IxoraP Publish time 17-5-2017 09:14 AM

tak pernah. i takut nk cuba. tkt nti kecewa or i x dpt capai apa yg dihajati. :(
kdg2 mmg nk cuba tp perasaan tkt tu lebih dr segala2nya.. psoalan what if tu mmg sntiasa wujud

Mek_bulat Publish time 17-5-2017 10:39 AM

My husband always ask me to get out from my comfort zone which is talking about my current job..
Tp I yg x berani nk start from the beginning.. cmne nk start new relationships,bleh ke adapt new place.. paling takut lari mulut boya masuk mulut rimau.. huhuhu..
I kat tmpt keja ni dh almost 8years,task mmg bertambah tp gaji duk takuk tu je..
bila fikir balik btl jgk apa asben I ckap.. tp rasa syg plak nk tggl colleagues yg ada skrg ni sbb dh biasa dgn diorg.. cmne yek..

kaspar0v Publish time 17-5-2017 11:09 AM

great things never came from comfort zones

nisako Publish time 17-5-2017 12:44 PM

hmmm selalu jugak keluar dr comfort zone ...

LMH_NIR Publish time 17-5-2017 01:38 PM

i always be in my comfort zone for 6 years dekat tempat keje yang sama.. kadang knp kite tak nak step out step out bkn sbb kite tak nak. tp sbb ada orang yang akan bg komen macam2, just to scared us.. telling us that out side world is full of shit,negativity and only them can give us the assurance of calm n peace macam tu. but few months ago, i just step back awhile and see the outside of my comfort zone.. yes, it is scary, tp is not because mmg scary, tp sbb how my abilities is far from other peoples who has exactly same years of experience with me. it really buat i pk how much i left behind and how comfortable i am until i tak cuba tu improve myself.n this year i decided to move out from my comfort zone and ignore all the negativity.

terpaku Publish time 17-5-2017 03:02 PM

i would like to but never got chance to do

kakiseboksebok Publish time 17-5-2017 03:43 PM

I am too comfort at the moment and at some point i do feel that i have no progress and i am stagnant. I am looking for something to challenge myself, I am thinking of joining a music class. :loveliness:

pin0t Publish time 17-5-2017 04:44 PM

Not sure if i'm out of my comfort zone yet {:1_515:}

izan78 Publish time 17-5-2017 08:33 PM

Kalau cakap pasal personaliti life, rasanya mmg dlm comfort zon.
Dah banyak kali plan nak resign dan buat fulltime TAKAFUL dan unit trust
Tapi.. asyik tangguh..
Rasa sayang dgn current salary..
Rasa malas nak bersusah payah untuk start dari awal..

Tapi.. bila fikir long term..
Memang rasa dah sampai masa kena quit..
Buat fulltime
Sampai bila nak makan gaji
Sampai bila nak orang tentukan hidup kita....

akuperatijee Publish time 18-5-2017 09:18 AM


iraizz Publish time 18-5-2017 09:51 AM

tak rasa duduk dalam comfort zone...cuma rasa masing-masing kehidupan ada pasang surutnyer..so masing-masing cabaran dan dugaan berbeza...so..just face it

akuperatijee Publish time 18-5-2017 09:58 AM


akuperatijee Publish time 18-5-2017 09:59 AM

Edited by akuperatijee at 18-5-2017 01:17 PM

http://quotetodays.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/inspirational-encouraging-quotes.jpgIf you really break down the phrase “Stepping out of your comfort zone,” it means doing things that you don't feel comfortable with doing. Getting outside of your comfort levels. I encourage you to push yourself in unfamiliar places, to do things that you wouldn't normally do.

akumak Publish time 18-5-2017 10:18 AM

Edited by akumak at 18-5-2017 10:29 AM

Rasanya comfort zone ni bukan berlaku sekali sahaja. Bila kita dah keluar sekali, comfort zone akan berulang. then kena keluar lagi dan lagi.

How to break your comfort zone
1. Do everyday things differently.
2. Take your time making decisions
3. Trust yourself and make snap decisions
4. Do it in small steps.


akumak Publish time 18-5-2017 10:32 AM

kalau berkenaan diri sendiri, banyak kali keluar comfort zone sbb mengejar cita2. tapi setiap langkah yang diambil memang akan ada rasa takut sebab tak tahu cabaran apa yang akan datang. tapi saya motivasikan diri,


tapi tidak lah jauh sangat dari comfort zone. kena tahu juga kebolehan diri.


nolly_2311 Publish time 18-5-2017 10:48 AM

once i pernah step out from comfort zone. tukar kerja and masuk company baru.
but after 6 years kat sini..i rase dah terlebih comfort.
now im thinking nk step out from this company but unfortunately belum ade rezeki.
apply keje mane2 masih belum ade rezeki.

eddlala Publish time 18-5-2017 11:09 AM

At this moment, masih berada dalam comfort zone. Teringin nak keluar tapi masih memerlukan masa.

Ladybosss Publish time 18-5-2017 11:59 AM

Comfort zone membuatkan i takut untuk berhijrah walaupon ada pasang surutnyer tapi rasa lebih selamat dari sesuatu yang belum pasti .. kadang2 membuat i rugi n lalai sbb melepaskan peluang berharg:mad::L:L:L

ahkak2080 Publish time 18-5-2017 12:44 PM

I always move out from my comfort zone. I love to take challenge. I will try hard up to max. If i'm done, i'm done. But, will try again..again & again. Not simply give up..Unless it totally beyond my limit.

akuperatijee Publish time 18-5-2017 01:19 PM

A comfort zone is a psychological state in which things feel familiar to a person and they are at ease and in control of their environment, experiencing low levels of anxiety and stress. ... Bardwick defines the term as "a behavioral state where a person operates in an anxiety-neutral position."
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