wan_ie Publish time 18-3-2018 10:31 AM

omg citer ni

last 3 episode sedeyyy to the max

highly recommend

Artemesiaa Publish time 20-3-2018 12:35 PM

Overall tiga episode terakhir memang terbaik.Akhirnya terbongkar juga semua persoalan dan kebenaran antara semua watak yang terlibat.

hotmak Publish time 22-3-2018 04:09 PM

menyesal tak tgk dari awal, best cerita ni, jarang lah tgk satu episod tu skip2, cuma dah tgh2 episod ni mcm slow lah pulak

xyla73 Publish time 25-12-2018 06:45 PM

Reason: Review Submission


alien88 Publish time 21-1-2019 11:17 PM

7th CARI Kdrama Awards


Popular Child Actress & Best Supporting Actress - Heo Yool https://66.media.tumblr.com/a22e3bcb0a8eab4254ecc6e31dc5f63c/tumblr_inline_p63suuym901qkk441_540.png
PD'S Award For The Best Ensemble Casts - Lee Bo Young, Son Seok Koo, Heo Yool, Lee Hye Young, Go Sung Heehttps://0.soompi.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/01183815/mother-viki-cover.jpg?s=900x600&e=t
Best Original Score
Best Supporting Actress - Lee Hye Younghttp://asianwiki.com/images/c/c2/Mother_%28Korean_Drama%29-Lee_Hye-Young.jpg
Best Screenplay - Jung Seo Kyung
Drama of The Year https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/FCd5fbkEfa1CZq7q-qrmpM4AddO2kr4LsGlzZVCz-XgIQI_zyvPlEuEM7SgeHygKhAQIe7Q9C-icXAOjIOWaYYzNX3LyJBSv6qE=w1200-h630-rj-pp

Untuk mengundi Finalis CARI Kdrama Awards,https://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/icon8.gifKLIK SINIhttps://mforum.cari.com.my/static/image/smiley/default/icon8.gifUndian DITUTUP pada 31th Jan 2019. Rebut kredit lumayan sebelum terlambat^^

@shanew3stga1z @sarah_ary2 @qis13 @idakamaruddin @kikiharris @xyla73 @C1k_J4h @lonso @olnkrm @honeybee1802 @Minami2013 @Claudia_Lestat

ujin Publish time 13-2-2021 11:06 AM

baru habis tengok citer ni...sedihhh nya.suka tengok mak angkat soo jin terasa dia sayang giler
kat soo jin wpunsoo jin ni dingin je

eddlisa_uyuk Publish time 19-2-2021 09:10 AM

wpun dulu dah tgk
tp tgk lagi sbb ada kat tv3
sbb sedih & best

ujin Publish time 19-2-2021 04:36 PM

eddlisa_uyuk replied at 19-2-2021 09:10 AM
wpun dulu dah tgk
tp tgk lagi sbb ada kat tv3
sbb sedih & best

aha saya pun tengok kat tv3 lagi sebab citer dia best
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