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[Dunia] Doktor Haiwan dirogol dan dibunuh

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Post time 30-11-2019 04:53 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Doktor Haiwan Dirogol dan dibunuh sekumpulan lelaki,mayat ditemui dalam keadaan rentung di tepi highway
November 30th, 2019 | by Shira

Di Hyderabad, mayat seorang doktor veterinar ditemui dalam keadaan rentung dimana sebelum dibakar mangsa dikatakan telah dirogol dan dibunuh oleh sekumpulan lelaki yang menawarkan bantuan menukar tayar motosikalnya yang pancit.

Mangsa dalam keadaan ketakutan

Menerusi New Indian Express, mangsa yang dikenali dengan nama Dr. Potula Priyanka Reddy itu sedang dalam perjalanan pulang dari hospital. Mangsa didakwa telah singgah di plaza tol ORR, Tondupally untuk mengambil motosikalnya yang di parking di kawasan tersebut. Sebelum kejadian mangsa juga dikatakan ada menghubungi kakaknya, Bhavya untuk memberitahu tayar motornya pancit dan ada sekumpulan orang asing menghulurkan bantuan untuk membantunya.
Menurut kakak mangsa, dia ada menasihati adiknya itu supaya meninggalkan motosikalnya disitu dan tunggu di plaza tol berhampiran namun mangsa dikatakan tidak sempat berbuat demikian kerana dihalang oleh sekumpulan lelaki tersebut.
Menceritakan kisah itu, Bhavya ada memberitahu semasa berbual  dengan Priyanka, adiknya itu ada meminta untuk dia terus bercakap dengannya di telefon kerana adiknya berasa takut dengan kehadiran sekumpulan pemandu lori berhampiran. Namun, beberapa minit kemudian telefon adiknya itu telah dimatikan.

Identiti suspek dikenal pasti

Bimbang dengan keadaan adiknya, ahli keluarga bergegas ke plaza tol tersebut untuk mencari Priyanka tetapi malangnya mereka langsung tidak menemui mangsa. Mereka kemudian bertindak melaporkan kepada pihak polis memaklumkan tentang kehilangan adiknya itu.
Menurut pihak polis, mayat Priyanka walau bagaimanapun telah ditemui berhampiran sebuah saluran air oleh seorang penjual susu yang melalui kawasan itu. Ketika siasatan dijalankan, pihak polis berjaya menemui pakaian, sepasang kasut, dompet dan botol arak berhampiran kawasan plaza tol tersebut. Identiti Priyanka itu hanya berjaya dikenal pasti keluarga melalui loket yang dipakai.
Susulan kejadian, empat lelaki ditahan termasuk seorang pemandu lori dikenali sebagai Mohammed Pasha. Identiti kesemua suspek dikenal pasti selepas pihak berkuasa meneliti rakaman kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) dari lokasi kejadian.


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Post time 13-12-2019 03:52 AM | Show all posts
ninja9 replied at 12-12-2019 11:13 AM
"Justice Has Been Served," Priyanka's Parents Gets Emotional
  • 08 Dec 2019

  • baguslah empat2 dah mampos. what a waste of oxygen.

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     Author| Post time 12-12-2019 11:23 AM | Show all posts
    namieamuro replied at 12-12-2019 11:20 AM
    keji nyeeee..dh la mangsa rogol...dibunuh..tergamak org nk tgk mendiang..hmm..

    susah payah parent besarkan sampai jd doktor tiba2 jadi mcm ni..

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    Post time 12-12-2019 11:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
    dani-rox replied at 3-12-2019 11:08 PM
    Tak cukup keji lg jantan2 negara India nih, nama mangsa trending dlm porn site versi negara dia org. ...

    keji nyeeee..dh la mangsa rogol...dibunuh..tergamak org nk tgk mendiang..hmm..

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    Post time 12-12-2019 11:18 AM | Show all posts
    After Horrific Rape in India, Police Kill 4 Suspects
    The police said the men linked to the Hyderabad case had gone for officers’ guns. Rights activists questioned the police’s account, while many Indians celebrated.

    Cheering near the area where four men accused in the rape and murder of a veterinarian were killed by police officers in Hyderabad, India, on Friday.Credit...EPA, via Shutterstock

    • Dec. 6, 2019

    NEW DELHI — One of India’s most troubling rape cases of recent months was brought to a sudden and shocking end on Friday.

    Four men who had been accused of raping and killing a young woman near the southern Indian city of Hyderabad were taken under a bridge by police officers and shot dead in the early hours of the morning.

    How the events played out is not entirely clear.
    The police, who had been under enormous pressure to bring the rapists to justice, said that they had taken the men to the scene of the crime at 3 a.m. and were in the process of watching them re-enact the attack when two of the men tried to grab the officers’ guns, leaving the officers no choice but to shoot the suspects dead.

    New Delhi
    Bay of
    400 miles


    By The New York Times
    The officers are being hailed as heroes, and were showered with rose petals by residents who thronged the streets of Hyderabad to celebrate what they saw as an act of swift retribution for a horrific crime. So many people poured into the streets on Friday to celebrate that traffic was brought to a standstill. Firecrackers could be heard exploding across the city. People hugged and passed out sweets.

    “The law has done its duty,” said V.C. Sajjanar, a top police official.

    But the circumstances behind the killings have invited suspicion. Human rights activists have wondered if the police simply executed the men and fabricated a story to cover their tracks.

    “It’s just the outcry that pressured the government to do away with the four men and this is a total and utter violation of human rights,” said Ranjana Kumari, the director of the Center for Social Research, a nonprofit advocacy group.

    Ms. Kumari called the killings “a total failure of the criminal justice system.”
    “We are moving toward a vigilante justice system,” she added.


    Police were showered with rose petals by residents who thronged the streets of Hyderabad.Credit...Mahesh Kumar A/Associated Press

    Too often, India makes international headlines for horrendous rapes. In 2012, a woman was abducted and brutalized on a moving bus in New Delhi by a gang of young men.

    After she died from her injuries, the outrage over her assault drove India to implement a series of measures to curb sexual violence, such as stricter punishments, victims’ hotlines and public awareness campaigns.

    But the cases have kept coming.

    Last year, virtually the entire male staff at an apartment building in the southeastern coastal city of Chennai were accused of raping a disabled girl.

    This year, according to the police, a popular elected representative from Unnao district in northern India tried to kill a young woman who had accused him of rape, arranging for a truck to smash into her car.

    And just this week, a young woman was set on fire as she was making her way to court to testify against men whom she had accused of rape. The woman died on Friday night, hospital officials said.

    The Hyderabad case centers on a young veterinarian who had parked her motor scooter near a toll plaza on the evening of Nov. 27 and came back from an appointment to find that its rear tire was flat. A group of truck drivers offered to help her, the police said, but she suspected that she was in danger.

    In her last call, to her sister to tell her what she was doing, she sounded scared.

    The police said that the men had in fact deflated the tire as part of a plot to kidnap the young woman. The police added that the men had been drinking.

    They dragged the woman, who the police said was in her mid-20s, to a bushy area nearby and assaulted her. They then suffocated her and burned her body.

    Police said they caught the four men — two truck drivers and their assistants — through CCTV footage and witnesses.


    Policemen standing guard at the area where the four men accused of the gang rape were shot.Credit...Mahesh Kumar a/Associated Press

    The suspects had been in custody for about a week as the young woman’s family, activists, ordinary citizens and powerful politicians called for them to be punished. Pressure was raised further after protests erupted in several cities and outrage over the young woman’s death swept across social media.

    On Friday, as the news spread that all the suspects were dead, many people were quick to praise the police.

    “I congratulate the Hyderabad police and the leadership that allows the police to act like police,” Rajyavardhan Rathore, a member of Parliament from the governing Bharatiya Janata Party, said in a Twitter post.

    The victim’s family also seemed to approve of the men’s deaths.

    “Justice has been done,” the victim’s mother said, according to the BBC. “I never thought we would get justice. No other girl should experience what my daughter did.”

    Police officials said that two officers had been injured on Friday morning when the suspects tried to escape. When asked why they brought the men to the crime scene in the middle of the night, police officials said it was to protect them from enraged mobs who might have harmed them had the visit taken place in daytime.

    Extrajudicial killings are common in India. The term for a police killing here is “encounter” and in recent years the Indian police have killed countless people in such encounters. Many of the killings are later revealed to have been staged or planned.

    In Friday’s case, few people are expected to rally to the defense of the dead suspects. If the killings were staged, that might have been part of the calculation.

    Amnesty International India said the killings raised “deeply disturbing questions about the state of justice in India.” The country’s National Human Rights Commission said it would send a team to investigate, saying the case “needs to be probed carefully.”

    Mrs. Kumari, the director of the nonprofit research group, said, “Maybe people are happy today.”
    “But tomorrow,” she added, “you can pick up any four people and kill them for any reason.”


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    Post time 12-12-2019 11:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
    cantik doktornye..seram btl la kisah2 mcm ni..

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    Post time 12-12-2019 11:13 AM | Show all posts
    "Justice Has Been Served," Priyanka's Parents Gets Emotional
    • 08 Dec 2019

    The four suspects allegedly involved in the gang rape cum murder of Indian veterinarian Dr Priyanka Reddy in Hyderabad, India, have been shot dead by the police.

    According to the BBC, the four men were gunned down in the wee hours of Friday (Dec 6), after they tried to disarm and escape while being taken to the crime scene to reconstruct the crime.

    Hyderabad police commissioner VC Sajjanar told BBC Telugu that two police officers were also injured in the incident.

    Priyanka, 27, was believed kidnapped, gang raped and burnt to death by the four suspects while she was returning home from work on Nov 26.

    Police said the suspects deliberately punctured the victims's scooter tyre, before abducting her on the pretext of helping her fix the tyre.
    'Justice has been done'The victim's mother has welcomed the suspects' killing, saying "justice has been done", reported BBC.

    "I can't put it into words. I felt happiness but also grief because my daughter will never come home.

    "My daughter's soul is at peace now. Justice has been done. I never thought we would get justice. No other girl should experience what my daughter did," she was reported saying.

    Thousands of people, who had earlier accused the police of slow reaction to the victim's killing, reportedly celebrated the suspects' shooting by setting off firecrackers and distributing sweets in the neighbourhood.

    Netizens similarly celebrated the slaying, saying justice has been delivered to the victim, and hailed the police.

    Of late, sexual violence against women in India has been making headlines.

    According to Indian government statistics, 33,658 women were raped in the country in 2017 - averaging a whopping 92 rapes a day!

    Source: BBC
    Photo source:,

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    Post time 12-12-2019 11:11 AM | Show all posts
    Police kill suspects held over rape and murder of Indian vet after they 'attacked officers and tried to escape'

    Thousands took to the streets across India to protest the brutal attack in HyderabadCredit:SAM PANTHANKY/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

    6 December 2019 • 3:50am

    Four men held in a gang-rape and murder case which has shocked India have been shot dead in police custody, prompting both celebration and calls for an inquiry into their possible summary executions.

    All four suspects for the rape and murder of a female vet were killed after police said they had tried to escape during a visit to the crime scene outside Hyderabad in southern India.

    The killings in the early hours of Friday were praised by the woman's family and celebrated on social media amid anger at horrifying levels of sexual violence against women.

    But politicians and rights groups to call for an immediate investigation into whether officers had meted out their own justice, in a country where extra-judicial killings are said to be common.

    Police said the four suspects were taken to the scene where the unnamed 27-year-old victim is believed to have been raped and murdered and the nearby site where here burned body was found. Officers had been hoping the two truck drivers and two truck cleaners, aged between 20 and 26 would reconstruct the crime and help uncover evidence, including the victim's phone. Instead, the men, who had not been charged, allegedly attacked police with stones, grabbed their weapons and opened fire.

    Protesters burned effigies of "rapists" in Shiv Sena on ThursdayCredit:NARINDER NANU/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

    VC Sajjanar, the local police commissioner, said all four had been shot dead, and two officers injured. "Even though our officers maintained restraint and asked them to surrender, but without listening to us they continued to fire and continued to attack us.”

    The family of the victim praised police. "It has been 10 days to the day my daughter died. I express my gratitude towards the police and government for this,” her father told ANI. “My daughter’s soul must be at peace now."

    Police at the scene were scattered with petals and hoisted onto the shoulders of well wishers.

    The killings immediately led to calls for an investigation though. Police across South Asia are often accused of deliberate “encounter killings” where officers kill suspects or prisoners and then say they acted in self-defence. The subject is a staple of crime movies and officers with a reputation for the practice are known as encounter specialists.

    Maneka Gandhi, a member of parliament from India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, accused police of taking the law into their own hands.
    "They would've been hanged by court anyway. If you're going to kill the accused before any due process of law has been followed, then what's the point of having courts, law and police?" she said.

    Avinash Kumar, executive director of Amnesty International India, said: “Extrajudicial killings are not a solution to preventing rape.”
    The gang rape and murder of the unnamed woman was the latest in a string of horrific crimes against women which had prompted protests across India. New laws brought in after a notorious 2012 rape and murder in Delhi have not cut the number of crimes, and prosecutions languish in the backlogged courts for years.

    The latest victim had left home for an appointment on her scooter and later called her sister to say she had a flat tyre. She said a lorry driver had offered to help and that she was waiting near a toll plaza. Her burned body was found the following day.

    In a separate incident earlier this week, a woman who reported she was raped last year was beaten and set alight by her alleged attackers while they were on bail. The woman received 90 per cent burns and is in a critical condition.


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    Post time 8-12-2019 07:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
    Takziah family dr ni. Memang kejam la perogol ni.

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    Post time 7-12-2019 09:33 PM | Show all posts
    any42 replied at 1-12-2019 03:33 PM
    dorang yg bt ni slain sbb mabuk & mmg spesis syaitonirrajim, maybe sbb makanan jgk la kot.

    tring ...

    nasib baik ko dlm opis dek..

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    Post time 7-12-2019 09:01 PM | Show all posts
    Boomibulat replied at 7-12-2019 08:52 PM
    Hari ni ada kes mcm ni jgk..kena rogol dan bakar tp mangsa ni mati kat hospital..

    Ada lagi ? Jgn jd trend kat sana sudah. Giler betul india.

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     Author| Post time 7-12-2019 08:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
    borrow replied at 7-12-2019 06:48 PM
    Td selak paper. 4 suspect ni dh mati kena tembak. Polis bawa deyols ke lokasi kejadian , pastu deyol ...

    Hari ni ada kes mcm ni jgk..kena rogol dan bakar tp mangsa ni mati kat hospital..

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    Post time 7-12-2019 06:48 PM | Show all posts
    Td selak paper. 4 suspect ni dh mati kena tembak. Polis bawa deyols ke lokasi kejadian , pastu deyols attack polis n try nak lari.


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    Post time 3-12-2019 11:15 PM | Show all posts
    perropura selalu bangga guna slanga india..ikkunumi ikkaunting punde munde...wakakakakakakakakakakakka

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    Post time 3-12-2019 11:08 PM | Show all posts
    Tak cukup keji lg jantan2 negara India nih, nama mangsa trending dlm porn site versi negara dia org.

    ‘Nuke the humanity!’ Shocked & disgusted Indians demand porn site remove gang-rape victim Priyanka Reddy’s name from trends

    The victim of a vicious gang-rape and murder, Priyanka Reddy, was propelled to the top of a popular porn site's trends by fake video uploaders and user searches, triggering a wave of disgust and demands it be scrubbed.

    Indian and Pakistani versions of one of the world’s most visited porn sites featured the name the 27-year-old woman as the number-one trend over the weekend, further sickening the people of India who are still in shock following the kidnapping, rape and brutal murder of Priyanka Reddy.

    The young veterinary doctor’s body was found under a bridge on the outskirts of Hyderabad, burned beyond recognition, last Thursday. The gang-rape sent shock waves across India, forcing massive crowds onto the streets to demand swift justice and death sentences for the perpetrators.

    There are absolutely no indications that the rapists – who already confessed to the crime and are awaiting trial and sentencing – might have recorded their atrocities. Yet by Sunday evening, the woman’s name was propelled to the top of the trends by uploaders of fake videos, abusing the viral hashtag, as well as searches by morally bankrupt visitors.

    Blasting those who helped popularize the trend as latent sex abusers and rape culture enablers, hundreds vented their anger on Twitter, saying that such behavior undermines any remaining “hope in humanity.” While the website has yet to address the scandal, a petition was launched urging it to remove Priyanka Reddy’s name from the trends immediately.


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    Post time 3-12-2019 03:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
    buapakperut replied at 3-12-2019 02:01 PM
    amboi kepala butoh terus,orang nak nyatakan pendapat elok2 je pun kene maki. akubcakap camtu sebab ...

    Blah lah kau, orang kau lah paling prajudis dengan orang islam, just because takdir kau lahir kat Malaysia, suka tak suka terpaksa lah kena hormat kitorang sebagai tuan di Tanah Malaya ni, itu ja logiknya, kalau ikut realiti semua bangsa nak berlawan dengan melayu islam 24 jam non stop back to back, loser.

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    Post time 3-12-2019 02:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
    MenteriWanita replied at 1-12-2019 07:29 AM
    Kepala buto kristian pagan hormat islam, macam lah aku tak ada kawan and jiran kristian.

    amboi kepala butoh terus,orang nak nyatakan pendapat elok2 je pun kene maki. akubcakap camtu sebab sejak kecik kawan dengan dengan dorang, mak pak dia ajak rumah dia buat air amik gelas baru beli,takut tercampur dwngan makanan dorang,bila azan dia soh anak2 dia diam,kalau anak dia masih cakap2 dia minta maaf kat kita, kita solat dia jaga tempat, aurat kita pun dia tegur kalau terdedah sikit dalam hati ini doakan semoga kawan aku tu masuk islam, tapi sampai sekarang masih devout Christian and i respect that. sheols juga jadi sukarela tolong pas masa zaman pr dulu,. my boss pun agama lain tapi solat jumaat respect je pekerja kuli yang kene rehat lebih masa,dia belikan buah tangan selalu pun cari yang ada sijil halal dulu. so that's why i tak pukul rata semua ugama lain tu laknat dibumi Allah,masih ada yang hormat kita, that said bilamana kita pun hormat dorang juga, tapi kalau sesama muslim pun senang2 nak maki kepala buto orang, tak heran kalau orang pun tak hormat

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    Post time 3-12-2019 01:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
    sub5zero replied at 2-12-2019 02:36 AM
    kdg2 x fikir panjang lg bahaya,  sbb penjenayah ni bkn plan pun nk rogol bagai.... mcm contoh uols ...

    tu la,syukur iols tak penah kena lagi la. zaman study dulu masa sampai stesen bas je macam tension sangat kene hurung dengan pakcik2 teksi sapu ni. dahle sampai sebelum subuh.sanggup iols duduk masjid sampai pukul 8 tunggu bas awam je

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    Post time 3-12-2019 10:34 AM | Show all posts
    dani-rox replied at 1-12-2019 11:50 PM
    tp kalau tengok dlm Crime Patrol dial 100, kemain efisyen lg polis2 India. sekejap jah dpt tangkap ...

    sembang kari? Adalah yg bagus , yg tak bagus lagi ramai kekdahnya.

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    Post time 2-12-2019 12:09 PM | Show all posts
    MenteriWanita replied at 1-12-2019 11:51 PM
    Get lose lah loser, bajet tahu semua, bila aku buka topik pasal Madey ada nama dalam filem SRK ins ...

    yo lah tu Muntri oiii...

    he he

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