makdik2301 Publish time 17-1-2017 11:23 AM


Edited by dauswq at 23-1-2017 10:50 AM

tvN presents


Director:Lee Eung Bok
Writer:Kim Eun Sook
Network: tvN
Episodes: 1602 Dec 16 to 21 Jan 2016Fri & Sat 20:00


Kim Shin (Gong Yoo) is a goblin who is also a protector of souls. He lives together with an amnesiac grim reaper (Lee Dong Wook) who is in charge of taking deceased souls. Together the two of them sees the dead off into the afterlife. Meanwhile, Ji Eun Tak (Kim Go Eun) is a high school student who despite her painful reality, remains optimistic. She ends up falling in love with the goblin. Kim Sun (Yoo In Na) is an owner of a chicken shop; a bright and attractive girl who is loved by all men.
Gong Yoo as Dokkaebi/Kim ShinHe is going to play the role of a goblin, “the protector,” who needs a human bride in order to end his immortal life.
Kim Go Eun as Ji Eun TakShe is going to play the role of the human bride which goblin is looking for to end his eternal life
Lee Dong Wook as Wang YeoHe is going to play the role of a reaper who takes up residence with goblin.
Yoo In Na as Kim Sun(Sunny)She is going to play a character named Kim Sun, who renames herself Sunny because she likes anything that shines brightly. She doesn’t have money but she has looks that outshine her financial situation, and all men like her. But for the first time she meets a man who doesn’t lose to her, and that stirs her interest.
Yook Sung Jae as Yoo Duk HwaHe is taking the role of a third-generation chaebol heir. The character is the eldest grandson of a family that runs a major corporation, so wealthy that “born with a golden spoon in his mouth” doesn’t suffice in describing his worth, and he’s a troublemaker with a blazing rebellious streak.

(Pilih yang mana yang anda rasa mudah untuk dibuat)

---> Baca Review dari CARA 2 " >>KLIK SINI<<"

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makdik2301 Publish time 17-1-2017 11:31 AM

Edited by makdik2301 at 17-1-2017 11:37 AM

mari kawan2 moyan kat umah baru lak..

@ayushuhada04 @alien88
@wima @inaniloquent
@mamarifdy @kikiharris @ayie77
@buahcinta @owen81 @pauliza
@Claudia_Lestat @Aretmesiaa

fuhh...nama sape lagi nie x tag..:sweat3:

rukiaichigo Publish time 17-1-2017 11:38 AM

Edited by rukiaichigo at 17-1-2017 12:04 PM

mari check in rumah baru! hehehehe
kongsi gmbr gongyoo oppa dr blkg.
gmbr dr blkg oppa pun nmpk ensem dan seksi! hihihi{:3_85:}

idakamaruddin Publish time 17-1-2017 12:05 PM

makdik2301 replied at 17-1-2017 11:31 AM
mari kawan2 moyan kat umah baru lak..

@ayushuhada04 @alien88

fuyooo umah baru dh :lol:

ayushuhada04 Publish time 17-1-2017 12:11 PM

Edited by ayushuhada04 at 17-1-2017 12:17 PM

makdik2301 replied at 17-1-2017 11:31 AM
mari kawan2 moyan kat umah baru lak..

@ayushuhada04 @alien88

sambung yg td....

ermmm...mmg best ler klu KS masih ada lagi super power tu
leh bergerak kemana2 tk yah naik keta/flight biarlah dia jadi manusia biasa...leh ada perasaan yg tenang

tu ler....mmg sian kat Reaper...bukan kehendak dia
utk jd tk leh bayangkan nti
nasib dia...mmg dia terus jd reaper je ler...

ayushuhada04 Publish time 17-1-2017 12:15 PM

ayushuhada04 Publish time 17-1-2017 12:16 PM


ayushuhada04 Publish time 17-1-2017 12:18 PM

inaniloquent Publish time 17-1-2017 12:43 PM

ayushuhada04 replied at 17-1-2017 12:18 PM

sbb reta wasiat pong nama kim shin :lol::lol:

wahhh alert giler mata dorg ;P

SPACENUT Publish time 17-1-2017 12:48 PM

Sedih giler masa scene ni.....

rukiaichigo Publish time 17-1-2017 12:51 PM

ayushuhada04 replied at 17-1-2017 12:18 PM

daebak!!! tp tu la, mustahil la writer-nim nak buat General Manager tu org lain, mau semua akan serang dia nnt!!! ;P;P

pasal rantai tu pun, Kimshin yg figured out sndr yg sebenar nyer dia sndr yg bg kat ET, bukan orang lain!
sampai gigih g Quebec time2 sejuk gitu pakai selipar je!!! :lol::lol::lol:

ayushuhada04 Publish time 17-1-2017 12:51 PM

inaniloquent replied at 17-1-2017 12:43 PM
sbb reta wasiat pong nama kim shin

wahhh alert giler mata dorg

wah semua alert Ina...;P
klu dh minat tu..semua tgk...

rukiaichigo Publish time 17-1-2017 12:53 PM

SPACENUT replied at 17-1-2017 12:48 PM
Sedih giler masa scene ni.....
SANGAT!!!!!!! lepas tu kedengaran pulak bgm lagu Ailee tu... makin la buat banjir :'(:'(

"널 품기 전 알지 못했다
내 머문 세상 이토록
찬란한 것을

작은 숨결로 닿은 사람
겁 없이 나를 불러준 사랑

Before I held you, I didn’t know
That the world I was in
Was this bright
I reached you with a small breath of life
It’s a love that called out to me fearlessly"


ayushuhada04 Publish time 17-1-2017 12:54 PM

rukiaichigo replied at 17-1-2017 12:51 PM
daebak!!! tp tu la, mustahil la writer-nim nak buat General Manager tu org lain, mau semua akan se ... leh ler nk ubah lak jd org lain..,mmg hangin netizen..

mmg betul rantai tu KS tau dia yg belikan..cuma dia tk leh
nk bayangkan sapa lelaki yg jumpa ET..sbbnya tu dia sndiri
maksudnya dia tk leh tgk future dia le kan....

sheqim Publish time 17-1-2017 12:59 PM

Nk nyampuk sikit...nape heroin dia xlawaaaaa? Cite dh best.. uols boleh share link ape uols tgk? Iols tgk kat utube je pkai indosub hahaha

inaniloquent Publish time 17-1-2017 01:00 PM

SPACENUT replied at 17-1-2017 12:48 PM
Sedih giler masa scene ni.....

part yg sedey bg aku time park joong won xguna tu masuk dlm bdn ET ...

tp GY sikit xtepis atau lawan balik org tua tu, sbb xsanggop nk mudaratkn ET

muka GY pasrah abesh time tu .....:'(:'(

inaniloquent Publish time 17-1-2017 01:01 PM

ayushuhada04 replied at 17-1-2017 12:51 PM
wah semua alert Ina...
klu dh minat tu..semua tgk...

nmpk nyer ina bkn peminat goblin
sbb seyes ...xperasan pong kewujudan kot tu :lol::lol:

SPACENUT Publish time 17-1-2017 01:09 PM

sheqim replied at 17-1-2017 12:59 PM
Nk nyampuk sikit...nape heroin dia xlawaaaaa? Cite dh best.. uols boleh share link ape uols tgk? Iol ...

Maybe heroin dia tak seberapa lawa macam heroin lain tapi bagi aku dia ada charm dia yang tersendiri. Bagi aku dia memang pandai berlakon dan sesuai sangat ngan hero. Dia berlakon jadi teenager dengan gaya, perlakuan semua memang jadi sungguhla.Aku start minat dia dari Cheese in The Trap lagi.

alien88 Publish time 17-1-2017 01:15 PM

makdik2301 replied at 17-1-2017 11:31 AM
mari kawan2 moyan kat umah baru lak..

@ayushuhada04 @alien88

dah masuk rumah baru.. rsa smlm bca baru page 95 :lol:

mamarifdy Publish time 17-1-2017 01:29 PM

sheqim replied at 17-1-2017 12:59 PM
Nk nyampuk sikit...nape heroin dia xlawaaaaa? Cite dh best.. uols boleh share link ape uols tgk? Iol ...

i paham kalau u cakap heroine dia x cantik...sbb b4 Goblin nih, to me all Korean/Japanese actress looks the same...x de yg cantik...melainkan yang mana mata nya x brp charm yg ada pada gong yoo...maka suma character dalam Goblin ni nampak cantik2 and cute belaka...termasuk lah encik CEO yg buat TT dance tu....hehehhee... 1st time I acknowledge kecantikan pelakon korea, which is Kim Go Eun nih la.... naturally beautiful.... dah kenapa pula...takkan sbb nak punish wang yeo sampai beralih arah ke GR tua nih... hehehhee..
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View full version: (tvN) GOBLIN~ GONG YOO, LEE DONG WOOK, KIM GO EUN [PART II] - Review Submission