat ntah kenapa la kan

silver_acid Publish time 31-1-2018 11:28 PM

madshop3 replied at 31-1-2018 11:08 PM
I hope Haflin reads what I have to say here:

1) firstly, you don’t call yourself Yang Berbahagia ...

All points on point!

white01whale Publish time 31-1-2018 11:38 PM

madshop3 replied at 31-1-2018 11:08 PM
I hope Haflin reads what I have to say here:

1) firstly, you don’t call yourself Yang Berbahagia ...

Bunyik macam ned, but iols setuju!

Coffin69 Publish time 31-1-2018 11:40 PM

Apa masalah dia ni? Makin lama makin over..meluat teruk tgk kan..kalah bbnu.. tak classy at all

Peaceyo! Publish time 31-1-2018 11:43 PM

Oh aku stresss rumah sebelah berpagar..

cmf_PariS Publish time 31-1-2018 11:44 PM

kurang kasih syg tul.. laki awak dh tua tu.. jaga le bebaik yang berbahagia weh!

Nananaje Publish time 31-1-2018 11:45 PM

Peaceyo! replied at 31-1-2018 11:43 PM
Oh aku stresss rumah sebelah berpagar..

Tula stress gak.. nak tau gak dlm pagar tu

Coffin69 Publish time 31-1-2018 11:47 PM

Nape la pagar sebelah tinggi sgt..jenuh la nak panjat

kate_92 Publish time 31-1-2018 11:47 PM

madshop3 replied at 31-1-2018 11:08 PM
I hope Haflin reads what I have to say here:

1) firstly, you don’t call yourself Yang Berbahagia ...

Omg i totally agree w all of ur points. Sumpah i think shes a lunatic! I dont think ‘kak mah’ nak dia ada dlm persatuan isteri2 menteri sbb perangai hauk gila.

annakay Publish time 31-1-2018 11:50 PM

Keluarga 69

pear_tree Publish time 31-1-2018 11:59 PM

I am flabbergasted by her recent rantings. No classy at all !

Rammod Publish time 1-2-2018 12:06 AM

madshop3 replied at 31-1-2018 11:08 PM
I hope Haflin reads what I have to say here:

1) firstly, you don’t call yourself Yang Berbahagia ...

So on point! It's apt to say you can take a girl out of the kampung but you can never take the kampung-ness out of the girl. I had to reread her posts a few times trying to understand what she said, baik cakap melayu or English. Oh lupa, dia kan French

Rammod Publish time 1-2-2018 12:06 AM

madshop3 replied at 31-1-2018 11:08 PM
I hope Haflin reads what I have to say here:

1) firstly, you don’t call yourself Yang Berbahagia ...

So on point! It's apt to say you can take a girl out of the kampung but you can never take the kampung-ness out of the girl. I had to reread her posts a few times trying to understand what she said, baik cakap melayu or English. Oh lupa, dia kan French

Nananaje Publish time 1-2-2018 12:08 AM

Wow FS pun

madshop3 Publish time 1-2-2018 12:14 AM

Poor stupid pathetic Haflin girl. She probably just read my posting and decided to upload a letter of “marriage declaration” from Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Kelantan on her instagram. The level of English of that letter is the same as hers. Low standard. I am cringing reading the contents of it. From my knowledge, any letters from the Syariah Court should be written in Bahasa Melayu not English. Its probably fake. Listen woman, your husband probably paid that dude to write that letter and state you’re the only wife. Produce the divorce papers from all 3 wives. Produce the divorce letter of Nazri and Norita to the public. Then only you can declare to be the only wife. Truth is you are the delusional wife. Dah la mcm perempuan psycho now!

Election dah nak dekat. Dengan perangai awak ni, kemungkinan laki awak boleh kalah. Rakyat doesnt want to vote for a man with no balls!

wdayeyel Publish time 1-2-2018 12:22 AM

madshop3 replied at 31-1-2018 11:08 PM
I hope Haflin reads what I have to say here:

1) firstly, you don’t call yourself Yang Berbahagia ...

I hope ‘yg berbahagia’ read this..:)

Rammod Publish time 1-2-2018 12:28 AM

Honestly, dedua dorang ni tak berkenan. Rasa mcm kelakar pulak sorang sibuk nak mempertahankan title Chief Jr, lagi sorang hadap sgt ngn title Datin Seri tu. Macam lah bila mati nanti malaikat bagi express lane sbb title2 korang tu. Watlekwatpeace sudah

And quite a while back mek tiri pernah upload gambar time dia nikah konon buat sederhana and low key la takde makan besar2 and takde duit hantaran but ye lah, after so long jadi mistress and then kahwin time Ramadhan, memang la tak buat grand2! Orang lain lagi rela gi terawih dpd layan depa ni. Masa kawin konon takde hantaran tapi yg penting lepas kawin, designer head to toe and every month travel overseas siap buat name card guna logo putrajaya. Kalah Kak Mah, uolls! Dok kompang satu Malaya konon bukan gold-digger tapi tengok la kawan2 dia semua yg target laki orang yg endless pocket. Tak jealous pon cuma rasa terhibur ngn orang yg ajet2 suci ni

mrsbig Publish time 1-2-2018 12:33 AM

sebenarnye apa kes...anyone blh cite x ?? baru log in....kes x pas spm...per cite...ketinggalan bnyk neehh....

madshop3 Publish time 1-2-2018 12:34 AM

Rammod replied at 1-2-2018 12:28 AM
Honestly, dedua dorang ni tak berkenan. Rasa mcm kelakar pulak sorang sibuk nak mempertahankan title ...

Exactly! Bini PM pun takde buat perangai mcm ni. Rakyat kecam Rosmah mcm mcm, dia relak je tak react. Can you imagine kalau Haflin jadi bini PM. Malu negara kita. Bahan ketawa negara lain kot
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