mzzenma Publish time 28-4-2018 11:28 AM

hady_vit replied at 27-4-2018 12:45 PM
Russo Brothers ada informed dulu Infinity War sepatutnya 2hours 50min. dia start kan dulu dengan sce ...

Macam mana nick fury boleh page captain marvel eh? Masa tu captain marvel berkuntum kat mana? She exist around early 90s kan? Ke message tu guna element time travel?

mzzenma Publish time 28-4-2018 11:32 AM

Masa scene cap muncul dekat train nak tolong wanda and vision, laki meolls boleh tanya tu sapa?

Captain amerika lah. Ada jambang punya pasal laki meolls sampai tak cam cap. Padahal dia yang rajin tengok mcu movies ulang2 dekat astro.

adeqbun Publish time 28-4-2018 11:48 AM

hady_vit replied at 27-4-2018 03:27 PM
kann.....Thanos pi tgk sunset ktBanaue Rice Terraces philipines pulak tu

Hahahaha..die leh je p melobi mntak tiket 1st class aman2..xde sape nak kaco ko la tgk sunset tu..

adeqbun Publish time 28-4-2018 11:48 AM

mzzenma replied at 28-4-2018 11:28 AM
Macam mana nick fury boleh page captain marvel eh? Masa tu captain marvel berkuntum kat mana? She...

Yezza..pls sape2 panatik marvel ecplain..

Plg xleh blah stan lee wajib jugak ade cameo..hahahaha..ape la sgt alien katenye

HangPC2 Publish time 28-4-2018 02:42 PM

I am Groot, I am Steve Rogers


delia3003 Publish time 28-4-2018 03:14 PM

Edited by delia3003 at 28-4-2018 03:23 PM

hanakikan replied at 28-4-2018 03:23 AM
ebony maw tu power giler kot. ujung2 mati kat angkasa. macam tu je??? tp kelakar giler idea Spiderma ...

Itu ler 'keji' betul cara dia mati :lol:(teringat plak cara Starscream mati) Tapi at least dia dah lawan cukup2 kat bumi dengan Iron Man, Dr Strange, Wong. Memang power giler dia, relax je lawan

Tapi Thanos nampak sedih masa last tu, yang dia tengok matahari terbenam sorang2. Dia dapat apa yang dia nak tapi nampak macam jiwa dia kosong.

Teringat plak ayat last Dr Strange kat Tony, takde cara lain. Mungkin dalam 14juta cara yang dia tengok tapi 1 cara je untuk menang dengan biar Thanos dapat semua 6 infinity stones tu

Tengok kali ke2 tadi. Amboi yang perempuan2 bukan main excited bila awal2 Steve Rogers keluar kat screen. Tapi memang bergaya ler cara dia muncul tu siap dengan iringan muzik, memang rasa betkobar2 tapi tetap tak boleh lawan masa Thor 'landing' kat Wakanda dengan new axe. Bergaya habis

delia3003 Publish time 28-4-2018 03:26 PM

mzzenma replied at 28-4-2018 11:28 AM
Macam mana nick fury boleh page captain marvel eh? Masa tu captain marvel berkuntum kat mana? She...

Maybe terjawab dalam filem Captain Marvel. Nak juga tau kenapa Captain Marvel tak join Avengers kalau Nick Fury dah jumpa dia in 90s, kat mana dia menyorok.

capiloton Publish time 28-4-2018 04:09 PM

Edited by capiloton at 28-4-2018 05:04 PM

best, aku rate 8.5/10.
aku nak spoiler ni, kalau tak suka jgn baca, haha.

####### SPOILER ALERT #########

selalu credit scene ada 2, kali ni ada end credit sajo.
tapi yang tu la clue for the next movie, the new superhero.
di sorokkan oleh Nick Fury.
harap Adam Warlock ada sekali, bole join Captain Marvel.
confirm best part 2.

Loki dan Heimdall mati dalam tempoh 15 minit pertama.
Hulk kena belasah dengan Thanos, terus dia fobia taknak keluar sampai ke sudah. :lol:

part Thor landing kat Wakanda dengan Stormbreaker tu memang marveles la.
puas hati tengok dia belasah semua alien.
separuh hero avengers mati, sekali dengan separuh penduduk bumi.
the black order bila muncul mula2, nampak macam power giler.
sekali semua nya mati.
movie first part ni bole di kira ala2 Thanos punya quest for infinity stones.

btw tak sangka Thanos ni hati dia dalam taman.
tak boleh blah betul, lepas berjaya mendebu kan separuh penduduk bumi,
bole pulak dia duduk kat ceruk kampung ala2 Bhutan kat planet lain.
duduk sorang ala2 rumah kampung, sambil tengok matahari terbenam. :laugh3:

aku rasa siri kedua new superhero berjaya memujuk Thanos,
dan Thanos insaf, hidup kan balik semua yang mati.

akhir nya bersara dari jadi villain, dan menjadi petani di planet tu.
elok ko kawin je la thanos, ada bini, ada anak,
duduk kampung, jadi petani tanam jagung,
hari2 bole tengok matahari terbenam, hati pun aman damai. :lol:

adelea Publish time 28-4-2018 04:33 PM

capiloton replied at 28-4-2018 04:09 PM
best, aku rate 8.5/10.
aku nak spoiler ni, kalau tak suka jgn baca, haha.

aku rate 11/10 ...

superb laaaa , aku ingat kan ramai super hero jadi belacan citer ni ..

tapi garapan citer ni mmg kemas la
pandai diorg olah scene

citer takde lompat2 lansung
macam biasa .. ada selingan joke yg buat dialogue tak boring

ad usual captain amerika tetap di hati
hensem nya steve rogers
moment barner jumpa balik balik nat
yer la .. dia kan hilang kat planet knowhere

adoii kena ulang lagi sekali ni
sakit nya hati ending gitu ... kena tunggu part 2 bila tuhhh weii

capiloton Publish time 28-4-2018 04:34 PM

Edited by capiloton at 28-4-2018 04:41 PM

kalau movie ni explain apa objektif Thanos,
ape motivasi dia,dan kenapa dia semangat sangat
nak bunuh separuh penduduk di multi universe,

patut ada cerita pasal awek entiti Lady Death (Mistress Death) dalam first siri ni.
so takde la new MCU fans terpinga2 tengok ending movie nih.
hahahaha :lol:

actually Lady Death selalu friendzone kan Thanos.
Thanos always trying to woo Lady Death, and always trying to impress her.
tu sebab dia bunuh banyak orang, sebab nak tackle Lady Death. :laugh3:

capiloton Publish time 28-4-2018 04:40 PM

Thanos only wants to kill off half the universe to impress a feminine manifestation of death itself. You’ve gotta admit, that’s a new one.

The makers of Avengers: Infinity War may have tweaked Thanos and his goals for the sake of their story, but in the initial blue-sky brainstorming of the movie’s plot, the Mad Titan’s lovesick genocide was still on the table. “We did spend a good few days talking about it before we let it go,”

The big-screen Thanos still aspires to kill off half the universe, but this time around, he merely wants to solve an overpopulation crisis instead of using mass murder as foreplay.

:lol: :laugh3:

kaz2y5 Publish time 28-4-2018 04:54 PM

Edited by kaz2y5 at 28-4-2018 04:57 PM

Tak ada movie yang perfect 100%, but I'm very satisfied with this movie, even with the ending. Sikit sedih Steve & Tony tak share screen and reconcile, and 50-50 rasa kelakar & disappointed dengan kesudahan si Maw since he seems so powerful, then just beku like that keke..

Nak cakap sikit pasal Thanos since he is my favorite part of the movie. Thanos is the type of villain yang I suka. Thanos is complex,bukan sejenis villain yang jahat sebab dia just purely jahat. That's what makes him terrifying. Macam Russo brothers cakap, I can easily understand & empathize dengan reason kenapa Thanos buat apa yang dia buat walaupon idea dia sangatlah mental. And all his scenes with Gamora (especially with little Gamora) send a chill down my spine, because I can almost feel how humane he is and I almost... almost feel sad for him when he kill Gamora. Anyway, I love it because I rasathey wrote Thanos character very well, even though they explained too little pasal kenapa Thanos end up jadi macam tu

ps: good luck to all menunggu infinity war 2

kaz2y5 Publish time 28-4-2018 05:03 PM

capiloton replied at 28-4-2018 04:40 PM
Thanos only wants to kill off half the universe to impress a feminine manifestation of death itself. ...

Avengers: The Thanos Love Story


capiloton Publish time 28-4-2018 05:13 PM

Edited by capiloton at 28-4-2018 05:17 PM

dah ada comic fan yang marah. ;P
baca sekali comments bawah artikel tu.

Okay, I’ll Say It: Thanos’ Motivation in Infinity War Sounds Stupid

In the comics, Thanos collects the Infinity Stones so that he can become a godlike being and win the affections of Mistress Death, the physical embodiment of death in the Marvel Comics Universe. Many of his dastardly schemes revolve around courting Death or winning her back.

Thanos is determined to prove how much he loves Lady Death by eliminating life. This is also bonkers, but also an incredible narrative idea. And quite frankly, trying to desperately prove an unrequited love is a situation an audience can understand, even if you go about it by attempting to murder half the universe.

capiloton Publish time 28-4-2018 05:28 PM

Edited by capiloton at 28-4-2018 05:38 PM

faiz-za replied at 26-4-2018 09:37 AM
Lambang apa ye yang nick fury send message tu?
lambang si dia nih - captain marvel

Marvel Studios is scheduled to release a live-action film featuring Danvers, titled Captain Marvel and starring Brie Larson, on March 8, 2019. Larson is also scheduled to reprise the role in the fourth Avengers film.

captain marvel akan muncul dgn filem sendiri sebelum infinity war part 2.

hady_vit Publish time 28-4-2018 05:36 PM

mzzenma replied at 28-4-2018 11:28 AM
Macam mana nick fury boleh page captain marvel eh? Masa tu captain marvel berkuntum kat mana? She...

Benda ini akan terjawab dalam captain marvel movie nanti. Captain Marvel movie timeline 90an. Nick fury pun nanti ade skali dlm captain marvel. tapi zman nick fury muda la.dari movi tu nanti la akan bgtau nick fury dgn captain marvel are friends

hady_vit Publish time 28-4-2018 05:37 PM

mzzenma replied at 28-4-2018 11:32 AM
Masa scene cap muncul dekat train nak tolong wanda and vision, laki meolls boleh tanya tu sapa?

C ...

Dalam infnity War ni Captain America dan jadi Nomad. kiranya dia bukan lagi captain america.

capiloton Publish time 28-4-2018 06:10 PM

Edited by capiloton at 28-4-2018 06:33 PM

i watched it just now. at the end of the movie,after the lights turn on, the people in the cinema gone quiet and i can see blurry face from every each one of them. Thanos motivation and the way this movie ended, look like confusing everyone. hahaha. btw i enjoyed it and will watch it again after this.i love the action and the fight scene at Wakanda with Thor and his Stormbreaker is my favorite part in the movie.

in my opinion, Thanos motivation to stole infinity stones just because he care about universe over population, doesn't make sense. instead of 2, Marvel should make trilogy infinity war series, and stay with original story line from the comics. bring in Lady Death. love is powerful motivation anyway. i find it funny when seeing Thanos scene at the end, in country side like Bhutan (but in another planet) watching over the sunset after he turned half of the population into dust. why he should care about over population, since he can move to that planet at the first place and live alone anyway.


mzzenma Publish time 28-4-2018 07:56 PM

capiloton replied at 28-4-2018 04:09 PM
best, aku rate 8.5/10.
aku nak spoiler ni, kalau tak suka jgn baca, haha.

Lepas tu nanti ada pula yang report polis, lepas tu anak and bini dia mati..terus jadi jahat balik. Ala magneto gitu.

mzzenma Publish time 28-4-2018 07:58 PM

capiloton replied at 28-4-2018 04:34 PM
kalau movie ni explain apa objektif Thanos,
ape motivasi dia,dan kenapa dia semangat sangat
nak ...

They should totally bring in deadpool lah dalam mcu..baru cantik sebab si death ni duk berkenan kat deadpool kan? Biar deadpool je gaduh dgn thanos berebut death.
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