seribulan Publish time 18-12-2017 07:21 PM

...Communicating with toxic people...

96% of people who live paycheck to paycheck know someone who loves gossiping or complaining about their lives. Successful people communicate with those who are not negative but, quite the opposite, those who inspire them to do something. You can easily increase the number of such people around you by visiting cultural events, doing volunteer work, or being a member of a nonprofit organization. And you should spend all your time on yourself until you meet people worth your time.

puccafan Publish time 18-12-2017 10:14 PM

Iols sekarang pagi2 dok tengok motivational speech kt YouTube. Suka tengok the rock punya speech. Memang rasa bersemangat.
Pastu tengok video cara nak closed deal,macam mana nak tau problem apa yg prospect hadapi &menyebabkan dia ralat nak spend duit. Video2 pasal doing sales la senang cerita

jointhecurse Publish time 19-12-2017 11:16 AM

Communicating with toxic people for me senang ja.. i state my opinion 1st n dengar ja apa dia nak ckp.. so defend pendapat i klo dia xnak dengar or provoke.. just ignore.. buang masa dengan oran cmni{:runo

WhiskeyScotch Publish time 20-12-2017 01:51 AM

Selalunya, I don't communicate with toxic people. They don't deserve my attention. I hanya akan diam dan berlalu pergi. Kalau mood baik, I akan senyum dan berlalu pergi.

Ada pepatah mengatakan; apabila bicara itu perak, emas ialah diam. I amend sikit that pepatah.

I usually say:

'Apabila bicara itu sampah, emas ialah diam'. :lol: Just substitute the word perak to sampah. Toxic people tak sesuaikan digelar perak. They are worst than perak. Sampah would be appropriate. :lol:

marla69 Publish time 22-12-2017 12:14 PM

Unfortunatelyi dah start menjauh kan diri from this toxic ppl. Dun know if myselfyg that "toxic " but as u get older n wiser wat mattersnow ada lah just u,yr family n allah.At one pointu feeldah buat yg terbaik withclose familyn closefrens then u realizehow byk masa n efforts u dah buang for uselessthings yg tak di appreciate.Its very disappointed.. Sangat.. Then end of the day wat most matter amal mu,masa utk keluargan how u akan berdepan dgn sang pencipta mu.I just realizedit baru baru ini.Semoga amalan n kehidupan kita semua akan menjadi lebih baik dan di rahmati serta di berkati.Aamiin

mh17 Publish time 23-12-2017 12:22 PM

I mmg bnci toxic people,slain buang masa ia gak mengganggu minda iols..memandangkn i surirumah,tpksa start kete kuar bwk anak2.pasal toxic people ni jnis suke muncul dpn pntu,ta phm bhasa,suke bwk anak2 dgn ta makan..ingt rumah iols walfare?dtg dr pkul 7pg smpi 7 mlm..perh.ta ada privacy lgsg..1mggu,5x dtg.haish!!?

meow8948 Publish time 23-12-2017 11:20 PM

toxic people, madu i number 2..sbb i no 3..

dia mmg pelik, biasala keje gomen, i dgn hubby buat bisnes. wife first dia tolong jugak. dia ni langsung x..kena paksa baru buat, tapi mcm pahat dgn penukul..akhirnya buat dek je..

sebab dia akan kutuk2 i dkt mak mertua. sbb dia pandai amek hati in law..nampak baik.. siap ckp i canang dia mcm2..kalau dipikir kan dia mmg segala toxic.. i stress sgt kalau pikir dia..

tp pikir balik no wonder hubby lg syg kan i..hahahah..dia tu mcm apa jer..

so conclusion i just ignore dia.

missus_meow Publish time 24-12-2017 07:19 PM

stopped communicating ngan org2 beracun ni. buang masa, buat sakit hati, takde faedah.

kuihbakar Publish time 25-12-2017 11:01 AM

I pun elakkan bercakap Ngan toxic people ni... Tak koser nak semakkan fikiran dan hati dgn org cenggini

missinpiece Publish time 29-12-2017 11:55 PM

Jumpa ngan org camni..i akan ckp pe yg perlu je. Amik masa skit utk observe dia. Kenal pasti dia ni perlukan dorongan or sokongan. Ada yg boleh ikut arahan n terima nasihat/cadangan. Ada yg langgar pagar. Yg jenis langgar pagar ni i jadi tukang tampal sini sana je. Rileks2 saja. Nak terbalik dunia pon, mereka tetap mcm tu.

allshares Publish time 30-12-2017 02:11 AM

I hate people who is always complaining, mcm tak bersyukur je. Especially yg keje 9-5 tapi asyikla nk bagitau keje dia paling bnyk keje dia paling susah. Padahal on time je blk kejenye, like, for real? Ok sorry ter emo.

Bdway its hard for us to avoid toxic people, but we can try to keep distance and less comm with them might help.

Cece1234 Publish time 30-12-2017 04:10 AM

It's never easy to deal with toxic people. Once in a while, i just love to tease them and see how they react. Then i smile and slowly walk away while watching them getting burned. It's fun to watch by the way!

virgocircus Publish time 31-12-2017 12:13 AM

Konsep iols talk to the hand!! sajork..
Girl,bye! {:1_537:}

YuyaToma Publish time 31-12-2017 01:18 AM

Xdela communicate dgn org yg toxic sgt... Tp org yg asyik complain psl byk sgt keje..... Jadik serabutnyeeeee...

Tp i jenis yg akn bgtau opinion i, then kalo that person x stuju, kte argue la... So i tau opinion dye n dye tau my stand....

arzai Publish time 31-12-2017 01:22 PM

I normally tak layan sangat toxic people ni. I just deal apa yang patut aje sbb kalau layan dia orang ni, full of negativity. Semua orang salah tak betul. Kalau hanya tinggal I dan toxic people berdua, I rather membaca dari berbual.

coldrunning Publish time 1-1-2018 08:34 PM

What I do to detox Toxic People from my life:
Step 1: Be proactive, begin with the end in mind
Step 2: Take ownership of yourself, decide that you’re worth it
Step 3: Identify the toxic folks especially the acidophilus
Step 4: Shield the attacks, even if they think you're rebellious
Step 5: Just smile, let go, and maintain a positive boundary
Step 6: Raise energy, built capability to act instead of reacting
Step 7: Shift your focus and eliminate them from your life
Step 8: Bring in the positive life-mapping
Step 9: On schedule, get to ‘Pay-Back Time’, make it absolute
Step 10: Observe Excellent Code of Behavior
Honesty and Truthfulness
Sincerity and Humility
Unselfishness and Patience
Forgiveness and Consideration
Purity and Cleanliness
Goodness and Kindness
Courage and Moderation

Sensei.lx Publish time 1-1-2018 09:53 PM

Toxic people ni kena jauhi. Its contagious tau.
We have to be careful with who we spend our time with.I learnt it myself the hard way.

Especially for people pleaser like me. Susah nak say directly no and i go out of my way to avoid offending or hurting others.

Sometimes niat tu bukan nak melayan toxic people ni sgt but because nak memelihara a conducive environment. Tapi betul kata TT. There is no point.Better spend that time on ourselves until we find someone worth spending time with.

Kena prepare for social rejection kalau kita berani say no. Kat tempat kerja, this is a huge challenge. After school, work is the most stressful place. Kena juggle kerja dgn interaction colleagues.

Its important kita ajar our anak. Our younger siblings. It's ok not to be liked. Yg penting kita x buat salah kat org. Jauhi toxic people. Kena latih diri macamana nak handle org camni. Even i am in my 30s and i still have a long way to go in avoiding and effectively dealing with toxic people especially at work and in your family

missselfridge Publish time 3-1-2018 10:18 AM

Baca gossip best ;P. Tapi kalau face to face, once I notice ppl start to sway the conversation into sthing too negative and provoking, I akan slowly withdraw myself. I akan make excuses lalu terus beredar dr situ :loveliness:

Beebeeqeesy Publish time 3-1-2018 12:57 PM

I tend to stay away from toxic people.Being around toxic people is exhausting. I rather save my energy on something that’s important to me.

The thing that i always remember is that when you have nothing nice to say, better do
n’t say anything at all.

ieka88 Publish time 4-1-2018 02:37 PM

i akan jauh2 kan diri i dari org2 gini..

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