Sephiroth Publish time 14-12-2016 04:31 PM

Continue from above ...

7. The Relevant of the Teaching in Modern age.

As I have stated before, this is the most important topic (in my opinion) to any religious or belief system discussion. Because no matter how great a religion is, IF it is not relevant to modern age (today), it is useless.

It was Gautama Buddha who once said that religion is like a boat. When a person come to a raging river and he could not get across, he will build himself a boat and use it to get across. However once a person get across, it is pointless to carry the boat on one's back, expecting to find another river in the future.

However, question remains - how relevant is Buddhism in today's age? Have Buddhism become just another "boat" which have become more of a burden to its followers than a guideline? Personally I believe so.

Most common reason a Buddhist could give for try and perserve Buddhism as a belief system could be because of sere number of followers as well as its popularity. While these factors are true, it says very little about Spiritual qualities which Buddhism supposed to have. Like all belief system, a belief system which has NO Spiritual Quality is like a young beautiful woman with ill virtue and bad manners. She could be nice to look at but useless as a companion.

Furthermore, Buddhism have been hijacked by Atheism very long time ago. Whatever teaching Guatama Buddha had taught about Spiritualism, it had been lost and eroded away by Atheism (which is why Buddhism literally died out in India by 3rd - 6th Century).

Just look at the history books and we could see example how Buddhism goes hand-in-hand with Atheism. Every country which allowed Buddhism to come in and influence the society, the society itself end up destroying itself in the process. Buddhism have become primary belief system in India during Asoka's Rule and development in every field (including medicine and Science) have become dull, and obsolete, allowing Muslim invaders to enter and invade India in 900 AD.

In China, Buddhism eroded the influence of Taoism and Confuciousm which highlighted the importance of Family unit and responsibility, paving way for Atheism to attach itself to the People's hearts in 1900s.

Even today, we can still see Buddhism's weakening effect on just about every country that Buddhism have influenced in. In Tibet, it ties the hands of the locals from getting up and fight with the Communists and weak-kneed and weak-minded Dalai Llama continued to hold the Tibetans' hands while Chinese Atheists raped them over. In Nepal, Buddhism allows Marxist party to gain enough momentum to overthrow centuries old Hindu kingdom and establish a Communist regime.

We also have similar situation in Mynmar where Buddhist belief have marinated the minds of the People for hundreds of years to the point that the People provided very little resistance to Communist party when they took over in 1980s and started to kill people. Same situation in Indochina (Laos and Vietnam).

Therefore, it is possible that one of the main reason why Atheism (especially from China) spread so fast in South East Asia is because Atheism hitch-hiked on the back of Buddhism belief system. Atheism uses Buddhism to slowly enter the mind of the People of the country it wants to invade and then brainwashes enough people to start a political party and take over the country like what happened in Tibet, Nepal and Mynmar.

Therefore, what other contribution does Buddhism gives to the Society? It's meditation course are stolen from Hinduism, its principles and belief system are modified from Hinduism (and holds very little truth) and whatever benefits its could provide, could be found easily and with less headache from other belief systems, especially Hinduism. So what is the use of Buddhism?

I believe it is about time we stop carrying this "boat" called Buddhism on our backs and drop it somewhere and continue onward.

Sephiroth Publish time 3-1-2017 11:38 AM

Edited by Sephiroth at 3-1-2017 11:41 AM


Finally, we have arrived at the most confusing religion of them all - Christianity.

Majority of laymen Christians believes that Christianity was founded 2,000 years ago by Jesus Christ and evolved into the current form - with mainstream belief centered around Roman Catholic and the Church in Vatican City.

The truth is that Christianity we have today were results of two "Creed" - namely Apostles' Creed (390 AD) and Nicene Creed (325 AD).

Apostles' Creed (390 AD)

In Latin - it is referred to as Symbolum Apostolorum or Symbolum Apostolicum, sometimes entitled as Symbol of the Apostles.

This Creed is Trinitarian in structure - affirming the belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit (which seems to come from the Old Testament). However, it is noted that this Creed do not speak about the divinity of Jesus or the Holy Spirit.

The first mention of the Creed was in a letter (probably by Ambrose) from Council in Milan to the Pope Siricius in about 390 AD which stated "Let them give credit to the Creed of the Apostles, which the Roman Church has always kept and preserved undefiled". So it is possible that the Creed existed well before that but kept out of the Public eyes (refers to Old Roman Symbol - 2nd Century Rules of faith).

In 1988, English Language Liturgical Consulation (ELLC) produced a translation of Apostles' Creed as follows :-

I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.

Nircine Creed

This is the second branch of the pillar that holds Christianity in place. It was adopted in the City of Nicaea (present day Iznik, Turkey) by the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. In 381 AD, it was amended at the First Council in Constantinople and came to known as Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed.

The Creed was born at the time of great philosophical uproar. There was two fractions within the Christianity community - one worshiping the Father (God) as the Jews do and another worshipping the Son (Jesus).

One fraction believed that the Son came to enforce the Father's will and therefore should not be worshipped while the other fraction believes that the Son was the way to the Father and must be worshipped to get to the Father. So basically it is this Creed that actually cements the relationship of Jesus to God by adding him as Son of God.

English translation of the Armenian version states :

We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, the maker of heaven and earth, of things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the begotten of God the Father, the Only-begotten, that is of the essence of the Father.

God of God, Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten and not made; of the very same nature of the Father, by Whom all things came into being, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible.
Who for us humanity and for our salvation came down from heaven, was incarnate, was made human, was born perfectly of the holy virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit.

By whom He took body, soul, and mind, and everything that is in man, truly and not in semblance.
He suffered, was crucified, was buried, rose again on the third day, ascended into heaven with the same body, sat at the right hand of the Father.

He is to come with the same body and with the glory of the Father, to judge the living and the dead; of His kingdom there is no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, in the uncreated and the perfect; Who spoke through the Law, prophets, and Gospels; Who came down upon the Jordan, preached through the apostles, and lived in the saints.

We believe also in only One, Universal, Apostolic, and Church; in one baptism in repentance, for the remission, and forgiveness of sins; and in the resurrection of the dead, in the everlasting judgement of souls and bodies, and the Kingdom of Heaven and in the everlasting life.

Sephiroth Publish time 4-1-2017 03:15 PM

The History behind the Creeds

As I have stated above (in my pervious post), the two main pillars of Christianity was the Apostles' Creed and the Nircine Creed which establish the role of Jesus Christ (as the Savior) and the role of the Roman Church as central figure for Christiandom. A sort of religious kingdom on Earth which suppose to mimic the Heavenly Kingdom.

This means that the role of Jesus Christ was something of a lesser importance in the first two to three hundred years and Primodial Christanity (before formation of Roman Church) was something similar to Judaism. So question here remains is WHY was these two Creeds were formed?

The answer lies in the three (probably the first religious) wars fought by the Jews against the Roman Empire for nearly 100 years.

The First Jewish War was held between 66 to 73 CE. It was also known as the Great Revolt. It started due to anti-taxation protests and escalated into attacks on Roman citizens. In response, the Roman governor, Gessius Florus plundered the Jewish Temple and launching raid on the city, arresting senior Jewish figures. This prompted into a large scale rebellion which quickly overrun the Roman military garrison as the Roman officials ran with their tails between their legs.

Various Roman reinforcement had arrived to help quell the revolt and despite of early success in Jaffa, the Jewish rebels managed to ambush and defeat the Romans in the Battle of Beth Horon, resulting in shocking 6,000 casualties to the Roman.

To make long story short, by end of year 70 CE, the Jews and the Romans traded blows on each other with the Romans finally winning by capturing the Temple of Jerusalem. It was estimated that over 10,000 soldiers were killed on both sides. However, the more shocking death comes from non-combatants (which according to the historian Josephus), over a million people had died due to violence and famine. He also stated that 97,000 people were caught and made slaved.(Source : Matthew White. The Great Big Book of Horrible things (Norton, 2012).

The Bar Kokhba Revolt (132 - 136 CE) was a revolt that erupted due to religious and political tension that remains after the first (above mentioned) revolt.

The interesting point in this revolt is the leader of the Jews, Simon Bar Kokhba who not only managed to push the Romans out, but also established an independent state of Israel for about two years. He even took the title "Nasi" which means Prince and was regarded by many as a Messiah who could restore their national independence.He died later in the Fortress of Betar.

And finally the Kitos War (115 - 117) - a continuous war from the first two wars mentioned. A short lived one but by the time this war had ended, the Jews society have been pushed further to Eastern Mediterranean.

What does this wars have to do with the two Creeds? As history will tell you, the Roman Empires were not very friendly toward the Jews. And with the revolts and war against the Empires, those who followed the Jewish belief system were not treated fairly. Many of them were condemned to death and thrown to die in the gladiator arenas .

Therefore, as more and more Romans starting to embrace Jewish tradition, rejecting the Roman Pantheons, the Church required to find a way to segrate its people from the Jews or hence they will have group of internal enemy to fight beside the Jews and the barbarians on their borders. The two Creeds were created where the role of Jesus were added as a symbol for Roman Christians to follow and the Church of Roman Catholic was established as the main body that controls this new religion. In doing so, the Roman Empire had managed to cut the Jewish influence from their own society and allowed itself room to revive itself after it's fall in later times.

Sephiroth Publish time 8-1-2017 11:02 AM

Did Christianity began as Hero Worshipping?

After my last two posts (above), a question popped into my mind. Did Christianity began as a form of Hero worshipping cult? This could explain a few oddity within Christianity itself.

What is Hero worshipping? Hero worshipping is a very common practice among many of the cultures in the World. It is basically taking a human (or even a group of humans) who started off as a normal people and had performed some memorable feats and then leveliated them into the form of godhood. The ancient Romans even have a term for this - Apotheosis.

This practice were common among people of Mediterranean region where "demi-gods" like Hercules, Persecus and many more had appeared in the folkore of the people in that region for generations. In other regions, we can also find these examples as well. In China, we have the worship of Guan Yu as God of War and Kuan Yi as Goddess of Mercy - both whom were said to be normal humans who have perform memorable feats and later leviated into Godhood by the locals. Genghis Khan who conquered most of Asia had a Messaih complex where he leviated himself as Messanger of God who came to punish the wicked people and created Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (as if any God could want a backward Son of a Camel as their messanger). In that context, did Christianity began as a Hero worshipping as well?

An interesting fact about Jesus is his name. Jesus' name means "God saves" and the name "Christ" refers to "Messiah". Which can be concluded that Jesus Christ could be a person who was given the title Messiah and raised to the level of godhood later in life (as recognition for his role helping the people at his time, perhaps). This name could also be used as a title for a group of people as well who all could serve as "Messangers of God". One needs to remember that the term "Apotheosis" means to leviate a person into godhood and perhaps the Apostles were nothing more than bunch of people who spread the Message, caught, tried and executed by the Romans for their actions especially between the first three hundred years of Christianity in Mediteranean region.

This could explain a few things such as why there have been no records of Jesus being born, lived or died anywhere in Roman Archieves or personal archieves or historical records. This could also explain why there is about 30 years gaps between the time Jesus were born to the time he had started to preach. This could also explain why no one in the Mediteranean had reported of a man who walked around with thousands of followers, feeding them fish and bread daily and was able to resurrect the dead, cure the ill and walk on water.

And finally, this could also explain the large number of characters in the New Testament who have similar name but no last (family) name but with different characteristics. I had counted at least five Marys in the New Testament - including Mary Magledene who is the ONLY one who has the last name. Common names for Mediteranean people seems to be James, Jacob, John etc - as if revealing their last names could be a dangerous thing (which could be if you were a Roman citizen practicing Christianity in the first three hundred years). Perhaps the New Testament was nothing more than a collection of stories of brave individuals who continued to hold on to their faith in troubling times - a time when Human Right and religious freedom did not exist and for certain groups like slaves, being Christian is a death sentence not only for oneself but for their loved ones as well.

Sephiroth Publish time 9-3-2017 11:01 AM

Continue from above ...

It have been awhile since I have added any comments in this threat. My bad. Have been a bit busy lately. Of course, once again, I will like to remind you that anyone (except the Snake) are welcome to comment here. Anyway, time to continue ...

Christianity examined (Part 1)

1. Flexibility of the Religion (Rigid or too loose).

My opinion :- Uncertain.

I was going to say that Christianity has a "loose" flexibility but then I have remember that the Christianity existing today has very little resemblance to what it was about 200 years ago. Christianity had a very rigid structure and conditions which forced the followers to follow a strict code (par only to Judaism).

Christianity today are more flexible due to the influence of secularism and atheism which have been spread since the end of World War 2. Matter a fact, we can say many of the Christians today resembles more toward the Romans than they do to Jews which Christians tried to mimic. Therefore, I will say that Christianity is irregular when comes to the topic of flexibility.

2. Attached or Deattachment (to the World).

My opinion :- Deattached (to the World).

Christianity have very little "respect" for the World. Like Buddhism, Christianity views the World as a sort of "Prison" which they have to escape and go somewhere else. Movies like the Matrix (the 2nd and 3rd one) showcases this attitude clearly and we can see real life attitude of Christians rejecting the World actively from their attitude toward casual warfare, uncontrolled consumption of natural resources, disregards of flora and fauna of the World, continues rejecting of global warming problems and many more.

While the attitude did change a lot lately (after World War 2), Christians are still lacking in the needed seriousness to accept that what they are doing have serious implications to the World and that they need to do something about it quickly and not just find an easy way out (by escaping to other Worlds).

But I'm not worried. It is my opinion that when a species rejects the World, it is only the matter of time until the World rejects that species (or portion of the Species).

3. Ability of the followers to Master the Teaching.

My opinion :- Very poorly.

Look, we all should know that Christians seems to have a lot of problems following Christian doctrine. Where Jesus spend most of his days (when he is not nailed down) preaching about peace and love and God, most Christians (especially in the West) seems to be busy pursuing materialistic needs like good food, drink, entertainment ad so on. In my opinion, Christian values are exists only in words preached by preachers and within the four walls of their Churches.

4. Existence (or non-existence) of "Experts" of the Religions and their role in spreading the Teaching to others.

My opinion :- None Existence.

Christianity - besides Islam - has a largest number of defiant teachings in the World. There are individual pastors who collect money and use it for their own purpose. There are pastors who upgrade themselves into religious leaders for their own influence (some good, most bad). Martin Luther King one just one such person who did good. Mother Theresa was another example - even so many in India and elsewhere could disagree with it.

And in USA, we have large organizations called Mega-Churches - which has the sole purpose of scrapping money and shoving it onto their own pocket.

All these "experts" do very little (if any) to leviate the Christian influence so it could reach the regular people or even provide a morale and positive outlook of a Christian. Therefore, I could say that Christianity is dying because of its own followers' disinterest.

And at the same point, this is also why I don't like the idea that Westerners starting to take interest in Hinduism and Buddhism - because I don't like the idea that they will repeat the same thing with Eastern belief, thus bring it down as well.

Sephiroth Publish time 15-5-2017 11:41 AM

It have been quite some time since I have last updated this thread. Have been busy with quite a few things so my apologize. I will continue now.

5. Complexity (or Simplicity) of the Teaching.

My opinion :- Christianity is confusing.

There are some degrees of complexity in all religions, that we can agree. However, these complexities usually be resolved and simplified because the religions will have a base or core belief system within the main system which allows those who wish to follow the religion to fall back to whenever they are confused and requires some clarification. In Judaism, it is the Ten Commandments which is its core. In Hinduism, the four main principles (the main which is the Laws of Karma) and in Buddhism, it is the Four Noble Truth and Eight Noble Paths. So question here is - What is the Core of Christianity?

Most Christians believe it is the Concept of Love which were brought by Jesus through his sacrifice. However, this concept have been watered down and diluted to the point that people do not believe that anymore. Especially since the "Love" brought by Jesus seems to be forced down the throat of his followers who are forced to accept his "Love" or be damned forever. Furthermore, those who do accept this "Love" do not show any signs of living a Spiritual life. They continue their Sinful way of living (especially in the West) which shows that Christianity's Love is nothing more than an excuse to commit sinful actions wiith Jesus as an excuse.

Some followers even went as far as to say that Jesus came to uphold the Laws of his Father (God). I don't know whether they understood or not but the Laws of his Father is the Ten Commandments and they already broke many of these - including the laws which states that they cannot kill, steal, lie or commit adultery. If one were to look upon the Western society for the past 250 years, we could see plenty of evidence of these.

6. Influence of Secularism and Atheism onto the Teaching.

Answer :- Christianity is not influenced by Secularism or Atheism. It promotes Secularism and Atheism.

In the past 1,000 years, the direction Christianity went at the hands of Roman Church was downward spiral. Roman Church have reshaped itself into an empire after the collapse of the Roman Empire and instead of building an actual Empire, the Roman Church used its belief system to reshape itself into a "Spiritual" Empire.

Problem is, Spirituality is not a "governing" body nor should it make into a governing body. This fatal mistake had created the problem Roman Church is facing today.

It started with Roman Church sending its emissaries to all corner of Europe 1,000 years ago. By 1200 AD, most of Europe and Mediteranean regions have already become under the influence of Christianity, with Rom at its helm. To make matters worse, Rom was contesting with Muslim Caliphates in Middle East for hearts and minds of the people in Middle East and Europe, using the Crusade wars as a form of tug-of-war between Rom and Baghad (which was the seat of Muslim power at that time).

While these "holy war" seems to be at a standstill, the breaking point came in form of Moghul hordes which came down from Asia, atttacked discrimately and reshaped the battlefront for both sides. And as Roman Church and Muslim Caliphate were rebuilding their forces, Roman Church got hit again by the Black Plague that lasted three years and killed 2/3 of Europe's population. These brought Christianity to its knees and allowed Muslims to move forward and recapture Constantiople. In doing so, Muslims have managed to hold on to the gateway to the East and cut off Rom and Europe from East.

However, it was the wars and the Black Death which actually reshaped the mindset of Europeans. Before this, they came to believe that Christianity was religion of God and that they could triumph to establish a Kingdom of God on Earth. However, after the disaster, Christians who survived begin to come believe that the Roman Church had no power over anything and that they maybe dupped by Rom into believing a God that does not exist. This was the beginning of Atheism. Christians themselves begin to push away Christianity from their daily aspects of life - including the separation of Church and Politics and that was the beginning of Secularism.

Even in modern times, Christianity continues to "promote" Atheism and Secularism by producing more and more atheists and seculars who fight for the separation of religion and state. For example, Communism is the direct product of Christianity.

7. The Teaching's relevance to Modern World.

Answer :- Irrelevant.

As I have stated before, Christians themselves do not know what is their Core belief. If they were to say "Love", then love itself is just one of many emotions that humans have and love alone will not "fix" all the problems which related to physical, mental or spiritual problems. If Christians says that Christianity's core is upholding the Ten Commandments, then they should know that they did a horrible job at it for the past 1,700 years.

Christianity in the West have been in a decline for a while now. In the site below, we can see that in just eight years (between 2008 to 2015), there have been a significant 5% drop in Christian community (from 80% down to 75.2%) and it is possible that with the influence of the Internet and Islam, these percentage will keep dropping.

Furthermore, Roman Church is plagued with problems that continues to strangle it from within. The Church's attempts to protect priests who have sexually abused young boys as far as 1970s have been a PR nightmare for the Vaticans. Even the attempt to "fire" priests who have found guilty as well as allowing priests to marry seems to be a last minute ditch to save Christianity. Furthermore, Vatican's weak-knee attempt to batter a deal with China (a communist country) to allow Christianity to be allowed there is another issue that seems to have upset the Christian community as well. And if that is not enough, Christians in Middle East and Africa continued to be targetted by Muslims - sometimes in an open conflicts that results in death of Christians is seen as a sign that Roman Church continues to become weaker by the year.

Source :

Sephiroth Publish time 16-5-2017 01:36 PM

My opinion - Why is Christianity failing?

Why is Christianity failing, one could ask. First question any Christian could ask is - is Christianity really failing? I believe it is. Since beginning of the millineum (2000), the Church had been facing a lot of obstacles and challenges which directly confront the interest of the Church. At first, the Church seems to be unmoved by these direct challenges but as the decades passes by, we could see changes in the management which indicated that the Church begins to worry about its followers migrating to other religions.

Here are some of the challenges which the Church had been facing for the past 40 years :-

1). The revealation of sexual predatory nature of Christian priests, not only in the United Stated but also in Europe and Asia.
The Church was quick to take action but to the disappointment of Christian followers, they choose to protect the Priests from criminal prosecution rather than to assist authorities regarding the matter.

2). The Internet.
In the past, voices that directly challenges the authority of the Church was very limited. Around 1000 AD, there have been very few, if any, who could openly challenge the Church and its dogma and still remain alive. By 1300s, as education begins to reach nobles and some wealth men, educated group could appear and challenge the Church and we could see examples on how these educated groups and individuals could be prosecuted and sometimes killed in order to protect the Church's interest.

Even when books started to emerge from printing houses across Europe in 1700s, they are carefully monitored right until 1900s. For example, the famous author T.R.R Tolkien himself was subjected to "interview" by Church members due to his books which had contents related to magic and the "Old Gods". Even movies in 1900s were heavily censored and monitored for anything that could be unChristian in nature.

It was not until the coming of the Internet in 1980s that people found true freedom to express themselves openly. Forums and discussion rooms begins to pop out like a mushroom forest after a rainfall and many begins to speak out about Christianity and found that many others had similar views. Furthermore, information and newsclips perviously controlled and monitored by the government and Church found itself made available widely through the Internet.

3). Historical facts.
Despite of being a relatively young religion (around 2000 years), Christianity seems to have a hard time proving many of its contents and events as true historical event.

Back in 1900s when most of Asia are ruled by (Western) foreigners, they have come to older religions like Hinduism and laughed at Hindus whom these foreigners believed were worshipping characters from mythogical eras. However, as scientific advancement and historical information begin to unravel, it seems that many of these myths (some of them over 10,000 years old) were true and the "mythogical" texts which Hindus (and Buddhists) believed were actually based on historical facts which were memorized and handed down throughout the generation through strict oral tradition.

However, when the same yardstick were used to measure the accuracy of Christian Bible, many of the scholars found that their yardstick did not quite long enough to support the historical facts they themselves had established. Some of the so-called "facts" which Christians came to believe - like the World is only 6,000 years old - were unfounded in the Bible.

4). Christianity is lacking in Spiritual lifestyle.
The primary doctrine of Christianity is that Jesus had sacrificed himself (out of love) for the Sins of Man. But here's the main question - Then what?

Judaism has Ten Commandments which suppose to be the backbone of Jewish people and they could shape their existence around these Commandments.
Hinduism have the Four main pillars of Hinduism - Satyam, Dharma, Karma and Moksha and they took can shape their existence around these pillars.
Buddhism have the Four Noble Truth and the Eight Noble Paths.

What does Christians have? Fine - Jesus died for them. But what are they going to do after that? How are they supposed to live? What is Spiritual lifestyle according to the Bible? How does a book that kept telling them that Mankind are Sinful in nature is going to lead them to live a sinless life? And how long does Man continue to exist in this Sinful state if he had rejected Sin and accepted Jesus? His children will be born with Sin, and so does their children's children and so on.

Mankind seems to have grown tired and fed-up with a belief system that does not allow humanity to move forward. Perhaps that is why many of the Christians begins to leave Christianity and started to look elsewhere - including Hinduism.

Sephiroth Publish time 7-8-2017 11:34 AM

I think I will conclude this thread as complete, however I was thinking of doing an analyse of other lesser religious practice like Shintoism. Maybe later.

And if anyone think I will be doing an analyse on Islam, they will be disappointed. For me, Islam is not a religion but a political system (like Communism) which disguise itself as a religion. To me, Allah is Muhammad and since Muhammad was a human being, Islam is not a study of religious teaching but a doctrine of praising an Arab person.

Sephiroth Publish time 28-9-2017 03:29 PM

For those who believes that there is no God (atheist) and those who believes in God (theists), maybe this video (in Tamil) could be a guide :

Source :

Thanthai Periyar (1879 - 1973) was a Hindu until an incident in his life (called Kasi incident (1904) where he renounced religion and become an atheist.

However, as I have read through his summary of biography, it is obvious that he was anti-hindu in every way and had higher respect toward Islam, Christianity and Buddhism which he labeled as Dravidian belief systems.

Thirumuruga Kirubananda (1904 - 1993) - a Shaivite Spiritual teacher (follower of Lord Shiva). Some of you who had watched Hinduism based movies could have seen him in those movies preaching about Lord Shiva and His family. This man is considered to be a modern-day Saint to this day (Yes, Hinduism continued to produce Saints like these even to this day).
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