dauswq Publish time 19-8-2017 10:28 PM

[tvN] Revolutionary Love - Choi Si Won, Kang So Ra

Choi Si Won & Kang So Ra bergandingan dalam tvN Revolutionary Love

by      daus    ·                            Published August 19, 2017            · Updated August 19, 2017                                                   https://i2.wp.com/kmania.info/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/choiswin_kangsora.jpg?resize=800%2C600&ssl=1
Berita baik buat peminat kedua-duanya. Choi Si Won & Kang So Ra sudah pun mengesahkan bahawa mereka akan membintangi drama terbaru terbitan tvN, Revolutionary Love atau Byun Suk’s Love.

Choi Si Won sebagai anak chaebol, Byun Suk yang memilih untuk tinggal di bilik apartment kecil di ibu kota. Dia seorang yang romantis, suka mendengar lagu klasik dan jazz dan mempunyai selera fesyen yang agak tinggi dengan hanya menjual barang-barang berharga saja. Kang Sora pula sebagai “Candy spoon” yang hidup serba kekurangan,dengan hanya bekerja sambilan. Dia tinggal di sebuah bilik terletak di atas atap rumah.
Gambaran ini mungkin mengingatkan anda pada drama tvN Oh Hae Young, di mana mereka sebenarnya berjiran dan hanya dipisahkan dinding tak kalis bunyi. Kebetulan drama ini juga diarahkan oleh PD yang sama, calon Best Director 5th CARI Kdrama Awards yang lepas, Song Hyun Wook.Kedua-dua mereka masing-masing pernah tercalon Best Supporting Actor 4th CARI Kdrama Awards untuk MBC She Was Pretty , dan Best Supporting Actress 3rd CARI K Drama Awards untuk tvN Misaeng. Penampilan pertama Choi Si Won selepas keluarnya daripada program latihan tentera kelmarin amat dinantikan lagi-lagi lakonannya yang suka mengusik “Jackson” dalam MBC She Was Pretty masih lagi terasa bahangnya.

tvN Revolutionary Love akan disiarkan selepas tvN Live Up to Your Name pada penghujung Oct 2017 ini.
Sumber: https://kmania.info/2017/08/19/choi-si-won-kang-so-ra-bergandingan-dalam-tvn-revolutionary-love/

alien88 Publish time 19-8-2017 11:10 PM

yeay, siwon oppa {:runo

hunt_fear Publish time 20-8-2017 02:26 AM

Kang Sora ni Leeteuk punya pasangan dlm WGM, kira blakon dgn kakak ipar lah ni :lol: :lol:

munahjolie Publish time 20-8-2017 03:58 AM

Hope tak cliche plot dia. Kalau cliche pun harap drama ni light2 gitu. Mood terbru Munah ialah malas nak tengok drama berat2 jalan ceritanya.

olnkrm Publish time 11-9-2017 11:45 PM

nk layan la. ade kang so ra. die blakon best

hunny_bunny Publish time 12-9-2017 09:57 AM

si wonnnnnn....{:loveo

da stat ke citer ni

qis13 Publish time 12-9-2017 01:18 PM

hunny_bunny replied at 12-9-2017 09:57 AM
si wonnnnnn....

da stat ke citer ni

Tunggu live up to your name abih dulu.. sekrg baru ep 10.. uol tenguk tak cite ni...kalau belum meh join tenguk sekali

hunny_bunny Publish time 12-9-2017 02:05 PM

qis13 replied at 12-9-2017 01:18 PM
Tunggu live up to your name abih dulu.. sekrg baru ep 10.. uol tenguk tak cite ni...kalau belum me ...

live up to your name si won belakon gak ke...iols stuck kt citer school 2017 lagi ni haa...hahah

seme org dah move on...iols xbaeh2 kt ep 16...kih3...

qis13 Publish time 7-10-2017 12:26 PM


Revolutionary Love is promising to be one of the best comedies of the fall season!TvN recently released some hilarious stills from an upcoming episode of Revolutionary Love featuring stars Choi Si Won and Gong Myung. The series seems to be hinting at slapstick comedy in the new photos with Choi making hilarious facial expressions and Gong Myung finding him tied up. Nonetheless, it appears he is in danger and Gong Myung reluctantly shows up to save him. What does the production company have to say about this pair's on-screen chemistry?
TvN believes the actors fit their roles perfectly! “The chemistry between Choi Si Won, who has already perfectly assimilated Byun Hyuk’s personality, and Gong Myung, who will show off a new side of himself through his changed acting, is explosive. They will show off a bromance that goes past close friendship.”Revolutionary Love, which premieres on October 14, is quickly putting these guys in the roles of rogue and hero. Kang So Ra's character is going to have a more intense case of second lead syndrome than the rest of us if Gong Myung turns out to be the perfect, conscientious guy. Right now, we know that the undercover rich guy (Choi) and the educated poor girl's (Kang) paths are destined to cross, but we are anxious to see how the ambitious guy (Gong Myung) will complicate their lives. Besides this being Choi's comeback series, it's also the first time these actors have worked together on a project. I think all of them are superior actors, and they will no doubt make this upcoming rom-com a fun one.

qis13 Publish time 7-10-2017 12:30 PM


qis13 Publish time 7-10-2017 12:38 PM

teaser 3dCoHMZCjww


tomaz Publish time 7-10-2017 04:16 PM

iolss kureng ngn sora ni.. tp love siwon... huwaa.. mcm mana ni.. nk tgk ke x nk.. hahahaha

mizzacu Publish time 7-10-2017 06:08 PM

wowwww!! handsome si won... :$

mcm bawak watak sendiri ye.. mmg anak org kaya pon kan dia

olivegal Publish time 8-10-2017 01:22 PM

Check in..minat kang sora...hero pun not bad

amone Publish time 8-10-2017 03:21 PM

yeahhh tak sabar tunggu nak tgk siwon lagi.....

jaja Publish time 8-10-2017 10:06 PM

suka tgk sora dalam misaeng.   siwon pon ok dlm she was pretty. hopefully citer ni best sampai ke hujung. jgn la sampai tgh2 pastu drag..jd bosan.

amone Publish time 8-10-2017 11:00 PM

nak tgk lagi siwon bawak sengal2.... comey jer...

borrow Publish time 10-10-2017 09:31 PM

Wow Siwon & kang sora !! Daebak {:1_152:}Ai lap both .

mEMula kan ai nyampah tgk lakonan deyols. Tp lelama deyols makin best . Cant wait {:1_152:}

qis13 Publish time 15-10-2017 11:04 AM


ada sape2 dah tenguk cite ni?.. best ke tak?

shanew3stga1z Publish time 15-10-2017 12:39 PM

bes ke idok ? iols x ske la tgk siwon ske wat muke .. igt lawa la :funk:
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